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論文名稱(外文):A 3D Analytical Modeling of Subthreshold Behavior for Undoped SOI FinFET
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摘  要
近來鰭式場效應電晶體(FinFET),已獲得高密切注意,由於具備(1)降低短通道效應(Reduce short channel effect)(2)高轉導(High transconductance)(3)低功率消耗(Low power consumption)(4)減低熱載子效應(Reduce hot carrier effect)(5)改善次臨界斜率區域汲極電流對閘極電壓斜率變化(6)增強閘極對通道之控制能力與抑制通道貫穿效應所產生之漏電流等優點,已有取代傳統平面傳導之金氧半場效電晶體(bulk MOSFET)成為低功率(Low power),高密度(High density)之積體電路中最具發展力之元件。由於鰭式場效應電晶體被研發應用於通訊電路及微波領域中,是故因應超高密度積體電路(VLSI)之小幾何元件模型之需求,傳統一維分析模型及程式已無法精確預測元件次臨界特性,於是發展出適合深次微米(deep-submicrometer)範圍之小幾何結構效應(Small-geometric effect)元件之解析模型。
為了能夠以最低成本(Low cost),及最高的效率(High efficiency)發展出鰭式場效應電晶體(FinFET)的電性解析模式---尤其是應用於低功率(Low power)數位積體電路中之次臨界行為(Subthreshold behavior)的分析,於是吾人乃根據分離變數(Separate variables)之超疊代法(Superposition method)以解出具實體物理意義的三維帕森方程式(Poisson’s equation),進而探討次臨界微米(deep-submicrometer)領域中元件之次臨界行為。吾人以此為基礎,推導出該元件之次臨界行為解析模型。由此模型可以準確地預測表面電位之變化、臨界電壓的衰減、次臨界斜率的衰變和汲極電壓引發通道電位降低之效應。而有效地預測出當積體電路密度提高時,導致元件邁向深次微米領域時所能接受的最小尺寸(Ultimate scaling limitation),然而節省了前瞻元件製程(Device process)所耗費的成本,並提供了小幾何元件模擬(small device modeling)的基礎。
本論文旨在發展出適用於深次微米(deep-submicrometer)範圍之有關低摻雜鰭式場效應電晶體(updoped FinFET)次臨界行為之三維解析模型,藉以改變不同幾何元件結構參數(Device structure parameters)及電路參數(Electrial parameters)加以深入探討元件於深次微米領域之行為,為往後微小幾何元件分析奠定基礎,有助於日後元件朝向深次微米發展時,基本模擬資料庫之建立。
In recent years, the FinFET has attracted a lot attention and become a potential candidate for the VLSI due to the following advantages:(1)Reduced short channel ef-fects(2)High transconductance(3)Low power consumption(4)Reduced hot carrier ef-fects(5)Improved subthreshold swing(6)Be able to enhance the function of gate on channel conductivity control and release the punch-through effect. The integration of billions of transistors in a single chip beyond the year 2003 will require that device di-mensions be reduced to below deep-submicrometer levels. However, as device dimen-sion are reduced, the conventional one-dimensional electrostatic effects can not afford to predict precisely the performance of the FinFET due to the small-geometric effects.
So, it becomes more important to provide the exact model of the subthreshold be-havior by considering the 3-D effects as the device dimension is pushed into the deep-submicrometer regime for the application of the high density of the VLSI circuits. In this thesis, we use the superposition method to derive the three-dimensional potential distribution of the silicon film for the FinFET. Based on the three-dimensional potential analysis, the surface channel potential would be obtained. With the surface channel po-tential and operation of the FinFET, the three-dimensional device-physics-based ana-lytical models are developed for subthreshold conduction in uniformly undoped density of FinFET.
For undoped FinFET, the small-geometric effects to degrade the performance of the subthreshold behavior will be observed. Meanwhile, By considering the surface po-tential, the threshold voltage roll-off, drain-induced barrier lowering(DIBL)effect, and subthreshold slope degradation are precisely predicteded. Ultimately, the minimum ac-ceptable channel length(the scaling limitation) would be discussed with the various de-vice parameters for the FinFET.

摘  要 i
A 3D Analytical Modeling Subthreshold Behavior for Undoped SOI FinFET iii
Acknowledgements iv
Contents ix
List of Tables xi
List of Figures xii
Chapter 1 1
1.1 MOSFET’s Review 1
1.2 FinFET’s Review 3
1.3 Motivation 5
1.4 Organization 6
Chapter 2 10
APSYS Overview and Device Configurations 10
2.1 Fundamentals 10
2.2 Device Configurations 15
Chapter 3 19
FinFET’s-Subthreshold Behavior Models for Undoped SOI FinFET’s 19
3.1 Motivation 19
3.2 Model Derivation for Undoped SOI FinFET 20
3.2.1 Three-Dimensional Potential Expression 20
3.2.2 Small-geometry Threshold Voltage Model 32
3.2.3 Small-geometry DIBL Model 36
3.2.4 Small-geometry Subthreshold Swing Model 39
4.1 Conclusions 42
4.1.1 FinFET 42
4.2 Future works 43
作者簡介 57
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[61]Y.-K. Choi, N. Lindert, P. Xuan, S. Tang, D. Ha, E. Anderson, T.-J. King, J.Bokor, and C. Hu, “Sub-20 nm CMOS FinFET technolo-gies,”Electron Devices Meeting, 2001. International, IEDM Technical Digest. 2-5 Dec, 2001, pp. 19.1.1 - 19.1.4.
[62]J. Kedzierski, D. M. Fried, E. J. Nowak, T. Kanarsky, J. H. Rankin, H. Hanafi, W. Natzle, D. Boyd, Y. Zhang, R. A. Roy, J. Newbury, C. Yu, Q. Yang, P. Saunders, C.P. Willets, A. Johnson, S. P. Cole, H. E. Young, N. Carpenter, D. Rakowski, B. A.Rainey, P. E. Cottrell, M. Ieong, and H.-S. P. Wong, “High-performance symmetric-gate and CMOS-compatible Vt asymmetric-gate FinFET devices,” Electron Devices Meeting, 2001. In-ternational, IEDM Technical Digest. , 2-5 Dec., 2001, pp.19.5.1 - 19.5.4.
[63]Y.-K. Choi, T.-J. King, and C. Hu, “Spacer FinFET: nano-scale CMOS technology for the terabit era,” 2001 International, Semiconductor De-vice Research Symposium, 5-7 Dec., 2001, pp. 543 – 546.
[64]S. H. Tang, L. Chang, N. Lindert, Y.-K. Choi, W.-C. Lee, X. Huang, V. Subramanian, J. Bokor, T.-J. King, and C. Hu, “FinFET-a quasi-planar double-gate MOSFET,”2001 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference, 5-7 Feb., 2001, pp. 118 - 119.
[65]N. Lindert, Y.-K. Choi, L. Chang, E. Anderson, W.-C. Lee, T.-J. King, J. Bokor, and C. Hu, “Quasi-planar FinFETs with selectively grown ger-manium raised source/drain,” IEEE International , SOI Conference, 1-4 Oct., 2001, pp. 111 – 112.
[66]D. Hisamoto, W.-C. Lee, J. Kedzierski, H. Takeuchi, K. Asano, C. Kuo, T.-J. King, J. Bokor, and C. Hu, “A folded-channel MOSFET for deep-sub-micro era,” in IEDM Tech. Dig., 1998, pp. 1032-1034.
[67]X. Huang, W.-C. Lee, C. Kuo, D. Hisamoto, L. Chang, J. Kedzierski, R.Anderson, H. Takeuchi, Y.-K. Choi, K. Asano, V. Subramanian, T.-J. King, J. Bokor, and C. Hu, “Sub-50 nm P-channel FinFET,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 48, May, 2001, pp. 880-886.
[68]D. M. Fried, A. P. Johnson, E. J. Nowak, J. H. Rankin, and C. R. Willets, “A sub-40 nm body thickness N-type FinFET,” in Proc. Device Res. Conf., 2001, pp. 24-25.
[69]Y.-K. Choi, T.-H. King, and C. Hu, “Nanoscale CMOS Spacer FinFET for the Terabit Era,” IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 23, no. 1, January, 2002, pp. 25-27.
[70]N. Lindert, L. Chang, Y.-K. Choi, E. H. Anderson, W.-C. Lee, T.-J. King, J. Bokor, and C. Hu, “Sub-60-nm Quasi-planar FinFETs fabricated using a simplified process,” IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 22, no. 10, Oct., 2001, pp. 487-489.
[71]G. Pei, J. Kedzierski, P. Oldiges, M. Ieong, and E.C.-C. Kan, “FinFET design considerations based on 3-D simulation and analytical modeling,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 49 , Issue: 8 , Aug., 2002, pp. 1411 – 1419.
[72]S.-H. Oh, D. Monroe, and J.M. Hergenrother, “Analytic description of short-channel effects in fully-depleted double-gate and cylindrical, sur-rounding-gate MOSFETs,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Volume: 21 , Issue: 9 , Sept., 2000, pp. 445 – 447.
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