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研究生(外文):Chun-Hung Li
論文名稱(外文):The Assessment on Thermal Stratifications of Various Room Orientations:Case Study of a Care Center for Elderly in Tainan
指導教授:周 伯丞
指導教授(外文):Paul Po-Cheng Chou
外文關鍵詞:Spaces in different directionsperpendicular temperature fieldwarm environmentnursing home
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(一) 不同方位室內溫熱環境特性
1. 在不同室內空間裡,從其24小時連續監測數值來看,安養中心室內再有機械空調下,室內溫熱環境因子都有接近基準值的表現,唯有二樓北面臥室空間與四樓交誼廳溼度過高,對於使用者之健康會造成影響。
2. 在室內平均溫度方面,其室內溫度量測值在多屬於舒適範圍值之間,平均溫度測得24.2~27.4℃間,但在二樓東走廊之臥室空間方面溫度則比其他空間測得溫度還高。在風速方面,二個測試空間中,平均風速皆維持在舒適基準值0.5 m/s以內。
3. 在PMV以及PPD指標的測試方面,在實測空間中室內不滿意百分比都在15%以內,在預測的平均回答值(PMV)方面,PMV值-0.5~0.7之間,屬舒適溫感狀態。
(二) 在不同方位空間垂直溫度之探討
1. 在走道空間垂直溫度場方面,在ㄧ樓方面上下位溫度方面最高差4℃,在二樓方面,在上下位溫度方面最高差5℃。在三樓方面,在上下位溫度方面最高差5℃;在四樓方面,在上下位溫度方面最高差5℃。在東、西兩向測點之垂直溫度變化方面,隨時間越接近中午溫度趨勢越高,除了一樓方面上下溫差4℃以外,其他樓層上下溫差都高達5℃。

This study focuses on the nursing home at Youran Ranch in Tainan as the subject. It selects spaces in different directions to conduct on-site surveys and investigation. In past domestic studies, there have not been composite investigation and testing of warm environment qualities in different directions and indoor perpendicular temperature in nursing homes, therefore diagnoses and suggestions are offered on the warm environmental factors that are related to health in the nursing home.
This study uses the perpendicular temperatures in different spaces as research subjects, with on-site spatial testing on the variable conditions of different spaces or directions to compare and contrast the influence of indoor warm environment and human comfort.
This study results in the following conclusions:
(1) Features of warm environment in different directions
1. In different indoor spaces, from continuous monitoring values for 24 hours, it can be seen that, when there is mechanical air-conditioning in the nursing home, the warm environmental factors indoors perform close to benchmark values. However, humidity in the second floor north bedroom and fourth floor lounge is too high, which would impact health of users.
2. In terms of average indoor temperature, the values found for indoor temperature are generally within a comfortable range, with an average of between 24.2~27.4℃, but the temperature is higher in the second floor east hallway bedrooms. In terms of wind speed, in the two tested spaces, average wind speed is maintained within 0.5 m/s of comfortable benchmark values.
3. In testing for the PMV and PPD indicators, the unsatisfactory ratios in the actually tested areas are within 15%. In terms of predicted mean vote (PMV), the values are between 0.5 and 0.7, and belong in the state of comfortable range.
(2) Discussion of perpendicular temperatures in different spaces
1. In terms of hallway space perpendicular temperature field, the largest temperature difference on the first floor between the top and bottom is 4℃ at the most. For the second floor, the greatest temperature difference between top and bottom is 5℃. For the third floor, the greatest temperature difference between top and bottom is 5℃. For the fourth floor, the greatest temperature difference between top and bottom is 5℃. For the change in perpendicular temperature change between the two test points on the east and west have higher temperatures as noon approaches; other than the temperature difference between top and bottom on the first floor of 4℃, the temperature difference on other floors are as high as 5℃.

Keywords: Spaces in different directions, perpendicular temperature field, warm environment, nursing home
中英文摘要 i
誌謝 iii
表圖目錄 vi
用語說明 xi

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機與目的 1
1-1-1 研究動機 1
1-1-2 研究目的 2
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-3 研究範圍 4
1-4 研究架構與流程 5

第二章 研究方法 7
2-1 現況分析 7
2-1-1 基地分析 7
2-2 測定計畫 8
2-2-1 測定項目與方式 8
2-2-2 測定儀器與儀器特性 9
2-2-3 測點位置設定 10
2-3 溫熱環境相關影響因子評估基準 13
2-3-1 熱舒適的溫熱環境因子 13
2-3-2 溫熱環境因子測定基準 18

第三章 測試結果分析 19
3-1 外部環境氣候分析 19
3-2 溫熱環境測試結果分析 22
3-3 室內垂直溫度場測試結果分析 25
3-4 走道空間溫度場測試結果分析 28

第四章 綜合評估分析 53
4-1 不同方位於不同空間對室內溫熱環境影響 53
4-2 不同方位對室內垂直溫度環境影響 54
4-3 不同方位對走道空間垂直溫度環境影響 55
4-4 小結 60

第五章 結論與建議 61
5-1 結論 61
5-2 後續研究建議 62

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