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研究生(外文):Chung-Han Chang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of USB Device Driver Generator for Windows Operating Systems
中文關鍵詞: 產生器 作業系統 驅動程式
外文關鍵詞:driveroperating system
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在本論文中,我們針對周邊硬體中的力回饋裝置設計了一個USB力回饋裝置驅動程式產生器(USB Force Feedback Device Driver Generator),使用者可以藉由此驅動程式產生器快速產生驅動程式、安裝所需的INF檔案以及相對應的應用程式,此舉可以免除一般的軟體從業人員必須了解作業系統核心以及硬體的相關知識,因此可以加速開發驅動程式,而且藉由此驅動程式產生器所產生的應用程式可以達到立即測試硬體的功能。在實驗的過程中,我們使用不同硬體規格的力回饋裝置來做測試,結果都能夠正確的產生驅動程式,並且順利的將其安裝到作業系統中。最後實際執行了一些應用程式來測試硬體,結果硬體的反應也都正確無誤。
The device driver plays an important role in an operating system. It is the communication bridge between the hardware peripheral and the application programs running on computer. Device drivers are very sophisticate to develop, because it depends on knowledge of peripheral device specification as well as the OS. kernel’s details. Because a driver is a program which operates in the kernel of OS, it is very sensitive to the modification/upgrade of an OS. Even dealing with the same peripheral device, it usually can not avoid to redevelop a new version of device driver for a newer version of OS. Therefore, the development of device drivers has become a big problem for many PC peripheral system providers.

In this thesis, we proposed a device driver generator for PC peripherals using USB interface. More specifically, we focus on the USB force feedback devices. Given the necessary parameters for a specific device, the tool can automatic generate a specific device driver, an INF file and a corresponding application program for verification. This tool can release a software engineer from learning the heavy burden of investigating the operating system core and relevant knowledge of the hardware, hence accelerates the development of the driver. In short, it is a very useful synthesis tool for device driver, which can help many hardware peripheral providers to solve their problem.
第一章 緒論............................................1
1.1 研究動機............................................1
1.2 研究背景............................................2
1.3 國內外相關研究.…....................................6
1.3.1 驅動程式開發工具...............................6
1.3.2 驅動程式相關研究..............................12
第二章 Windows作業系統基礎..............................15
2.1 Windows作業系統與驅動程式的關聯解析....................15
2.2 階層式的驅動程式架構..................................23
2.3 元件物件模型.........................................26
2.4 人性化介面裝置.......................................28
2.5 INF File簡介........................................31
第三章 Windows Driver Model............................34
3.1 WDM類型............................................34
3.2 WDM組成元件........................................39

第四章 DirectX介紹......................................42
4.1 DirectInput簡介....................................43
4.1.1 取得設備的控制權..............................43
4.1.2 設定合作的模式...............................44
4.1.3 周邊設備的資料存取.................................45
第五章 USB介紹..........................................47
5.1 USB簡介............................................47
5.2 USB傳輸的基礎.......................................49
5.3 USB驅動程式架構.....................................50
第六章 USB力回饋裝置驅動程式..............................56
6.1 簡介................................................56
6.2 架構................................................57
6.3 遊戲控制器面板程式....................................61
6.4 編譯與安裝驅動程式及遊戲控制器面板程式..................67
6.4.1 Build Utility介紹...........................67
6.4.2 編譯程式.....................................69
6.5 驅動程式的封裝.......................................73
6.6 登錄資料庫...........................................75
第七章 USB力回饋裝置驅動程式產生器........................78
7.1 簡介................................................78
7.2 架構................................................78
7.3 設計使用者介面.......................................79
第八章 實驗結果..........................................85
第九章 結論..............................................92
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