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研究生(外文):Yi-Chung Lai
論文名稱(外文):Fault Tolerance Measures in Recursive Circulant Graph on Forbidden Faulty Sets
指導教授(外文):Hui-Ling Huang
外文關鍵詞:forbidden faulty setsrecursive circulant graphinterconnection networkconnectivityfault tolerance
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容錯分析一直是研究網路拓樸的重要課題,一般而言我們常使用節點與邊的連接度來衡量一個網路的容錯能力。在本文中,我們將介紹Esfahanian所提出故障禁止集合的概念,並在此假設下重新分析遞迴環狀圖更實際的容錯能力。遞迴環狀圖是由J. H. Park與K. Y. Chwa所提出的一種網路拓樸結構,它是近年來很受重視的一種拓樸結構,因為它擁有許多良好的拓樸性質,例如漢米爾頓迴圈、點對稱、最大點連通與邊連通性、可遞迴建構等等。我們將證明遞迴環狀圖在故障禁止集合的假設下,在c = 1且d = 2時,連接度可達4m - 4﹔在c = 1且d ≠ 2時,連接度可達4m - 2﹔在c = 2時,連接度可達4m﹔在c > 2時,連接度可達4m + 2。
Fault tolerance analysis is very important on interconnection network. In tradition, we use the connectivity of node and edge to measure the fault tolerance capability of interconnection networks. In this paper, we introduce the concept of the forbidden faulty sets that was proposed by Esfahanian. Under the restriction of forbidden faulty sets, we analyze the fault tolerance capability of the recursive circulant graphs. The recursive circulant graph has many good topology properties such as Hamiltonian cycle, node symmetric and can be recursively constructed. Finally, we will prove the connectivity of the recursive circulant with the restriction of forbidden faulty sets. The connectivity can achieve 4m – 4 if c = 1 and d = 2; 4m – 2 if c = 1 and d ≠ 2; 4m if c = 2; 4m + 2 if c > 2.
摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
誌謝 vi
目次 vii
圖目錄 xi
第一章 介紹 1
第二章 遞迴環狀圖的定義與符號 4
第三章 研究結果 7
第四章 結論 9
參考文獻 10
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