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研究生(外文):Chi-Wen Lai
論文名稱(外文):Discussing an Empirical Study to Construct and Measure a Model for Brand Value Cognitive by Consumer’s Viewpoint
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Hsiung ChangKun-Shou Shih
外文關鍵詞:brand valuebrand perceived valuebrand experience valuebrand relationship valuebrand loyalty
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There are many factors that influence consumers’ purchasing strategies, and brand is one of that. Most of the researches generally use finance point or another facet to discuss brand. However, few researches explore the whole brand value by consumers’ view. Therefore, this study is based on the purchasing process of consumer to evaluate the framework of brand value perceived model. The sample of this study is the consumers that ever bought the ASUS notebook, TOYOTA motor, and Pottery restaurant. The number of 450 questionnaires was sent to the consumer and was received by 316. The received rate is 70.2%. Besides, this paper use Second-Order CFA and SEM Model to analyze and develop the brand value perceived model.
The study finding shows that the model that this study constructs is suitable. This means the factors that can evaluate brand value perceived include brand perceived value, brand experienced value, and brand relationship value, and all of them reach the significant level about the model of brand value perceived. In addition, the empirical research finds that brand perceived value, brand experienced value, and brand relationship value has positive relation with loyalty, and that enhance the model is reliable. Moreover, the consumers of ASUS notebook emphasize the perceived value of brand, so company must focus on the interaction between brand and consumer. The previous cognition of brand of the consumers of Pottery restaurant can influence the relation between the experience and brand, and company must improve the interaction between experience and relationship to enhance loyalty. Finally, the consumers of TOYOTA motor have high level of brand value perceived, so company can focus on the feeling of consumer about brand experience and then enhance the consumer loyalty.
第一章 緒論...........................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機.................................................1
1.2 研究目的......................................................4
1.3 研究範圍......................................................5
1.4 研究流程......................................................6
第二章 文獻探討.......................................................8
2.1 品牌與品牌價值.................................................8
2.1.1 品牌之定義.................................................9
2.1.2 品牌管理...............................................10
2.1.3 品牌價值.................................................11
2.1.4 品牌價值與消費程序.........................................12
2.2 品牌知覺價值..................................................14
2.2.1 認知價值之意義............................................14
2.2.2 認知價值之衡量構面.........................................16
2.2.3 品牌知覺價值..............................................18
2.3 品牌體驗價值..................................................22
2.3.1 體驗與體驗式消費行為.......................................22
2.3.2 品牌體驗價值之定義.........................................23
2.3.3 品牌體驗價值之衡量構面.....................................28
2.4 品牌關係價值..................................................29
2.4.1 品牌關係價值之定義.........................................29
2.4.2 品牌關係價值之衡量構面.....................................31
2.5 品牌忠誠度....................................................35
2.5.1 品牌忠誠度之定義..........................................35
2.5.2 品牌忠誠度之衡量構面.......................................36
2.6 品牌知覺價值、品牌體驗價值、品牌關係價值及品牌忠誠度之關係及假設推導..38
第三章 研究方法......................................................43
3.1 研究架構.....................................................43
3.2 研究假設彙總..................................................45
3.3 研究變數的操作性定義與衡量......................................46
3.4 問卷設計與資料收集.............................................50
3.5 預試分析.....................................................52
3.6 資料分析方法..................................................56
第四章 資料分析結果..................................................60
4.1 敍述性統計分析................................................60
4.1.1 回收樣本結構..............................................61
4.1.2 研究變數之敍述性分析.......................................63
4.2 信度、效度與二階驗證性因素分析之檢定.............................70
4.2.1 因素分析.................................................70
4.2.2 信度、效度分析............................................75
4.3 品牌價值認知模式之二階驗證性因素分析.............................77
4.3.1 品牌價值認知模式原始模式...................................78
4.3.2 品牌價值認知修正模式.......................................82
4.4 品牌價值認知模式之驗證.........................................88
4.4.1 完整模式分析..............................................88
4.4.2 三個品牌完整模式驗證分析...................................95
4.4.3 三個品牌模式直接影響結果之比較.............................101
4.5 研究結果討論.................................................104
4.5.1 發展品牌價值認知衡量模式..................................104
4.5.2 驗證品牌價值認知完整衡量模式...............................106
第五章 研究結論與建議..............................................115
5.1 研究結論....................................................115
5.1.1 品牌價值認知衡量模式之建構.................................116
5.1.2 完整模式之驗證...........................................117
5.2 實務意涵....................................................120
5.3 研究限制....................................................125
5.4 後續研究建議.................................................125
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