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研究生(外文):Yun Han Chan
論文名稱(外文):Intelligent Sensory System of the Shopping Service Robot
指導教授(外文):Ming Yuan Shieh
外文關鍵詞:intelligent sensory systemnavigation controlfuzzy controller
  • 被引用被引用:4
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This thesis presents the design concepts of the intelligent sensory system for navigation controls of a shopping service robot. In which, a sonar system is used to detect environmental information for map building/modification or obstacle avoidance controls. Besides, an infrared sensory system is used to estimate the distribution of the crowd, which aims to assist the sonar system in navigating in crowded passages by voicing and warning those who in front of the robot against staying in the possible passages. To voice and then to disperse people is an efficient way which could not only reduce unnecessary obstacle avoidance controls but also decrease the computation of the collision-free navigation. Since every intersection could be regarded as a sub-goal point in the local navigation, the robot just executes local obstacle avoidance controls between two intersections for navigation. Meanwhile, the intersection would be detected by two proximity sensors. In this thesis, the intelligent sensory system is integrated by a set of fuzzy controllers, which mainly includes two sub-fuzzy controllers; each of them provides wall following navigation and obstacle avoidance control respectively. The simulation and experimental results show that the robot is indeed capable of performing self-navigation within the shopping environment by the proposed intelligent sensory system.
摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
致謝 vi
目次 vii
圖目錄 x
表目錄 xiii
第一章 緖論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 文獻探討 5
1.4 論文架構 8
第二章 系統介紹 9
2.1 系統概述 9
2.2 系統架構 10
2.3 購物服務機器人介紹 12
2.3.1 機械結構 12
2.3.2 控制中樞 13
2.3.3 驅動系統 14
2.3.4 電源系統 15
2.4 本章總結 16
第三章 智慧型感知系統設計 17
3.1 超音波感測器 18
3.1.1 超音波簡介 19
3.1.2 超音波檢測方式介紹 20
3.1.3 超音波動作原理 22
3.1.4 超音波感測器模組簡介 24
3.2 焦電型人體紅外線感測器 29
3.2.1 紅外線輻射簡介 29
3.2.2 紅外線感測器感測原理與特性 30
3.2.3 紅外線感知器的配置 34
3.3 金屬近接感測器 35
3.4 行為感測融合 38
3.5 本章總結 40
第四章 導航控制系統 41
4.1 沿牆導引控制 43
4.2 避障控制模式 46
4.3 沿牆導引及避障之整合控制模式 47
4.4 整合式模糊控架構 48
4.4.1 模糊沿牆導引控制器 49
4.4.2 模糊避障導引控制器 51
4.4.3 整合模糊控制器 53
4.5 人群估測及路口判斷之轉向控制 54
4.5.1 人群估測之避障控制 54
4.5.2 路口判斷及轉向控制 56
4.6 本章總結 57
第五章 導航控制系統之模擬與實現 58
5.1 導航控制系統之模擬 58
5.2 導航控制系統之實現 60
5.2.1 超音波感測器量環境實驗 60
5.2.2 沿牆導引之實驗 61
5.2.3 避障導引之實驗 63
5.2.4 人群估測與避障控制實驗 69
5.3 本章總結 72
第六章 結論與未來展望 73
6.1 結論 73
6.2 未來展望 74
參考文獻 75
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