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研究生(外文):Tze Jen Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A Research on International Distributorship Agreement Law—Taking the Example of the EU Competition Law
外文關鍵詞:DistributionDistributorDistributorship AgreementExclusive Distributorship AgreementSelective Distributorship AgreementCommercial AgentAgent Agreementand Competition Law.
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This thesis “International Distributorship Agreement Law” can be divided into six parts: Aiming to specify all the norms related to this topic, not only the definition, the character, but also the concept of Distribution are masterly shown in Chapter Two by differentiating similar concepts seemingly between “Distribution” and “Commercial Agent“ in the point of legal and commercial view. It also foreshadows slightly these chapters coming over which mainly categorizes distribution regulations in EU Competition Law. Chapter Three highlights four sources of the International Distributorship Agreement Law which are respectively the Historic, the Global and Regional in international Law, Domestic Law and Electronic Information. More focusing on the source of globe law and the adoption of regional EU Competition Law in this chapter plays an important role in this thesis. The substantial and general principles in the International Distributorship Agreement and following this comes the legal relationship among the principal (supplier), the distributor and the third party (end user) in terms of mutual rights and obligations based on the formally framework in agreement are introduced in Chapter Four. Another point shown in Chapter Five as it expounds the relation between the International Distributorship Agreement and the EU competition law; clearly illustrates the restrictive clauses in the Exclusive Distributorship Agreement and in the Selective Distributorship Agreement which are provided in EU competition Law respectively. It also exams some precedent, adjudication decreed by European Court of Justice for discussing free competition issues. In Chapter Six, sinece we have not seen an unified legal system in Distributorship Agreement oppositely to Commercial Agent law, we particularly takes the Belgium and Italy Distributorship Law for example in order to systematically intorduce the rules of law and general principles which the Distributorship Agreement may follow. Lastly, the contents in chapters above are summarized as the conclusion.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究範圍與限制 2
第三節 研究方法 2
第四節 預期效果 3
第二章 國際經銷契約之概念 5
第一節 起源 5
第二節 定義 6
第三節 性質 9
第四節 類似概念 13
第三章 國際經銷契約之法源 25
第一節 歷史性法源 25
第二節 國際法法源 28
第三節 國內法法源 57
第四節 資訊性法源 58
第四章 國際經銷契約之基本原則 59
第一節 標題 61
第二節 序文 61
第三節 主文 66
第四節 契約之終止 82
第五章 國際經銷契約與歐盟競爭法之關係 87
第一節 獨家經銷契約(Exclusive Distributorship Agreement) 87
第二節 選擇性經銷契約(Selective Distributorship Agreement) 103
第六章 歐盟會員國對國際經銷契約終止之補償──代結論 117
第一節 比利時法 118
第二節 義大利法 125
第三節 結語 127
【參考文獻及書目】 129
【附錄】 137
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