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研究生(外文):Jyun Jie Liao
論文名稱(外文):Application of Dynamic Self-Organizing Map in Skeleton Extraction
指導教授(外文):Hong De Chang
外文關鍵詞:Skeleton ExtractionSelf-Organizing MapThinning
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Skeleton shape extraction technique was widely adopted in many application such as object modeling、character recognition、machine vision and computer animation .The thinning process always be used in skeleton extraction, but it often distorts the local shapes of an observed pattern. This is an inherent defect for all thinning algorithms. Therefore, a Dynamic Self-Organizing Map(DSOM) was proposed to extract skeleton precisely. But the process speed of DSOM is too slow. In order to speed up the process speed, the methods of feature-points estimation and area segmentation were proposed in this paper. Feature-points estimation process estimates the position of output neurons instead of random decision. The area segmentation process avoids the fault when DSOM used in crossing or loop pattern. In the experimental results, the tools、alphanumeric and Chinese characters are used as test patterns. The results show that the proposed methods improve the process speed of DSOM and it wouldn’t distort the local shapes of an observed pattern.
摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vi
目次 vii
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 平行式細線化演算法介紹(Zhang&Suen) 1
1.3 研究方法 4
1.4 論文章節 4
第二章 系統架構 5
第三章 自我組織特徵映射圖網路 7
3.1 相似性量測 7
3.2 競爭式學習網路 9
3.3 自我組織特徵映射圖網路架構 11
3.4 自我組織特徵映射圖網路演算法 14
第四章 前處理 16
4.1 輸出神經元的估測方法 16
4.1.1 隨機估測 17
4.1.2 特徵點估測 18
4.2 邊緣偵測 20
4.3 影像分割 22
4.4 k-curvature演算法 24
第五章 動態式自我組織神經網路 27
5.1 區域劃分 27
5.2 動態式自我組織神經網路演算法 29
第六章 實驗結果 33
6.1 針對工具的實驗 33
6.2 針對阿拉伯數字的實驗 35
6.3 針對英文字母的實驗 36
6.4 針對漢字的實驗 39
6.5 與其它演算法的比較 44 擷取速度的比較(與HMSOM) 44 骨架品質的比較(與HMSOM) 45 擷取速度的比較(與Zhang&Suen演算法) 49 骨架品質的比較(與Zhang&Suen演算法) 49
第七章 結論與未來展望 51
參考文獻 52
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