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研究生(外文):Lung cheng lun
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Organizational Trust of Virtual Community on Organizational Citizenship BehaviorThe Impact of Organizational Trust of Virtual Community on Organizational Citizenship BehaviorThe Impact of Organizational Trust of Virtual Community on Orga
指導教授(外文):Duh ching miinChen Wu Nan
外文關鍵詞:Virtual CommunityOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorOrganization Trust
  • 被引用被引用:8
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研究中先以40位研究生,進行第一次問卷前測之樣本,修正問卷中語意不清的部份,以提昇問卷之信度及完整度。正式問卷之部份,問卷方式採用網路問卷方式,並以國內較為知名之虛擬社群做為問卷抽樣之樣本,正式問卷始於民國95年3月15日發出,於民國95年3月30日回收,共得有效問卷346份。問卷回收後使用統計分析軟體SPSS V.10並歸納計算出各變數數值,再分別以相關分析、迴歸分析等資料分析方式來探討各構面之間的關係。

In recently years, many reports indicate that organizational citizenship behavior has positive correlation with organization effective and organization competitive. Since then, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) becomes an interesting topic in many organizational behavior and organizational management issues. The purposes of this research are (1) to investigate the impact of virtual community on OCB, and (2) to investigate the correlations between OCB and organizational competence. This research aims to bridge the linkage among virtual community, organizational trust model, organizational citizenship behavior and organizational competence.

In order to enhance the validity and generality of the questionnaire, there were 40 graduated students took the pretest. According to pretest data analysis, questionnaire was revised and redesigned. After revision, the questionnaire was put on the web for data collection, 346 data was collected through the Web. The data was analyzed by using SPSS v10.

There are several findings from data analysis, first, there are many different purposes of members who join virtual community, for example, some are looking for extension of personal relation, some are for their own personal needs. Second, the members in positive organizational trusting climate perform higher organizational citizenship behavior. That implies the organizational climate is an important factor of organizational citizenship behavior. From organizational competence perspective, as long as enhance individual capability incur organizational competence.
目 錄
摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目 錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究重要性 3
1.3 研究流程 3
1.4 本研究執行步驟 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1社群(COMMUNITY) 6
2.1.1 社群的特徵 6
2.1.2 社群的分類 7
2.2.1 虛擬社群的分類 8
2.2.2 虛擬社群組成要件 8
2.2.3 虛擬社群互動模式 11
2.2.4 虛擬社群之成員型態 13
2.3.1 信任的定義 14
2.3.2 信任的形成 15
2.3.3 信任的分類 16
2.3.4 組織信任的意涵 18
2.3.5 組織信任對組織的影響 22
2.4.1 組織公民行為的意涵 25
2.4.2 組織公民行為理論基礎 26
2.4.3 組織公民行為構面 30
2.5組織績效 31
2.5.1 績效的定義 31
2.5.2 績效評估的意義 32
2.5.3 工作績效 32
2.5.4 組織績效的意涵 33
第三章 研究方法 37
3.1 研究架構 37
3.2 研究變數與操作化定義 38
3.3研究假設 43
3.4問卷設計 48
3.5問卷前測 49
3.6 研究對象及樣本選取 50
3.7 統計分析方法 56
第四章 資料分析與討論 59
4.1 樣本整體描述 59
4.2 問卷構面因素分析 63
4.3 問卷構面信度及效度分析 70
4.4 相關分析 72
4.5 迴歸分析 75
4.6 綜合討論 87
第五章 研究結論與建議 90
5.1研究結論 90
5.2 學術及管理實務意涵 95
5.3 研究貢獻 97
5.4 研究限制 97
5.5 後續研究建議 98
參考文獻 100
附錄:問卷 107
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