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研究生(外文):Chih-Hao Huang
論文名稱(外文):A study about the factors of affecting the e-learning performance
指導教授(外文):Jerome Wen
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一、 線上服務品質影響因素中,效率與使用者對線上學習服務品質認知有顯著影響。
二、 線上服務品質影響因素中,可靠性與使用者對線上學習服務品質認知有顯著影響。
三、 線上服務品質影響因素中,完成性與使用者對線上學習服務品質認知有顯著影響。
四、 線上服務品質影響因素中,隱私性與使用者對線上學習服務品質認知有顯著影響。
五、 線上服務品質影響因素中,回應性與使用者對線上學習服務品質認知有顯著影響。
六、 線上服務品質影響因素中,連繫性與使用者對線上學習服務品質認知有顯著影響。
七、 使用者對線上服務品質認知與使用者滿意度有顯著影響。
八、 使用者滿意度與使用者行為意向有顯著影響。
Following the usage of large amounts of information technology, as well as the widespread use of the Internet in the global village, the number of people using the Internet is increasing year by year. In recent years, plenty of universities and colleges use e-Learning as a way to assist teaching method. On the one hand, it can reduce time consuming and cost, on the other hand, it can also increase the advantages of competitions between colleges. However, even though there are many websites for people to access e-Learning, a successful one is rarely suggested. Therefore, the main purpose of this main research is to discuss the facts which could affect the quality of e-Learning service, and using the framework which proposed by Zeithaml by efficiency, reliability, completion, privacy, correspondence and connection, and taking the reference of e-Learning service model as amending, in order to study the satisfaction of learners on it’s service.
In order to reach this goal, the researcher takes results of previous studies, and using questionnaires to collect the information. There are totally 401 questionnaires, deduct non-effect ones, 379 to be presented in this study, rated 94.51%. By using SPSS as analysis tool, the results of this research could be concluded as follows:
1. Among all the factors which will affect the quality of e-Learning service, efficiency has a great influence on learner’s conception in e-Learning.
2. Among all the factors which will affect the quality of e-Learning service, reliability has a great influence on learner’s conception in e-Learning.
3. Among all the factors which will affect the quality of e-Learning service, fulfillment has a great influence on learner’s conception in e-Learning.
4. Among all the factors which will affect the quality of e-Learning service, privacy has a great influence on learner’s conception in e-Learning.
5. Among all the factors which will affect the quality of e-Learning service, responsiveness has a great influence on learner’s conception in e-Learning.
6. Among all the factors which will affect the quality of e-Learning service, contact has a great influence on learner’s conception in e-Learning.
7. There is a high relationship between learner’s conception on e-Learning service quality and satisfaction.
8. It is highly relative that learner’s satisfaction has something to do with the learner’s intention.
中文摘要 ---------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 ---------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 ----------------------------------------------- iv
目錄 ----------------------------------------------- v
表目錄 ----------------------------------------------- vii
圖目錄 ----------------------------------------------- ix
一、 緒論------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究背景與動機------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的---------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.3 研究範圍---------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.4 研究流程---------------------------------------------------------- 2
二、 文獻探討--------------------------------------- 3
2.1 線上學習--------------------------------------- 3
2.1.1 線上學習的標準--------------------------------- 3
2.1.2 線上學習的定義--------------------------------- 4
2.1.3 線上學習的優缺點------------------------------- 5
2.2 線上服務品質----------------------------------- 7
2.2.1 線上服務--------------------------------------- 7
2.2.2 線上服務品質定義------------------------------- 8
2.2.3 線上服務品質的衡量----------------------------- 8
2.3 滿意度----------------------------------------- 15
2.4 行為意向--------------------------------------- 18
三、 研究架構與方法--------------------------------- 19
3.1 研究架構--------------------------------------- 19
3.2 研究假說--------------------------------------- 20
3.3 研究方法--------------------------------------- 22
3.4 研究對象--------------------------------------- 22
3.5 研究工具--------------------------------------- 23
3.5.1 問卷內容與編制--------------------------------- 23
3.5.2 填答與計分方式--------------------------------- 27
3.5.3 信度分析--------------------------------------- 27
3.5.4 效度分析--------------------------------------- 27
3.6 資料分析方法----------------------------------- 28
四、 研究結果分析----------------------------------- 30
4.1 線上服務品質影響因素、線上服務品質認知、使用者滿意度與使用行為意向之整體分析------------------- 30
4.1.1 線上服務品質影響因素之整體分析----------------- 30
4.1.2 線上服務品質認知之整體分析--------------------- 33
4.1.3 使用者滿意度之整體分析------------------------- 34
4.1.4 使用行為意向之整體分析------------------------- 34
4.2 線上服務品質影響因素、線上服務品質認知、使用者滿意度與使用行為意向之相關分析------------------- 35
4.2.1 線上服務品質影響因素與線上服務品質認知之相關分析--------------------------------------------- 35
4.2.2 線上服務品質認知、使用者滿意度與使用行為意向之相關分析----------------------------------------- 36
4.3 線上服務品質影響因素、線上服務品質認知、使用者滿意度與使用行為意向之預測分析------------------- 38
4.3.1 線上服務品質影響因素與線上服務品質認知之預測分析--------------------------------------------- 38
4.3.2 線上服務品質認知、使用者滿意度與使用行為意向之預測分析----------------------------------------- 40
五、 研究結論與建議--------------------------------- 43
5.1 研究發現--------------------------------------- 43
5.1.1 線上服務品質影響因素--------------------------- 43
5.1.2 線上服務品質認知、使用者滿意度與使用行為意向----------------------------------------------- 44
5.1.3 線上服務品質影響因素、線上服務品質認知、使用者滿意度與使用行為意向之相關----------------------- 45
5.1.4 線上服務品質影響因素、線上服務品質認知、使用者滿意度與使用行為意向之迴歸預測------------------- 45
5.2 研究結論--------------------------------------- 45
5.3 研究限制--------------------------------------- 46
5.4 研究建議--------------------------------------- 46
5.5 對後續研究的建議------------------------------- 46
六、 文獻參考--------------------------------------- 48
附錄 問卷內容--------------------------------------- 52

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