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研究生(外文):Cheng-Ying Tsai
論文名稱(外文):The Human Annotation and Recognition System for Digital Images
指導教授(外文):Ding-Horng Chen
外文關鍵詞:Face DetectionFace RecognitionLVQ
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本篇論文中,我們針對相片中人物的註釋與辨識問題,以一種半自動的方式提出一個初步可行的解決方法。在人臉偵測及人臉辨識的相關研究中,所需加強的是準確率的提升;而輸入影像的前處理步驟及輸入影像的品質也都可能明顯影響後續處理人臉偵測及辨識的準確性。在本論文中,我們首先尋找相片中人臉部位,利用非線性的YCb’Cr’色彩空間轉換來找出膚色位置,再利用人臉上的特徵來分析判斷此區塊是否為人臉部位。在此我們假設人們在拍攝一系列的相片時,他們所穿的衣服都是不變的,因此衣服的顏色可以用來當作人臉的一種特徵。確定人臉位置後,我們擷取臉部下方的衣服區塊的色彩值來當作人物註釋與辨識的依據。爲了不使衣服區塊因顏色眾多而影響辨識,我們利用K-means 分群法分析此區塊,選出區塊中顏色比重最多者作為樣本特徵。之後再以LVQ 演算法重複訓練,使衣服區塊之顏色樣群分佈更加明確。此時之衣服顏色便可用來當作確認辨識人物的特徵。
The handy equipments such as digital cameras and cellular phones with camera function provide a convienient way to capture images. Therefore, the additional demands such as image management, image annotation, and image retrieval have become the major issues.
In this thesis, we will focus ourself on the face annotation problem and propose a feasible solution. The major concern in face detection and recognition problems is the accuracy in recognizing the people in the photo with the exact identity. Many factors could influence the accuracy of face detection and face recognition. In this thesis, we propose a semi-automatic approach to solve these problems. First, we use a non-linear YCb’Cr’ color space transformation to detect the location of skin color, and then we search the face positions by using the geometric properties of faces. Here we make an assumption that people generally wear the same clothes in taking a series of photos. While the faces are located, the RGB values of the clothes beneath the faces are used as the features to represent the faces. In order to simplify the color feature of clothes, we use K-means clustering to analyze this cloth block and select the major color as the cloth feature. The LVQ algorithm training process is repeated to make the color distributing between different cloth blocks more clear.
We have developed a sytem to verify the proposed method. The sytem is performed as follows. First, the system automatically locates the face position and computes the corresponding cloth feature. User gives a name or text description to this face, the correspondence between the face and the annotation text has been established. The system will detect the face positions in a series of photos and give the detected faces the existent annotation text. If the annotation does not match to the detected faces, user can add a new annotation or correct the wrong matchings. The experiment shows the proposed method can achieve a good performance in face annotation and recognition. It also provides a convient tool to manage and retrieve the huge amount of digital photos.
摘 要 i
Abstract iii
致 謝 v
目 次 vi
表 目 錄 viii
圖 目 錄 ix
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 無名相簿(無名小站) 3
1.2 ABSee 6
1.3 Flickr 8
1.4 論文組織與架構 10
第二章 臉部偵測法與系統架構 11
2.1 Template matching approach 11
2.2 Neural network approach 14
2.3 Knowledge-based approach 15
2.4 Color-based approach 16
2.5 系統架構 20
第三章 人臉偵測演算法 23
3.1 色彩空間 23
3.1.1 RGB色彩空間 23
3.1.2 HSV色彩空間 25
3.1.3 YCbCr色彩空間 27
3.1.4 L*a*b色彩空間 28
3.2 膚色色彩空間轉換 29
3.3 去除雜訊 34
3.3.1 影像二值化 34
3.3.2 形態學(morphology) 34
3.4 搜尋臉部特徵 38
第四章 人物註釋演算法 43
4.1 K-means Clustering演算法 43
4.2 LVQ演算法訓練 47
第五章 實驗結果 52
5.1 系統資料庫 52
5.2 系統介面與操作步驟 56
5.3 實驗結果分析與討論 64
5.3.1 人臉偵測 64
5.3.2 人物自動註釋 67
第六章 結論與未來工作 73
參考文獻 74
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