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研究生(外文):Yuan-Ming Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Porting of U-Boot Bootloader Based on IXP425 XScale Embedded System
指導教授(外文):Wen-Chuan Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:U-BootBootstrap loaderBootloaderBootManagerIXP425ARMXscaleBIOS
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嵌入式系統中常見的Bootloader有RedBoot、ARMboot、Compaq Bootldr、Blob、PMon、U-Boot等,在長期使用單一開發板(Evaluation Board)狀況下,只要選擇一種Boot loader可以解決此問題,但對於大量進行各種不同開發嵌入式系統開發者而言,這可能是很煩瑣的問題,尤其是現在硬體變化速度,令人目不暇給,新產品的硬體變化頻繁,造成開發者必須不斷的修改或增加Bootloader程式,這對產業界而言,是相當曠日費時的。
在移植過程中,除了遭遇到4個可能的錯誤資訊外,在測試的過程中也遇到另一個錯誤,問題都已順利解決,在MonteJade這個開發板上,可以透過U-Boot讓系統核心linux kernel 2.4和2.6.x版順利運行其上,而且在Bootloader開機的速度上,U-Boot比RedBoot開機速度更快,但佔用的快閃記憶體卻更小,但功能也一樣俱全。
In recently years, embedded systems are widely used in today's society. However, without a well bootloader, these embedded systems are just complicated hunks of silicon with nothing to do. Off-the-shelf bootloaders used in those embedded systems include RedBoot, ARMboot, Compaq Bootldr, Blob, PMon and U-Boot.
The Ministry of Education has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Intel at the 2005 Intel Developer Forum. Under the MOU, Intel will provide IXDPG425 Development Boards (code-named MonteJade) to 10 universities in promoting industry-academia cooperation.
The research is under the supported by INTEL and the Ministry of Education Jointed Program and has successfully ported U-Boot bootloader into Intel MonteJade, The board already had a RedBoot bootloader programmed and through which system developers could easily load embedded linux and work on it. However, the RedBoot is much larger code size. On the other side, U-Boot is a GPL'ed cross-platform boot loader shepherded by project leader Wolfgang Denk and provides support for hundreds of embedded boards and a wide variety of CPUs including PowerPC, ARM, XScale, MIPS, Coldfire and NIOS.
In this paper, we started from discussing the core issue of porting — IXDPG425 architecture and memory initialization. Then we point out its difficult key factors and ways to solve them. Finally, we demoed the porting process and proved f the ported U-Boot is much smaller code size and shorter booting time compated to RedBoot from experimental observations.
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 1
二、 文獻探討 3
2.1 何謂嵌入式系統 3
2.1.1 嵌入式系統的應用領域 3
2.2 嵌入式系統的組成 5
2.2.1 嵌入式作業系統 6
2.2.2 嵌入式處理器 7
2.3 XScale ARM 處理器 9
2.3.1 Intel公司的XScale微處理器 9
2.3.2 Intel IXP425處理器 11
2.4 Bootloader 13
2.5 Bootloader的操作模式 15
2.6 Bootloder的主要任務與典型的框架 15
2.6.1 stage1執行步驟 16
2.6.2 stage2執行步驟 17
2.7 BootLoader的種類 19
2.8 U-Boot的簡介 22
2.8.1 U-Boot的特性 22
2.8.2 U-Boot常用指令 24
2.9 跨平台編譯環境 24
2.9.1 何謂跨平台編譯 24
2.9.2 常見跨平台編譯工具 25
2.9.3 Montavista Toolkit 3.1 28
2.10 SnapGear Embedded Linux Distribution 28
2.11 國內外相關研究 29
三、 系統分析與設計 30
3.1 移植平台系統架構 30
3.2 JTAG Tool 32
3.3 所需要使用的軟體 33
3.3.1 U-Boot source code 33
3.3.2 測試的作業系統 33
3.3.3 編譯環境 34
3.4 U-Boot原始程式分析 34
3.4.1 U-Boot的目錄結構 34
3.5 U-Boot的記憶體規劃及啟動流程 36
3.5.1 系統位址記憶體規劃 37
3.5.2 Bootloader啓動流程 38
四、 系統實做與展示 40
4.1 硬體開發環境建立 40
4.1.1 硬體環境 40
4.2 軟體開發環境建立 41
4.2.1 安裝tftp伺服器 42
4.2.2 ICE軟體安裝 43
4.2.3 ICE環境設定 43
4.2.4 CONSOLE軟體介面設定 45
4.2.5 CrossCompiler軟體安裝 46
4.2.6 U-Boot原始程式碼安裝 46
4.2.7 軟體測試前置步驟 47
4.2.8 軟體修正與除錯 50
4.2.9 修正後結果測試展示 56
4.2.10 linux 核心載入測試 61
4.2.11 效能比較 67
五、 結論與未來展望 69
5.1 結論 69
5.2 未來展望 69
誌謝 70
參考文獻 71
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