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研究生(外文):S.Y. Shao
論文名稱(外文):CAE Analyses of Inhomogeneous Deformation in Cold Skin-Pass Drawing
指導教授(外文):H.S. LinC.C. Chuang
外文關鍵詞:metal formingskin-pass drawinginhomogeneous deformationresidual stressround barsshaped bars
  • 被引用被引用:12
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Straightness and concentricity precision of round or equilateral shaped bars can be improved by cold skin-pass drawing. However the workpiece tends to deform inhomogeneously and causes residual stress with the intuitive large numbers of the delta parameter in the skin-pass process. And these factors cause bending and twist on the workpiece after subsequent heat treatment.
The current work first applies FEM software DEFORM 2D to analyze the drawing force of the skin-pass bar drawing. Optimum die semi-angles are evaluated for the process subject to a combination of various die semi-angles, reductions of area and friction factors. Distributions of displacement and effective strain are further analyzed with the same combination of process parameters. “Inhomogeneity factors in strain” are defined in order to evaluate the influences of the process parameters on deformation inhomogeneity.
The second part of the work is devoted to the analyses of skin-pass drawing of equilateral shaped bars. Optimum die semi-angles are evaluated for the process subject to a combination of various shape profiles, die semi-angles and reductions of area, with DEFORM 3D. The influence of the various process parameters on the distribution of effective strain is evaluated as well. The simulations show the corners of the shaped bars attract the most strain and hence the distribution of the effective strain across the centerline to the corner is utilized for the analyses of inhomogeneity factor in skin-pass drawing of equilateral shaped bars. The results from the round and equilateral shaped bars can serve as the guidelines for the analyses of skin-pass bar drawing of rectangular or irregular cross-sections.
第一章 緒論
1.1 前言
1.2 文獻回顧
1.3 研究目的
第二章 理論基礎與研究方法
2.1 抽引成形基本原理
2.2 圓棒表面精抽2-D模擬參數之設定
2.3 等邊型材表面精抽3-D模擬參數之設定
第三章 圓棒表面精抽模擬結果與討論
3.1.1 眼模半角之影響
3.1.2 面積縮率之影響
3.1.3 摩擦因子之影響
3.2.1 眼模半角之影響
3.2.2 面積縮率之影響
3.2.3 摩擦因子之影響
3.3.1 眼模半角之影響
3.3.2 面積縮率之影響
3.3.3 摩擦因子之影響
3.4 應變不均分析
3.4.1 眼模半角之影響
3.4.2 面積縮率之影響
3.4.3 摩擦因子之影響
3.4.4 塑性變形參數Δ之影響
第四章 等邊型材表面精抽模擬結果與討論
4.1 成形負荷分析
4.1.1 眼模半角之影響
4.1.2 面積縮率之影響
4.1.3 圓角半徑之影響
4.2 等效應變分析
4.2.1 截面形狀之影響
4.2.2 眼模半角之影響
4.2.3 面積縮率之影響
4.2.4 摩擦因子之影響
4.2.5 圓角半徑之影響
4.3 應變不均分析
4.3.1 眼模半角之影響
4.3.2 面積縮率之影響
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論
5.2 建議
附錄A 有限元素法套裝軟體DEFORM之介紹與冷間表面精抽模擬參數之設定方法
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