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研究生(外文):Huang Ming Chieh
論文名稱(外文):The European Union's Lifting Arms Embargo on the People's Republic of China and Its Impacts on the Asia-Pacific Security
指導教授(外文):Huang Chiu Lung
外文關鍵詞:PRC-EU relationsArms embargothe security of Asia Pacific zoneGame theoryCommitment strategy.
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近年來歐盟計劃解除對中共自1989年天安門事件以來的武器禁令,期間歷經短短的17年時間,解除武器禁令的動機除了有些可觀察的戰略、利益因素之外,而中共與歐盟交往關係是否正在發生質變,也值得我們重視;美國與歐盟雖然是傳統盟邦然而並不代表彼此在所有領域裡都有共識,如當今的伊朗非核化問題等等,同理歐盟與中共在美國發動伊拉克反恐軍事行動之後,彼此朝向戰略層面接近之趨勢,雖使歐盟與中共多少都將牽制美國做為其想定的政策目標,但此趨勢也不必然就是冷戰時期權力政治(power politics)下的權力均勢,從而與美國直接相互對抗;而美國雖然有意改善與歐盟、中共的關係,但其所選擇或調整後的國際合作手段,主要還是要在貫徹其既有的強硬外交政策,繼續維繫其國際社會主導地位。所以,中共、歐盟以及美國之間的關係已轉變為具有差異相容、既競爭又合作、既交往又限制的特性。
Recently, EU attempting to lift the arms embargo on PRC since
Tiananmen incident 1989, 17 years ago. Not only lifting the arms embargo’s motivation has strategic and interested factor but also the PRC---EU relations becoming variable.
Although the U.S. and EU are traditional allies, but it does not represent U.S. and EU have common view in all fields. For example, Iran’s nuclear incident is the one.
Like U.S. ---EU relations, after American’s combat terrorism military operations, PRC and EU want to restrict the U.S.. But the trend also does not represent PRC and EU want to challenge the U.S. like USSR in cold war. Even though the U.S. has the purpose to improve the relations between PRC and EU. Its international cooperative manner still wants to carry through the tough diplomacy and maintain its international status. Therefore, the relations between PRC, EU and the U.S. are variable but tolerant, in addition to competitive and cooperative, even associate and restrained.
Asia Pacific zone is the world’s center but the Cross-straight situation threats the security of Asia Pacific zone. While PRC control the military, political and economic power among Cross- straight. Understanding the change of PRC’s arms sources and observing the rise of PRC have really become new military security threat to Asia Pacific zone.
This study through Game theory and Commitment strategy analyses to interpret the relations between the PRC, EU and the U.S.. In order to discover why EU attempts to lift the arms embargo on PRC and its real metaphor. Therefore, our country will have more abilities to select precise policy to improve our international status.
第一章 緒論………………………………………………………..1
第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………..2
第二節 研究途徑與方法……………………………………..6
第三節 研究架構……………………………………………..10
第四節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………..11

第二章 中共歐盟交往的實踐及其現實意涵……………………..13
第一節 中共歐盟交往的實踐………………………………..14
第二節 中共歐盟交往的現實意涵…………………………..26
第三節 中共歐盟交往與亞太戰略情勢之關係……………..29

第三章 歐盟對中共武器禁運與計劃解禁之動向………………..35
第一節 歐盟對中共武器禁運的原因………………………..36
第二節 歐盟計劃解除對中共武器禁運的動向……………..41
第三節 美國與日本對歐盟計劃解除中共武器禁運之反應與分析……………………………………………………..50

第四章 911事件以來的美歐政治經濟變遷與亞太區域安全關係..59
第一節 美國的安全戰略變遷與國際戰略新情勢…………..60
第二節 美歐政治經濟變遷趨勢與亞太區域安全關係……..69
第三節 中共歐盟戰略伙伴關係對亞太區域安全之衝擊…..79

第五章 結論:歐盟計劃解除對中共武器禁運與亞太區域安全..85
第一節 亞太區域安全新的變化情勢………………………..86
第二節 新的台海安全問題…………………………………..88
第三節 歐盟解除武器禁運之可能未來發展與我因應之道..92


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