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研究生(外文):Chiu Chih Jen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Behavior Intention of Advertising Ethics Decision-Making Related to Advertiser in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Huang Ching Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Advertising EthicsEthical Decision Making ModelIssue-Contingent ModelAdvertiser
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伴隨當今廣告曝光率頻繁、消費者意識抬頭,企業所執行的許多廣告活動,逐漸地受到消費者的質疑。近年來因廣告不實與消費者權益所衍生之爭議問題亦逐漸浮現檯面,回溯此癥結的根源,在企業的各項職能中,廣告決策者最常被視為是容易涉及不倫理行為的主因。因為廣告主有時會受到個人及情境因素的影響,或面臨追求商業利益之考量下,產生不同的廣告倫理決策行為模式,進而影響廣告方式的呈現及效果,因而引發本研究想深入探討的動機。本研究以Jones (1991) 提出倫理決策之「議題權變模型」做為核心的理論基礎,並參考Ferrell and Gresham (1985)、 Treviño (1986)、Ferrell, Gresham and Fraedirch (1989)等學者提出之倫理決策模型加以修正,試圖建構較具信、效度的「廣告倫理決策行為意向」模式,探討其廣告倫理情境中道德強度高低、個人因素(含倫理哲學與個人價值觀)與組織因素(含倫理規範與倫理氣候)是否會影響廣告主之廣告倫理決策,並瞭解各項可能影響因素之間的關聯性。研究結果顯示:在虛偽不實廣告情境中,「道德強度」、「個人價值觀」、「倫理規範」與「倫理氣候」對「倫理決策過程」具有顯著影響;而在引人錯誤廣告情境中,「道德強度」對「倫理決策過程」具有顯著影響。
Accompanied by the frequent exposures of advertisements and awaken of the consumers ideology, consumers have started to suspect about lots of advertising activities sponsored by the enterprises. Disputes in which deriving from deceiving advertisements and consumer rights have existed recently. Trace back to the original problem, advertising decision makers are normally seemed to be the major cause that gets to involve into unethical activities. They suffer from the influence of individual or environmental factors or the considerations of commercial benefits in decision making though decision makers (such as advertiser). Therefore, the result may influence the representation and the outcome of the advertisement. To our knowledge, there are seldom research that had involved into this issue. Thus, this issue is worthy to study. In this study, we take the “Issue-Contingent Model” proposed by Jones (1991) as the core of the theory foundation, and also refer to others ethical decision making models (Ferrell & Gresham, 1985; Trevino, 1986; Ferrell, Gresham & Fraedirch, 1989). In order to increase the reliability and validity of the model- “The Behavioral Intention of Advertising Ethical Decision Making” Finally, the model tries to explore whether Moral Intensity, Individual Factors (i.e., Moral Philosophy, and Personal Value) and Organizational Factors (i.e., Ethical Code and Ethical Climates) will affect or not the advertising ethical decision makings of the advertisers. It also tries to explore the relations among each possible effecting dimension. This research got the following conclusions: 1.Moral intensity, personal value, ethical code and ethical climates were significant influence on ethical decision making process in scenarios of false and untrue advertisement; 2.Moral intensity was significant influence on ethical decision making process in scenarios of misleading advertisement.
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究步驟及流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 倫理道德之定義 5
2.2 行銷倫理之定義 6
2.3 行銷倫理範疇 7
2.4 廣告倫理之定義及範疇 8
2.5 攸關廣告倫理議題之相關研究 9
2.6 倫理決策模式 10
2.6.1 Ferrell and Gresham (1985) 的行銷組織中倫理決策權變模型 11
2.6.2 Treviño (1986) 的人員情境互動模型 12
2.6.3 Hunt and Vitell (1986) 的行銷倫理一般理論 15
2.6.4 Bommer et al. (1987) 的倫理/不倫理決策行為模型 18
2.6.5 Ferrell, Gresham and Fraedirch (1989) 的行銷道德綜合模型 21
2.6.6 Dubinsky and Loken (1989) 的行銷倫理決策模型 22
2.6.7 Jones (1991) 的倫理決策議題權變模型 23
2.7 攸關倫理決策綜合模型之研究 28
2.7.1 倫理決策綜合模型實證研究之變數選取 28
2.7.2 倫理決策綜合模型實證研究結果 32
2.8 小結 40
第三章 研究方法 44
3.1 變數之選取及研究架構 44
3.2 研究假設 44
3.3 問卷設計 46
3.4 研究對象與抽樣方法 51
3.5 資料分析方法 51
第四章 實證資料分析 53
4.1 問卷回收與樣本特徵 53
4.2 研究模式之敘述統計及信度分析 54
4.2.1 倫理決策過程與道德強度之敘述統計及信度分析 54
4.2.2 倫理哲學與個人價值觀之敘述統計及信度分析 55
4.2.3 倫理規範與倫理氣候之敘述統計及信度分析 58
4.3 研究變項之單因子變異數分析(ANOVA) 60
4.4 研究變項之相關分析 62
4.5 研究模式之複迴歸分析 63
4.6 小結 65
第五章 結論與建議 67
5.1 實證資料分析平均數所呈現的意義與討論 67
5.2 外在變項與各變項之差異性分析 68
5.3 實證資料分析與研究假設成立與否及其原因 71
5.4 管理意涵與實務上建議 76
5.5 研究限制與後續研究建議 77
參考文獻 78
附錄一 情境A各變項組合之複迴歸分析 90
附錄二 情境B各變項組合之複迴歸分析 91
附錄三 正式問卷 92
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