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研究生(外文):Hung, Chiu-Chi
論文名稱(外文):A Study on Feng Shui from the Scientific Viewpoint: Taking the CFD Simulations of the Bedroom Ventilation as Illustrations.
指導教授(外文):Paul Po-Cheng Chou, Ph.D.
外文關鍵詞:Feng ShuiNumerical SimulationNatural VentilationAirflow Pattern
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風水是漢族人所認識的氣候,這一氣候第一由風左右,第二根據風會帶來的雲量多寡決定雨量(水)。風水學中最重要的元素是「氣(Chi)」--某種形式的能量。在中文字上,「氣(Chi)」與「空氣(air)」共用了同一個字,再者,氣(Chi)的諸多特徵點也類似於空氣(air)。因此,儘管從典型的風水認知角度,氣(Chi)具有非常寬闊的意涵,似乎其有某些特質如同場域中的空氣抑或水體的流動,如此可以相對較為簡易以運用CFD 計算流體動力學來量測與模擬。

再者,從國際室內通風研究趨勢中不難發現,追求更健康舒適的建築環境儼然成為二十一世紀的今日相當熱門的話題之一。而室內熱舒適(Thermal Comfort)與室內空氣品質(Indoor Air Quality)則是主要的課題(Fanger, 1996)。有鑑於此,實有必要以東方文明的思維,輔以西方科學方法的檢證,針對室內空間中之不同變因,進行定量解析。

因此,本研究擬運用CFD 數值解析方式進行室內氣流場、溫度場與濃度場結果分析,並利用電腦進行室內環境可視化分析,探究自然通風與風水之關連性,以及陽宅風水之科學性。CFD 的理論與計算程序亦作簡要呈現。氣流模擬範例則被用來描述場域中於不同條件下的流場結構,以及用以說明幾個常見的風水準則。雖然CFD 模擬於本文中乃基於一組理想與簡化的案例,結果仍有助於開創一種新的研究途徑,一種結合自然科學與典型風水學的研究。研究結果可提供作為建築與室內設計實務應用之參考。


Feng Shui which has been practicing for thousands of years in Asian coutries is an ancient Oriental wisdom that relates built environment to the Nature. The concepts of Feng Shui are to guide people to interpret human behaviour to settle their own living space in a more harmonious place. The geometrical relationship between critical areas within a flat, say toilets, kitchens, and bedrooms has been considered as a very important element in the creation of good Feng Shui. It is believed that Feng Shui may have its own scientific origin and is not merely superstition.

The most important element in Feng Shui is “Chi” - a kind of energy. In Chinese, “Chi” and “air” share the same character. Furthermore, many characteristics of “Chi” resemble that of air. Hence, although the meaning of “Chi” is very broad in classical Feng-shui sense, it may have something to do with the air and/or water flow within the flat, which is relatively easier to measure and simulate by computational fluid dynamics (CFD).

The state-of-the-art development shows the a better ventilation mechanism is beneficial for energy saving and human health. Many researches were conducted to pursue indoor environment with thermal comfort and good indoor air quality. The one of the issues is how to supply air harmoniously to the occupants’ zone

This study, therefore, attempts to analyze the airflow patterns inside a flat by CFD simulation with various scenarios of Feng-shui rule in the first stage Although the CFD simulation in this paper will be based on an ideal and simplified case, it may help to explore a new research route to integrate natural science and classical Feng-shui study together.. The results will illustrate the airflow patterns under various Feng-shui rules by the scientific tools.

Keywords:Feng Shui, Numerical Simulation, Natural Ventilation, Airflow Pattern
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
表圖目錄 vi
用語及符號說明 x
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究目的 4
1-3 文獻回顧 5
1-4 研究範圍 10
第二章 風水觀♦觀風水:風水的應用現況 11
2-1 東方風水觀 14
2-2 西方觀風水 19
2-3 陽宅風水術 22
2-4 臥室風水術之比較整理 25
第三章 研究方法與設定 31
3-1 自然通風的CFD數值模型 31
3-1-1 臥室單元空間幾何邊界設定 33
3-1-2 臥室單元空間邊界條件設定 38
3-1-3 臥室單元空間格點系統設定 40
3-2 電腦模擬數值解析 40
3-2-1 計算流體力學運用在建築與室內流場之應用 43
3-2-2 PHOENICS軟體之解析流程 45
3-2-3 建築室內空氣流動的數學描述 46
3-2-4 紊流模型(turbulence models)統御方程式 47
3-3 環境因子評估指標之選定 50
3-3-1 風擊障礙不滿意度DR指標 52
3-3-2 CO2濃度指標 54
3-3-3 室內空氣齡指標評估原則 58
3-3-4 換氣次數ACH之評估原則 61
3-3-5 空氣交換效率AEE指標 64
第四章 風水變因對自然通風效果之比對 67
4-1 不同風水變因氣流場探討 67
4-2 不同風水變因溫度場探討 73
4-3 不同風水變因通風路徑探討 78
4-4 不同風水變因濃度場探討 85
4-4-1 室間、局部平均空氣齡評比 106
4-4-2 換氣效率評比 107
4-4-3 空氣交換效率評比 108
4-4-4 綜合比較室內空氣品質結果 109
第五章 結論與建議 111
5-1 結論 111
5-2 後續研究建議 117
附錄 119
參考文獻 149
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