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研究生(外文):Chun-chang Liu
指導教授(外文):Yen-pao Chen
外文關鍵詞:ownership structurecorporate governanceinvestment performance
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自從美國安隆(Enron)案爆發後,牽引出企業財務透明度與公司負責人誠信(integrity)等問題,公司治理(Corporate Governance)逐漸成為企業利害關係人所關心重視的議題。公司治理內部監督機制的核心在於董事會,而外部監督機制係由外部投資者所擔任。透過企業內、外部監督機制的交互運作應可有效的解決在企業所有權與經營權分離之後,公司經營者不再以股東財富極大化為目標,而是以追求個人效用極大化為依歸,因而產生的代理問題(agency problem)。

本研究以台灣 313 家上市公司為研究樣本,進行Panel data迴歸模型之統計分析,研究股權結構與公司治理機制對於企業轉投資績效的影響。此外,也依據研究假說,對於樣本公司給予公司治理評分,據以區分出高度與低度公司治理兩種型態之企業,以利驗證二者之平均轉投資收益是否存有差異,以及計算此二種類型企業之轉投資績效,以回應假說。


The collapse of Enron highlighted some of its chronic corporate problems, including its financial transparency and management integrity. As a result, corporate governance (CG) is becoming a key issue for interested corporate parties. The core of the corporate internal monitoring mechanism is the board of directors, while institutional investors provide a corporate external monitoring mechanism. Through internal and external corporate monitoring, agency problems arising from the separation between ownership and control should be mitigated.

This research utilizes 7 years data (1998-2004) from the TEJ financial database and conducts a panel data regression analysis on 313 listed companies to examine the effects of ownership structure and corporate governance mechanism on a company’s investment performance. In addition, we give CG scores to our sample companies, and accordingly distinguish two types of corporations. In order to examine the hypothesis developed in the literature review, we test whether any difference exists in investing income between these two types of corporations. Finally, we compare the investment performance of these two types of corporations in order to test the hypothesis previously developed.

The empirical results show that among all CG variables, only director and supervisor shareholding and large shareholder shareholding are positively associated with a firm’s investment performance. Managerial shareholding, board size, ratio of independent directors and other directors, ratio of independent supervisors and other supervisors, common institutional shareholding and financial institutional shareholding show a positive but insignificant association. Likewise, CEO duality is negatively but insignificantly associated. The relationship between a firm’s ROE and investment performance is also negative but insignificant.

From another perspective, we give CG scores to our sample companies, and accordingly distinguish two types of corporations. The results indicate that companies with higher CG degree can expect higher average investment income. Besides, the higher CG degree of a company, the better investment performance it will achieve.
第一章 緒論 ------------------------------------------- 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ------------------------------- 1
第二節 研究問題 ------------------------------------- 4
第三節 研究架構 ------------------------------------- 6
第二章 文獻探討 --------------------------------------- 8
第一節 轉投資的意義、動機及其限制 -------------------- 8
第二節 代理理論 ------------------------------------ 13
第三節 公司治理 ------------------------------------ 22
第四節 論文特色 ------------------------------------ 42
第三章 研究設計與研究方法 ----------------------------- 44
第一節 研究假說 ------------------------------------ 44
第二節 研究變數的定義與衡量 ------------------------ 54
第三節 研究分析方法 -------------------------------- 60
第四章 實證結果與分析 --------------------------------- 68
第一節 樣本描述與敘述統計分析 ---------------------- 68
第二節 多元迴歸分析 -------------------------------- 74
第三節 不同類型公司轉投資績效之差異檢定 ------------ 85
第五章 結論與建議 ------------------------------------ 88
第一節 研究結論 ------------------------------------ 88
第二節 研究限制 ------------------------------------ 91
第三節 研究建議 ------------------------------------ 93
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------- 96
中文部分 -------------------------------------------- 96
英文部分 ------------------------------------------- 100
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