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研究生(外文):Yu Chi Chang
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Study of Operational Efficiency of Financial Holding and Non-Financial Holding Banks in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Maria Kuo
外文關鍵詞:DEA(Data Envelopment Analysis)Management EfficiencyFinancial Holding CompanyMalmquist Index
  • 被引用被引用:10
  • 點閱點閱:583
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:9

The purpose of this study is to discuss whether the banks which had established financial holding company can increase their management efficiency and have better management efficiency than other banks which had not established financial holding company. The samples of this study are eleven banks which had established financial holding company and sixteen banks which had not established financial holding company. The data is collected form 2001 to 2005. The input variables are the salary expense, capital assets, and expenditures on interest, and the output variables are interest income and non-interest income. The data of this study are analyzed by using DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) and Malmquist Index in order to find out the management efficiency and the inter-temporal change. The results are as following:

1. The technical efficiency of all banks went down before the establishment of financial holding company and right after the establishment of financial holding company, but it increased after two years of the establishment of financial holding company.
2. Before the group of banks which have established financial holding company, their efficiency scale were lower than the group of banks which have not established finical holding company . After two years, the group of banks which have established financial holding company had higher efficiency scale than another group of banks. Then, the return scales for most banks were decreased.
3. By using Malmquist Index to investigate inter-temporal change, form 2002 to 2004 the inter-temporal change for group of banks which have established financial holding company was increased, and for another group of banks was decreased.

中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 ---------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 ---------------------------------------------- iv
目錄 ---------------------------------------------- v
表目錄 ---------------------------------------------- vii
圖目錄 ---------------------------------------------- viii
一、 緒論------------------------------------------ 1
1.1 研究背景與動機-------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的-------------------------------------- 2
1.3 研究限制-------------------------------------- 2
1.4 研究架構與流程-------------------------------- 3
二、 文獻回顧-------------------------------------- 7
2.1 銀行投入、產出項的界定------------------------ 7
2.2 銀行效率評估相關文獻-------------------------- 8
2.2.1 國外文獻回顧---------------------------------- 8
2.2.2 國內文獻回顧---------------------------------- 10
三、 研究方法-------------------------------------- 17
3.1 效率評估模式---------------------------------- 17
3.1.1 Farrell效率評估方法---------------------------- 17
3.1.2 CCR模式-------------------------------------- 18
3.1.3 BBC模式-------------------------------------- 21
3.1.4 DEA模式的優、缺------------------------------ 24
3.1.5 差額變數模式---------------------------------- 26
3.2 麥式指數分析法-------------------------------- 26
四、 實證分析-------------------------------------- 28
4.1 投入與產出項變數選取-------------------------- 28
4.2 經營效率分析---------------------------------- 30
4.3 差額變數分析---------------------------------- 41
4.4 麥氏生產力指數分析---------------------------- 43
五、 結論------------------------------------------ 49
5.1 研究結論-------------------------------------- 49
5.2 後續研究建議---------------------------------- 50
參考文獻 ---------------------------------------------- 51
附錄一 2002年投入項與產出項可改善空間--------------- 54
附錄二 2003年投入項與產出項可改善空間--------------- 55
附錄三 2004年投入項與產出項可改善空間--------------- 56
附錄四 2005年投入項與產出項可改善空間--------------- 57
附錄五 2002年各項麥氏指數一覽表--------------------- 58
附錄六 2003年各項麥氏指數一覽表--------------------- 59
附錄七 2004年各項麥氏指數一覽表--------------------- 60
附錄八 2005年各項麥氏指數一覽表--------------------- 61


表1-1 各金融控股公司一覽表----------------------------- 4
表2-1 國內、外文獻彙整表------------------------------- 14
表4-1 樣本銀行分類表----------------------------------- 28
表4-2 投入項與產出項定義表----------------------------- 29
表4-3 投入與產出項變數之相關係數分析------------------- 29
表4-4 2001年各項效率值-------------------------------- 31
表4-5 2002年各項效率值-------------------------------- 33
表4-6 2003年各項效率值-------------------------------- 35
表4-7 2004年各項效率值-------------------------------- 37
表4-8 2005年各項效率值-------------------------------- 39
表4-9 規模報酬統計表----------------------------------- 40
表4-10 2005年投入項與產出項可改善空間------------------ 41
表4-11 2002年與2003年各項麥氏指數--------------------- 46
表4-12 2004年與2005年各項麥氏指數--------------------- 47


圖1 研究流程圖--------------------------------------- 6
圖2 Farrell 效率關係圖------------------------------- 18
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