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論文名稱(外文):An Analysis of the Steady States and Dynamics of Two Continuous Cultures in Series
指導教授(外文):LIN HAO
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摘 要
本研究實施菌類-基質(Cell-Substrate)和被捕食者-捕食者(Prey-Predator)相互作用之生化反應在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之穩定狀態和動態分析,對於菌類-基質之生化反應,若以Substrate Inhibition模式來表示菌類之比生長速率,則此兩個微生物反應槽串聯之反應系統共有三種型態之穩定狀態,本研究對此三種型態之穩定狀態和穩定度作深入的分析,對於此反應系統之動態行為,則由電腦運用數值分析的方法及電腦繪圖進行分析工作,動態分析的結果顯示此生化反應系統之動態行為,以穩定之穩態(Stable Steady State)為主。
對於被捕食者-捕食者相互作用之生化反應,其中之ㄧ種微生物(捕食者)可由捕食另一種微生物(被捕食者)而獲得養分。若以Substrate Inhibition模式來表示被捕食者之比生長速率,而以Monod模式來表示捕食者之比生長速率,則此兩個微生物反應槽串聯之反應系統共有六種型態之穩定狀態,本研究對此六種型態之穩定狀態和穩定度作深入的分析。對於動態分析,本研究運用數值分析的方法來求解系統之動態方程式,並運用電腦繪圖來進行動態分析,動態分析的結果顯示此生化反應系統之動態行為可為穩定之穩態(Stable Steady State)或循環振盪(Limit Cycle)。
Because the concept of the importance of the environmental protection and the techniques of the biochemical waste treatment have received more attention in recent years, the cultivation of the microorganism has become an important research subject.
A study is conducted to analyze the steady states and dynamic behavior of the reactions of the cell-substrate and the prey-predator interaction in two continuous cultures in series. For the reaction of cell-substrate in two continuous cultures in series, if the specific growth rate of the Substrate-Inhibition model is used for cell, there are three types of steady states for this reaction system. These three types of steady states and stability are analyzed in detail. The dynamic behavior of this reaction system is analyzed by the numerical method and computer graphs. The results show that the dynamic behavior of this system consists of stable steady states.
For the prey-predator interaction, a common interaction between two organisms inhabiting the same environments involves one organism (predator) deriving its nourishment by capturing and ingesting the other organism (prey). If the specific growth rates of Substrate Inhibition model and Monod model are used for the prey and predator respectively, there are six types of steady states for the two continuous cultures in series reaction system and the six types of steady states and stability are analyzed in detail in this research. The dynamic equations of this system are solved by the numerical method and the dynamic analysis is performed by the computer graphs. The results show that the dynamic behavior of this system consists of stable steady states and limit cycles.
目 次
第一章 前言...……………………………………………………………..……………1
1.1 研究背景及目的……….……………………………………….….…….……1
1.2 研究方法…………………………………………………………...……..……2
1.3 目前完成之工作項目及成果……………………………………...…………..3
第二章 菌類-基質在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之穩定狀態和動態分析..........……….4
2.1 動態系統方程式..……………………………………………………..………4
2.2 穩定狀態..……………………………………………………………..………6
2.3 穩定度分析……………………………………………………………....……8
2.4 動態分析…………………………………………………..…………………16
2.5 討論………………………………………………………..………….……...30
第三章 被捕食者-捕食者在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之穩定狀態和動態分析….....31
3.1 動態系統方程式…………………………………………..………………....31
3.2 穩定狀態…………………………………………………..………………....33
3.3 穩定度分析………………………………………………..………………....38
3.4 動態分析…………………………………………………..………………....56
3.5 討論................................................................................................................135
第四章 結論....................................................................................................................137
附錄 A 菌類—基質在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之質量平衡.......................................142
附錄 B Substrate Inhibition模式之說明.....................................................................144
附錄C 計算機程式計算菌類—基質在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之第一個微生物反應槽之動態.........................................................................................................145
附錄D 計算機程式計算菌類—基質在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之第二個微生物反應
附錄 E 計算機程式計算菌類—基質在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之穩定狀態........149
附錄 F 計算機程式計算菌類—基質在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之特徵值............151
附錄G 被捕食者-捕食者在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之質量平衡...........................152
附錄 H 計算機程式計算被捕食者—捕食者在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之第一個微生
附錄 I 計算機程式計算被捕食者—捕食者在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之第二個微生
附錄 J 計算機程式計算被捕食者—捕食者在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之第一、二型態
附錄 K 計算機程式計算被捕食者—捕食者在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之第三型態之
附錄 L 計算機程式計算被捕食者—捕食者在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之第四型態之
附錄 M 計算機程式計算被捕食者—捕食者在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之第五型態之
附錄 N 計算機程式計算被捕食者—捕食者在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之第六型態之
附錄 O 計算機程式計算被捕食者—捕食者在兩個微生物反應槽串聯之特徵值...179
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