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研究生(外文):Min-Chih Hung
指導教授(外文):Jensen Lin
外文關鍵詞:RFIDLogisticsSupply ChainPublication Business
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近年來,圖書出版業快速發展,國內圖書產量遽增,這對圖書出版業者而言,圖書品項管理與流通複雜度也隨之增加。而圖書出版業者,負責圖書批發、運輸倉儲與零售等,其擁有圖書種類與數量豐富,所以圖書出版業者需要一套系統來提昇進銷存作業流程效率,增加產出、減少人工成本、降低庫存,有效改善出版社和經銷商的物流效率,以提升整體的效益,因此本研究應用RFID(無線射頻辨識系統,Radio Frequency Identification)技術發展一套出適用於圖書出版業的進銷存管理系統。
The development of the publication business has been rapid in recent years. The amount of books is increasing at an amazing speed. The complexity of book distribution, retail and management becomes very high. Therefore, the publication business needs a more efficient tool to promote the processing performance, increase the throughput, reduce the cost of labor, reduce the stock, improve the logistic efficiency and gain the better benefit of whole business. We apply the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology to the publication business and develop a logistics information management system for the current publication business.
In this research, we review literatures and study cases to find out some problems which the publication businesses may encounter while adopting RFID technology to replace the barcode technology. The following conclusions are drawn on the basis of our work: (1)We design the procedure of the logistics information management system for applying the RFID technology to the publication business. (2)We develop a framework of the logistics information management system and verify the system through case study. The return goods procedure has been separated from the management of warehousing under the advice of case company. (3)We apply the RFID facility which can read a large data accurately at one time and combine the RFID with EPC code uniqueness property to overcome the problem of inconsistence, which has been existent for a long time in return goods procedure. In the barcode processing system, we cannot distinguish whether the custom return books are the originally purchased ones. (4)We make the preliminary evaluation for our proposed logistics information management system. In addition, we also give some suggestions for future RFID researchers.
摘  要 IV
致謝 VI
目  次 VII
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 研究範圍 2
1.4 研究流程 3
1.5 章節結構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1 RFID技術與發展 6
2.1.1 RFID之發展 6
2.1.2 RFID的系統架構 8
2.1.3 RFID的硬體架構 9
2.1.4 RFID之軟體架構 12
2.1.5 RFID之工作頻率 16
2.1.6 RFID之技術標準 18
2.1.7 RFID之特性 24
2.1.8 RFID技術之全球發展現況 25
2.2 出版業現況 26
2.2.1 現況介紹 26
2.2.2 我國圖書出版業所面臨之問題 28
2.3 RFID之應用優勢與問題 28
第三章 研究方法 35
3.1 研究架構 35
3.2 流程分析方法 36
3.3 個案研究 37
第四章 RFID管理資訊系統 40
4.1 圖書出版業RFID管理資訊系統 41
4.2 系統架構 43
4.2.1 進貨子系統 43
4.2.2 出貨子系統 45
4.2.3 存貨子系統 47
4.2.4 資料庫子系統 49
4.2.5 條碼轉換系統 50
4.2.6 物件名稱子系統 52
4.2.7 管理者子系統 54
第五章 個案研究與驗證 56
5.1 個案公司 56
5.2 設計系統與個案公司之討論 57
5.3 系統初步評估 60
第六章 結論與建議 63
6.1 研究結果 63
6.2 未來研究方向 66
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