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研究生(外文):Han-Chung Lin
論文名稱(外文):Organizational Learning styles and Best Practices - Contingency Perspective
指導教授(外文):Chun-Cheng Chien
外文關鍵詞:organizational learning stylesinternal capacitiesexternal relationshipsinnovation performancecontingency perspective
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在快速變遷及競爭激烈的環境下,學習型組織確實能有較多的生存與發展的機會。雖然找出理想的學習型組織特性固然重要,但探討在不同情境下,組織應如何採行不同的學習方式,以達到組織的學習目的-創新,對組織持續發展競爭優勢而言更為重要及實用。為了填補上述有關組織學習之研究空隙,本文研究的焦點是:探討不同「內外能力」情境下之最佳學習方式?為此目的本文發展出相關的研究假設,實證進行以650家上市上櫃製造業公司為研究對象。本文發現在不同內外能力情境下,創新所需的學習方式是不同的。此外,研究結論特別指出企業本身的內外能力在「學習方式與創新績效間關係」中,扮演著關鍵性情境效應 。
Amid the high-speed change and fierce competitive environment, learning organizations certainly hold superior opportunity for survival and development. It is important to find the ideal characteristics of learning organization, however, to discussing that what different learning styles should be adopted under different contingency to achieve the goal of organizational learning, scilicet the innovation will be much important and practical for organization’s sustainable development of competitive advantages. For bridging the gap of the research of organizational learning that mentioned above, this research focuses on discussing the best learning style of “different internal and external capacity” under different contingency. To meet this goal, we developed relative research hypothesis, and did the survey of 650 publicly traded companies (listed companies at stock exchange market and at over-the–counter market) in manufacturing industry. We found that there exists different learning styles to encourage innovation under each different contingency. The results indicate that potential internal and external capacity is critical regulative variable between learning styles and innovation performance .
Based on literature review and our empirical results, the findings provide some new directions for future research and offer management practice about interfirm learning as follow:
1. Enterprises act as“strong internal capacities and external relationships”, it is the best style to adopt theExperimention of the significative conduct to radical innovations; it is the best style to adopt the ContinuousImprovement of the significative conduct to incremental innovations.
2. Enterprises act as “strong internal capacities and weak external relationships”,it is the best style to adopt the Experimention of the significative conduct to radical innovations; it is the best style to adopt the Continuous Improvement of the significative conduct to incremental innovations.
3. Enterprises act as “weak internal capacities and external relationships”, it is the best style to adopt the Benchmarking of the significative conduct to radical innovations.
4. Enterprises act as “weak internal capacities and strong external relationships”, it is the best style to adopt the Experimention of the significative conduct to radical innovations; it is the best style to adopt the Competency Acqusition of the significative conduct to incremental innovations.
摘要 iv
Abstract vi
誌謝 vii
目次 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究目的 2
1.3研究程序 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1組織學習方式 3
2.2 創新績效 6
2.3情境觀點 8
第三章 研究方法 15
3.1研究架構 15
3.2研究假設 16
3.3變數的操作性定義與衡量 20
第四章 資料分析 30
4.1基本統計描述 30
4.2信度、效度分析 30
4.3研究假設檢定 32
第五章 最佳實務案例 36
5.1實驗學習者:3M公司 36
5.2提升能力者:摩托羅拉公司 37
5.3標竿學習者:三星電子公司 39
5.4不斷改良者:阿爾卡特•貝爾公司 41
第六章 結論與建議 43
6.1研究結論 43
6.2管理上的建議 45
6.3研究限制與未來研究建議 45
參考文獻 47
表 3.1樣本資料描述 21
表 3.2本研究理論模式量表內容摘要表 22
表 3.3組織學習方式的測量題項 23
表 3.4內部能力測量題項 25
表 3.5外部關係測量題項 27
表 3.6創新績效測量題項 27
表 4.1研究變項之描述統計量 30
表 4.2研究變項之因素分析 31
表 4.3 OLS迴歸模型:以躍進式創新為因變數(N=154) 33
表 4.4 OLS迴歸模型:以漸進式創新為因變數(N=154) 34

圖 2.1組織學習方式 4
圖 3.1本文研究觀念性架構 16
圖 4.1四種組織學習方式對漸進式創新檢定結果 35
圖 4.2四種組織學習方式對躍進式創新檢定結果 35
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6.楊景嫃,「育成中心進駐廠商之知識流通與創新績效關聯性研究—網絡觀點」,國立高雄第一科技大學 行銷與流通管理研究所碩士論文,民93年。
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