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研究生(外文):Wei-Shu Hua
論文名稱(外文):Research of Mach-Zehnder Fiberoptic Interferometric Magnetic Sensor
指導教授(外文):Wen-Chung ChangWei-Chih Wang
外文關鍵詞:Mach-Zehnder Fiberoptic InterferometricFiberoptic Magnetic SensorMagnetostrictive effectMagnetostrictive material
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在這篇論文中我們將探討以Mach-Zehnder interferometer為架構的光纖磁力感測器,並以高導磁率的磁致伸縮材料( Magnetostrictive Material)作為磁場的感測元件,本研究在感測臂光纖採用被覆結構,在感測臂黏合具有磁致伸縮材料( Magnetostrictive Material)的物質,當感量臂之光纖受ㄧ外加磁場作用後,由於被覆材料的磁致伸縮效應(Magnetostrictive Effect),而使光纖發生形變,產生相位調製。磁致伸縮法簡單且實用,並且具有較高的靈敏度,因此磁致伸縮效應是目前光纖磁力感測器的主要方法。
以Mach-Zehnder interferometer為架構的光纖磁力感測器其體積小,靈敏度甚高,更可以在高溫下操作,是極佳的磁場感測器。
Owing to the optic fiber、integrated optics and optical semiconductor development so quickly these years, they lead to optics fiber sensor has been extensively applied in several industry. Besides, there are many research results to be related to magnetic field are now in widespread use in industry and medical science. Therefore, to measure magnetic field is an important issue nowadays.
We will focus on the structure of Mach-Zehnder interferometer of fiber magnetometer in this paper, and make use of high permeability magnetostrictive material as sensor component of magnetic field. This research is use mantle structure on sensing fiber, we bind some magnetostrictive material on sensing fiber, if we add extra magnetic field effect on sensing fiber, the magnetostrictive effect will cause sensing fiber produce deformation effect and phase changes. The magnetostrictive effect has many advantage of sensor. First, it is a simple and functional way to make a sensor. Second, it has high sensitivity. So, magnetostrictive effect is the main way to fabricate a fiber optics magnetometer.
Magnetostrictive materials are classified two parts, one part is metal glass the other one part is crystal metal. Metal magnetostrictive materials are Ni, Co, Fe, and these three element metal chemical compounds. We take dissimilar magnetostrictive materials to text, also create WCS-NG1 and WCS-FS-1 polymer as the sensing component then comparison each experiment result: frequency response, interference signal and sensitivity of this system.
The structure of Mach-Zehnder interferometer of fiber optics magnetometer has plenty merit: volume small, high sensitivity and can work at high temperature.
第一章 簡 介
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究動機
1.3 論文架構
第二章 光纖感測器原理
2.1.1 干涉現象
2.1.2 干涉儀介紹
2.2 馬克-詹得干涉儀系統之數學分析
2.2.1 光相位調製法
2.2.2 法拉第效應
2.2.3 干涉訊號之數學分析
2.2.4 光元件與系統的瓊斯矩陣推導 光纖之瓊斯矩陣 2X2 光纖偶合器的瓊斯矩陣
2.2.5 系統的雜訊與損失
第三章 光纖磁力感測器之架構與設計
3.1 光纖磁力感測器之數學分析
3.2 磁致伸縮材料之物性介紹
3.2.1 磁性的來源
3.2.2 磁場強度H與慈通密度B之間的關係 3.2.3 磁致伸縮效應介紹
3.2.4 磁致伸縮材料 鐵磁性的磁性原理
第四章 光纖磁力感測器之實驗步驟與結果
4.1 使用馬克-詹得干涉儀量測溫度變化之實驗
4.1.1 實驗架構與步驟
4.1.2 實驗結果與討論
4.2 使用馬克-詹得干涉儀量測磁場變化之實驗
第五章 結論
5.1 結論
5.2 未來展望
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