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研究生(外文):Kung Chin KUO
論文名稱(外文):Studies on Coenzyme Q10 production by Rhodobacter sphaeroides
指導教授(外文):Chee-Jen CHEN
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Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10)被用來治療心臟疾病及高血壓,增強免疫系統,有益於過敏,哮喘及呼吸疾病的患者,同時也用來治療精神分裂、阿滋海默症、延緩帕金森氏症。
光合菌中的Rhodobacter sphaeroides 具有生產CoQ10 的能力,本研究即以不同的碳氮源比例及生長條件對光合菌生產CoQ10 加以探討。研究結果顯示,搖瓶實驗中,以glucose為碳源,在單一氮源中,以濃度15g/L 的yeast extract (重量比為1:6),其CoQ10生產率9.46 mg /L 為最高;而以濃度20g/L 的peptone (重量比為1:8),其CoQ10生產率次之,為7.53 mg /L。在複合氮源方面,無機鹽類硫酸銨的添加有助於提高CoQ10生產率,其中以peptone 20 g/L (重量比為1:8)添加硫酸銨10g/L的CoQ10生產率提升較高,可達產率為7.84 mg/L。
在10公升發酵槽部份,在peptone 濃度為20g/L 時(重量比為1:8),高濃度硫酸銨有利於產物生成,其CoQ10生產率最高為10mg /L 以上,可達到試量產量化生產的經濟效益。
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a component of the respiratory chain with antioxidant property and it has been proposed as an agent for treating heart disease , hypertension and strengthening the immune system in recent years. It is good for patients with allergy, asthma, or other respiratory diseases. Besides, it can be clinically used to manage chronic schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. According to the previous studies in Japan, CoQ10 can protect the mucosa of the stomach and the duodenum and that it maybe helpful to treat peptic ulcer diseases. It also can strengthen our immune system that is more powerful than Vitamin E for forty times. CoQ10 really attracts many people’s attention recently.
Rhodobacter sphaeroides is a species of photosynthetic bacteria ( PSB ) that has the ability to produce CoQ10. In this study, we used different sources with different proportion of carbon and nitrogen and created different growth conditions for this photosynthetic bacterium to produce CoQ10. Our study result showed that; in an experiment of shaking bottle, the production rate of CoQ10 was highest ( 9.46 mg/L) in the glucose-based carbon source and 15g/L of single nitrogen-yeast extract ( weight ratio=1:6). The production rate of CoQ10 was second ( 7.53 mg/L) in the 20g/L of peptone(weight ratio =1:8). In complex nitrogen sources, addition of inorganic ammonium sulfate was helpful to increase the production rate of CoQ10. We found that the production rate of CoQ10 increased more when we added inorganic ammonium sulfate into the solution of 20g/L of peptone(weight ratio =1:8) and its productive vales was 7.84 mg/L.
In a 10L fermented tank with the solution of 20g/L of peptone(weight ratio =1:8), high-concentration of ammonium sulfate was helpful for producing CoQ10 and its productive rate may be more than 10mg/L. The result meant that it can reach the economic benefits of large-scale production.
目錄..........…......................……………........................................................................... VIII
圖目錄...............................................……………............................................................ XII
表目錄...............................................……………............................................................ XIV
第一章 緒論.............................................…………………….……............................... 1
1.1. 研究動機與背景..............…………..………….….........................................1
1.2. 研究目的..............................................................………….…………….......6
第二章 文獻回顧..........................................................................……………................9
2.1. 光合菌簡介與應用....................................................................……….….....9
2.2. CoQ10 的介紹.......................................................................………………...12
2.2.1. CoQ10 的發現...............................................................………………..12
2.2.2. 導致CoQ10 缺乏的原因......................................…………………......13
2.2.3. CoQ10 的作用..........................................................…..…………….....14
2.3. ubiquinone (CoQ10 )的合成..............................................................................15
2.4. CoQ10 的生產方式與影響因子..........................……………....................... 17
2.4.1. CoQ10 的生產方式.............................................……………..…..........17生物萃取法………………………………………………………17化學合成法……………………………………..………………..19半化學合成法………………………………………..…………..19微生物發酵法……………………………………………..…..…20
2.4.2. 影響CoQ10 產量的因子.........................................................................21 添加營養素的影響......................................................................22 添加金屬離子的影響..................................................................22 添加胺基酸的影響......................................................................22 碳氮比的影響..............................................................................22 添加其他物質和照光條件的影響..............................................23
2.5. CoQ10 的市況簡介…………………………………………………………...27
2.6. CoQ10 的專利調查………….……………………………………………..…28
第三章實驗材料與方法................................................................................................... 32
3.1. 實驗流程......................................................................................................... 32
3.2. 實驗材料......................................................................................................... 32
3.2.1. 實驗菌株................................................................................................ 32
3.2.2. 實驗藥品................................................................................................ 33
3.2.3. 實驗儀器與設備.................................................................................... 34
3.3. 實驗方法......................................................................................................... 37
3.3.1. 菌種之活化............................................................................................ 37
3.3.2. 菌種保存................................................................................................ 37
3.3.3. 菌種特性之探討.................................................................................... 38
3.3.4. 種瓶之製備............................................................................................ 38
3.3.5. 碳氮比之計算........................................................................................ 38
3.3.6. 平板培養基............................................................................................ 38
3.3.7. 種瓶培養基............................................................................................ 39
3.3.8. 發酵槽培養基........................................................................................ 39
3.3.9. 生長曲線的測定.................................................................................... 40
3.3.10. 糖類(葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖)的分析................................................... 40
3.3.11. CoQ10 的分析...................................................................................... 40 CoQ10 的檢量線建立............................................................... 40 CoQ10 含量的分析................................................................... 42
3.3.12. 氨離子濃度分析.................................................................................. 42 分析方法.......................................................................42自動滴定儀分析方法..................................................................43
3.4. 搖瓶實驗..........................................................................................................44
3.4.2.碳源試驗...................................................................................................45 以glucose 為主要碳源................................................................45 以fructose 為主要碳源...............................................................45 以sucrose為主要碳源..................................................................45
3.4.3. 氮源試驗.................................................................................................46 以yeast extract 為主要氮源........................................................46 以peptone 為主要氮源............................................................... 46 以硫酸銨為主要氮源..................................................................46
3.4.4. 複合氮源-硫酸銨的影響.....................................................................46
3.5. 發酵槽實驗......................................................................................................47
第四章實驗結果與討論................................................................................................... 48
4.1. 搖瓶實驗......................................................................................................... 48
4.1.1. 添加金屬離子試驗.................................................................................48
4.1.2. 單一碳源-不同碳氮比........................................................................ 50 不同sucrose 濃度的影響........................................................... 50 不同fructose 濃度的影響.......................................................... 51 不同glucose濃度的影響............................................................. 53
4.1.3. 單一氮源-不同碳氮比........................................................................ 55 不同yeast extract 濃度的影響....................................................55 不同peptone 濃度的影響........................................................... 56 不同硫酸銨濃度的影響............................................................. 58
4.1.4. 複合氮源-硫酸銨的影響.................................................................... 59 在固定yeast extract 濃度下,添加不同濃度硫酸銨的影響... 59 在固定peptone 濃度下,添加不同濃度硫酸銨的影響............61
4.1.5. 單一氮源與複合氮源的比較................................................................ 62
4.2. 發酵槽實驗..................................................................................................... 65
4.2.1. 在固定硫酸銨濃度下,不同碳氮比對轉化率的影響........................ 66
第五章結論與建議........................................................................................................... 71
5.1. 結論................................................................................................................. 71
5.2. 建議................................................................................................................. 72
第六章參考文獻............................................................................................................... 74

圖1-1.我國生技廠商之產業領域分佈............................................................................ 2
圖1-2.我國生技廠商之地區分佈...……......................................................................... 3
圖1-3.我國生技廠商之實收資本額分佈...…................................................................. 3
圖1-4.我國生技產業研發投資分佈...……..................................................................... 4
圖1-5.我國生技廠商之技術來源...……......................................................................... 4
圖1-6.我國生技廠商之產值分佈...……......................................................................... 5
圖2-1 ubiquinone 的結構圖...................................……………………..........................13
圖2-2 ubiquinone 在哺乳動物細胞中的合成途徑.....................................…............... 16
圖2-3 ubiquinone在原核生物細胞與真核生物細胞合成次序上的差異.......................17
圖3-1 實驗流程圖........................................................................................................... 33
圖3-2 CoQ10 含量與吸收值的檢量線.............................................................................41
圖4-2以種瓶培養基為基礎,並在其中加入Mineral salts solution(10ml/L),對菌體
圖4-3以15g/L yeast extract 為基礎氮源時,不同濃度sucrose對菌體重量及CoQ10產
圖4-4以15g/L yeast extract 為基礎氮源時,不同濃度fructose對菌體重量及CoQ10產
圖4-5以15g/L yeast extract 為基礎氮源時,不同濃度glucose對菌體重量及CoQ10產
圖4-6以2.5g/L glucose 為基礎碳源時,不同濃度yeast extract 對菌體重量及CoQ10
圖4-7以2.5g/L glucose 為基礎碳源時,不同濃度peptone 對菌體重量及CoQ10產物
圖4-8以2.5g/L glucose 為基礎碳源時,不同濃度Ammonium sulfate對菌體重量及
圖4-9在2.5 g/L glucose和15g/L yeast extract 的存在下(重量比為1:6),分別添加不
圖4-10在2.5 g/L glucose和20g/L peptone的存在下(重量比為1:8),分別添加不同濃
圖4-11以2.5 g/L glucose 為基礎碳源,搭配三種不同氮源(如硫酸銨、yeast extract
圖4-12以2.5 g/L glucose 為基礎碳源,搭配單一氮源15g/L yeast extract,在照光、pH7-8、150rpm、兼氣、添加金屬離子和溫度28℃的情況下培養72小時,
圖4-13以2.5 g/L glucose 為基礎碳源,搭配單一氮源20g/L peptone,在照光、
圖4-14 為菌體在生長初期時的情形............................................................................66
圖4-15 為菌體在對數生長期時的情形....................................................................... 66
圖4-16 以2.5 g/L glucose 為基礎碳源,在固定硫酸銨濃度為10g/L下,分別添
加15g/L yeast extract 及20g/L peptone於培養基,在照光、pH7-8、100rpm

表1-1 我國生技廠商之產業範圍分類...............................................……………...... 2
表2-1 光合細菌菌體組成............................................................................………......11
表2-2 光合細菌B 族維生素組成……………………………………………………..12
表2-3 CoQ10 在一般應用上的醫療效果.......................................................……........15
表2-4 不同的光合菌其所含的Quinone 成份...............................................................24
表2-5 具有生產ubiquinone 能力的微生物...................................................................25
表2-6 工業發酵上常用的碳源和氮源.......................................................................... 26
表2-7 八種主要培養基和其生化功能以及生長所需的濃度...................................... 26
表2-8 在不同碳源下不同微生物的單位基質菌體轉化率……………….................. 27
表4-1 以種瓶培養基為基礎,並在其中加入Mineral salts solution(10ml/L),對菌
表4-2 以15g/L yeast extract 為基礎氮源時,不同濃度sucrose對菌體重量及CoQ10
產物轉化率的影響............................................................................................. 51
表4-3 以15g/L yeast extract 為基礎氮源時,不同濃度fructose對菌體重量及CoQ10
產物轉化率的影響............................................................................................. 53
表4-4 以15g/L yeast extract 為基礎氮源時,不同濃度glucose對菌體重量及CoQ10
產物轉化率的影響............................................................................................. 54
表4-5 以2.5g/L glucose 為基礎碳源時,不同濃度yeast extract 對菌體重量及CoQ10
產物轉化率的影響............................................................................................. 56
表4-6 以2.5g/L glucose 為基礎碳源時,不同濃度peptone 對菌體重量及CoQ10產
物轉化率的影響................................................................................................. 57
表4-7 以2.5g/L glucose 為基礎碳源時,不同濃度Ammonium sulfate對菌體重量
表4-8 在2.5 g/L glucose和15g/L yeast extract 的存在下(重量比為1:6),分別添加
表4-9 在2.5 g/L glucose和20g/L peptone的存在下(重量比為1:8),分別添加不同
表4-10以2.5 g/L glucose 為基礎碳源,在固定硫酸銨濃度為10g/L下,以Yeast extract
表4-11以2.5 g/L glucose 為基礎碳源,在固定硫酸銨濃度為10g/L下,以Peptone
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