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研究生(外文):Yi-Yin Wu
論文名稱(外文):Disscussion The Influence of Characteristics of Mutural Fund Managers to The Performance of Relative Correlation- as The Example of Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Shih-Jen Liao
外文關鍵詞:Keyword: performance、mutual fund manager、personality
  • 被引用被引用:9
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本文主要目的是探討國內基金經理人之性格特質與基金操作之相關性以及在多空市場型態下,國內基金經理人性格特質與各因素關聯性,本研究採用冒險性格傾向、內外控性格傾向、型A或型B性格三種性格特質做為解釋變數,並以基金績效以及投資組合風險為預探討為被解釋變數來探討,另外本篇在多空市場型態分類上採Faboozzi and Francis(1979)之分類方式,利用迴歸模式配合SPSS11.0程式針對45份回收資料進行分析,所得結論如下:
The research purposes include:
1. To explore the relationship of personal characteristics and performance of local mutual fund managers.
2. To investigate the relationship of the personal characteristics and other factors of local mutual fund managers under various market conditions

This research applies three types of personality characteristics, which include adventurous personality inclination, internal and external control personality inclination, and type A or type B personality serving as the explanatory variables. In addition, we employ mutual fund returns and mutual fund risk as the explained variables for this research. Furthermore, for the definition of bear and bull markets, this research adopts the literature proposed by Faboozzi and Francis (1979). Regression models are applied to 45 collected samples

The results demonstrate the following conclusion:.
1. Different personality inclinations of mutual fund managers will make significant variance on fund performance. Fund managers with stronger internal control personality inclination or type A personality end up with better fund performance. The degree of adventurous personality inclination of mutual fund managers shows no significant correlation to fund performance. The mutual fund managers with stronger internal control personality inclination will bring with better fund performance. This advantage especially is significant during bull markets.
2. Various personality inclinations of mutual fund managers will lead significant variance on investment risks. The fund managers with stronger adventurous personality inclination or stronger internal control personality inclination will lead to significant variance on investment rissk, except for type A or type B personality. The mutual fund managers with stronger adventure personality inclination and stronger internal control personality inclination will have higher fund risks, especially in the periods of bull markets.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
一、緒論 1
1.1 研究背景及研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
1.3 研究對象 5
1.5 論文結構 9
1.6 研究流程 10
二、文獻探討 11
2.1 共同基金績效指標的相關文獻 11
2.2.性格特質的相關理論探討 17
2.3 國內外共同基金經理人相關文獻探討 23
三、研究方法 28
3.1 研究架構 28
3.2 研究假設 30
3.3 研究衡量工具 31
3.4 建構操作性定義 35
3.5 資料來源與問卷回收 38
3.6 研究限制 42
3.7 統計分析 42
四、實證結果與分析解釋 46
4.1 統計檢定結果 46
4.2 分析解釋 56
五、結論 60
5.1 性格特質與基金績效之研究結論 60
5.2 性格特質與投資風險之研究結論 61
5.3 企業界應用之建議 61
5.4對後續研究的建議 62
參考文獻 63
西文部分 63
中文部份 65
附錄一 68
附錄二 72

表 1 我國共同基金數量與規模 2
表 2 本研究之研究期間多頭、空頭之劃分 6
表 3 本研究之研究對象 7
表 4 國內外共同基金績效指標相關文獻彙總表 15
表 5 性格特質與工作績效之相關文獻彙總表 20
表 6 有效樣本之共同基金經理人表 39
表 7 常態性檢定表 55


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