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論文名稱(外文):A Study of Internal Marketing and Satisfaction of the Military Libraries in Taiwan, R. O. C.
指導教授(外文):Shih-Sen PengChuen-Chyi Horng
外文關鍵詞:Internal MarketingEmployee SatisfactionMilitary LibraryHappily Librarian
  • 被引用被引用:6
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This thesis establishes a thinking structure for internal marketing and satisfaction theory that can help to describe the service system of a military library in the future. The internal marketing and satisfaction of a library is not only a concept but it also includes a set of feasible techniques and procedures. Today, both public and university libraries need to pay more attention on the internal marking to insure a good service to all the customers such as the public users, academic researchers, teachers, and the students. And all the military college libraries are required to develop the internal marketing activity to satisfy all the users as well. How to promote the military library to be a place of happily librarians and a high quality service to the customers is extremely an important studying issue. This thesis, through the statistical analysis study, discusses the factors between the internal marketing and satisfaction of ten military libraries in Taiwan. The study defines the employees as internal customers to implement the marketing activities and explores the job satisfaction factors between the employees and the users of the military libraries. The results from this study are expected to figure out individual satisfaction factor of happily librarian to improve the military library administration in the future.
The methodology of this study uses the questionnaire to ask the current military librarians in Taiwan about the internal marketing and satisfaction of their service. By using the SPSS analytical tool, six related factors, such as “the education training” etc., are established to promote the service quality in the military library. The collected questionnaire is 45 effective copies out of 50 (90%). Most of librarians are female (80%). About 46% of the librarians have more than 16 service years. About 33% of the librarians are in 31 to 40 ages. About 47% of the military librarians graduated from colleges and 78% of them are specialized in library service. This study shows that military librarian background has no any relation to the internal marketing and satisfaction. But all the six factors established have highly relationship to the internal marketing and satisfaction of service. It is expected that the study result is a helpful reference to the administration of all the military libraries in Taiwan.
中文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------- I
英文摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------------- II
目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------- III
表目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------- V
圖目錄 --------------------------------------------------------------------- VII
一、 緒論--------------------------------------------------------------- 01
1.1 研究背景與動機------------------------------------------------ 01
1.2 研究目的--------------------------------------------------------- 03
1.3 研究問題--------------------------------------------------------- 04
1.4 研究範圍與限制------------------------------------------------ 05
二、 文獻探討--------------------------------------------------------- 06
2.1 服務之定義------------------------------------------------------ 06
2.2 服務的特性------------------------------------------------------ 08
2.3 服務業的分類--------------------------------------------------- 10
2.4 服務業的行銷策略--------------------------------------------- 11
2.5 圖書館環境分析------------------------------------------------ 13
2.6 圖書館行銷的基本概念與意義------------------------------ 15
2.7 圖書館行銷策略的發展程序--------------------------------- 16
2.8 圖書館行銷的相關研究--------------------------------------- 18
2.9 圖書館內部行銷的論點--------------------------------------- 20
2.10 圖書館滿意度的論點------------------------------------------ 21
三、 研究方法--------------------------------------------------------- 24
3.1 研究流程--------------------------------------------------------- 24
3.2 研究假設--------------------------------------------------------- 26
3.3 操作性定義------------------------------------------------------ 28
3.4 研究樣本特性--------------------------------------------------- 30
四、 實證分析--------------------------------------------------------- 34
4.1 軍事院校各單位基本資料分析------------------------------ 34
4.2 描述性統計------------------------------------------------------ 53
4.3 顯著性分析------------------------------------------------------ 60
4.4 相關性分析------------------------------------------------------ 65

五、 結論--------------------------------------------------------------- 72
參考文獻 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 74
問卷 --------------------------------------------------------------------- 78
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