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研究生(外文):Su Yu-Nan
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Antenna Far-Field Pattern Measurement System
指導教授(外文):Shih Shun-PengFu I-Yung
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Antennas are very popular in 802.11b/g WLANs and Bluetooth applications by using 2.4GHz ISM band. For antenna designer, it is a key to increase the efficiency of antenna measurement effectively. As we know, a Far-Field Antenna Measurement System is extremely expensive. This research goal is using the mature RF techniques to design and build up a low cost and high reliability Antenna Measurement System to offer antenna designer the fast and accurate measured results.
Chinese Abstract ------------------------------------- i
English Abstract ------------------------------------- ii
Acknowledgements ------------------------------------- iii
Table of Contents ------------------------------------- iv
List of Tables ------------------------------------- viii
List of figures ------------------------------------- ix
Symbol ------------------------------------- xv
1.1 Motivation and Research Goals---------------------1
1.2 System Architecture Introduction------------------2
1.2.1 Near-field vs Far-field-------------------------2
1.2.2 Far-Field Antenna Measurements------------------4
1.2.3 Range Considerations----------------------------5
1.2.4 Indoor Ranges-----------------------------------5
1.3 Thesis Overview-----------------------------------6
2、 Far-Field Antenna Measurement System Architectures - 7
2.1 Antenna Fundamentals------------------------------- 7
2.1.1 System Aspects of Antennas------------------------ 7
2.1.2 Fields and Power radiated by an Antenna----------9
2.1.3 Antenna Pattern Characteristics------------------11
2.2 Receiver Fundamentals-----------------------------18
2.2.1 Filter------------------------------------------18
2.2.2 Low-Noise Amplifier-----------------------------20
2.2.3 Power Detector----------------------------------25
2.2.4 JFET-Input Operational Amplifier----------------27
2.2.5 Digital Control System--------------------------28
2.2.6 Horn Antenna------------------------------------32
2.3 Transmitter Fundamentals--------------------------36
2.3.1 Oscillators------------------------------------36
3、 Receiver Implementation And Measurement------------ 44
3.1 Antenna Under Test--------------------------------44
3.1.1 Design of The Antenna---------------------------44
3.1.2 Simulation and Experiment Results---------------46
3.2 Filter--------------------------------------------49
3.2.1 Measured Results--------------------------------49
3.3 LNA-----------------------------------------------50
3.3.1 LNA Topologies----------------------------------50
3.3.2 LNA DC Bias-------------------------------------56
3.3.3 Simulation and Experiment Results of the LNA----57
3.4 Power Detector------------------------------------68
3.4.1 Simulation and Experiment Results of the Power Detector-------------------------------------------------68
3.5 JFET-Input Operational Amplifier------------------71
3.5.1 Design and Experiment Results of the JFET-Input Op Amplifier------------------------------------------------71
3.6 Digital Control System--------------------------------73
4、Transmitter Implementation And Measurement -----------78
4.1 Oscillator ---------------------------------------78
4.1.1 Simulation and Experiment Results of the Oscillator-----------------------------------------------78
4.2 Power Amplifier-----------------------------------85
4.3 Horn Antenna--------------------------------------86
4.3.1 Experiment Results of the Horn Antenna-----------86
4.4 Flow Chart Of The System--------------------------89
4.5 Link Budget-------------------------------------------91
5、Testing Setup And Measurement Results---------------94
5.1 Testing Setup -------------------------------------94
5.2 Measurement Results -------------------------------95
6、CONCLUSION ----------------------------------------105
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