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研究生(外文):Poan Tsai
論文名稱(外文):RLC Crosstalk analysis and parasitic capacitance modeling on VLSI interconnections
指導教授(外文):T. K. Chiang
外文關鍵詞:VLSIinterconnectioncrosstalkparasitic capacitance
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另外吾人也針對既有的寄生電容模組提出未考慮到的幾何參數,經由二維模擬軟體 ─ Raphael 所萃取出的數據資料顯示出,在非平面的相互交叉內連線結構下,導線的傾斜量也將影響到寄生電容的數值。因此為了能更完美地預測出寄生電容的數值,勢必導線的傾斜量也須考慮進去。
Continuous advancements in the field of very large scale integrated circuits and very high speed integrated circuits have resulted in smaller chip sizes, smaller device geometries, and millions of closely spaced interconnections in one or more levels that connect the various components on the chip. Due to steady decrease in chip area and increase in clock frequencies, the influence of interconnects parasitic on circuit behavior becomes significant. In this study, we focus on modeling improvement for RLC crosstalk and parasitic capacitance.
In the past, most existing noise models only consider capacitive coupling. However, at current operating frequencies, inductive crosstalk effects should be included for complete coupling noise analysis. One aspect of on-chip inductance that has not been studied well is mutual inductive coupling. Mutual inductance causes signal integrity issues by injecting noise pulses on a victim line. The injected noise can either cause functional failure or change the delay of the victim line. Based on transmission line theory, we propose a simple RLC crosstalk model. Due to its simplicity, the model is useful in understanding noise waveform shapes due to capacitive and inductive coupling and also their dependencies on various parameters. The proposed model will be particularly useful in investigating the effect of physical design changes (linewidth, spacing, etc.) on noise.
Furthermore, based on 2D simulation result, we show that magnitude of slope regarding non-planar interconnects will affect the parasitic capacitance of crossover interconnects, which is ignored by previous investigations. To precisely predict the capacitances of the 2D interconnect, the sloping issue should be accounted for.
Chapter 1 Abstract (Chinese)........................................................................................IV
Chapter 2 Abstract (Chinese)..........................................................................................V
Chapter 3 Abstract (Chinese)........................................................................................VI
Chapter 4 Abstract (Chinese).......................................................................................VII
Chapter 5 Abstract (Chinese)........................................................................................XI
List of Figures……………………………………………………………………….....VI
Chapter 1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………..1
1.1 Interconnection’s review………………………………………………………..1
1.2 Scope and Brief Description of this Thesis……………………………………..4
Chapter 2 Raphael Overview…………………………………………………………….5
2.1 Fundamentals…………………………………………………………………...5
2.2 Interconnect Configurations…………………………………………………….7
Chapter 3 Crosstalk Noise Model for On-chip RLC Wiring…………………………….9
3.1 Motivations……………………………………………………………………..9
3.2 RLC Crosstalk Analysis……………………………………………………….10
3.3 Crosstalk Noise Model for On-chip RLC Wiring……………………………..15
3.4 Simulation and Conclusion……………………………………………………18
Chapter 4 Parasitic Capacitance Modeling……………………………………………..20
4.1 Motivations……………………………………………………………………20
4.2 Parasitic Capacitance Model reviewing……………………………………….20
4.2.1 Capacitance of each region……………………………...……………..23
4.3 Sloping Problem………………………………………………………………28
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works……………………………………………...33
5.1 Conclusions……………………………………………………………………33
5.1.1 RLC Crosstalk Noise Model…………………………………………...33
5.1.2 Parasitic Capacitance Model…………………………………………...33
5.2 Future Works………………………………………………………………….34
Publications List………………………………………………………………………..35
Introduction of Author………………………………………………………………….40
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