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研究生(外文):Juang Yan Liou
論文名稱(外文):The Impact of Corporate Governance Characteristics on The Probability and Amount of Assets Impairment Recognized
外文關鍵詞:Assets ImpairmentCorporate Goverance
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摘 要
過去文獻顯示認列資產價值減損,極可能會對公司產生巨大衝擊及帶來負面之市場反應,而35公報於2005年正式實施並得於2004年提前適用,因此本研究主要探討在公司治理機制下是否使公司有效反應資產價值減損之機率。首先針對公司治理特質與自願性資產減損認列機率以Logit model進行分析,實證結果顯示董監事持股比例與公司認列資產減損之機會呈現顯著正相關,顯示董監事持股比例越高,則自願性提列減損的機率將越高,愈有可能提前適用35號公報,但其他公司治理代理變數則不具顯著之相關性;此表示公司治理之機制對資產減損認列之機率仍具些微之影響力。另在洗大澡與損益平穩化等盈餘管理代理變數方面,自實證可知,管理當局仍極有可能利用資產減損之時機進行盈餘管理。
The prior literatures show that to adopt the SFAS NO. 35 is possibly to cause enormous impacts and negative market reaction to firms. The SFAS NO. 35 was effective for financial year ending after December 31, 2005, with early application encouraged. This research focuses on if the company can appropriate response assets impairment losses under corporate governance. First, we use Logit model to analyze the relationship of corporate governance characteristics and probability of early adopt SFAS NO. 35. The results show that assets impairment recognized has significant positive relationship with the ratio of the stock held by the board and supervisors. But the other corporate governance characteristics have not significant correlations. This result indicates that corporate governance still has slightly influence on assets impairment recognized. Besides, in the respect of the proxy variables of big bath and smooth, we detect that the management still have high possibility to use assets impairment to manage earnings.
Finally, we examine the correlation between corporate governance characteristics and the amount of assets impairment by using multiple regression analysis. The results show that the ratio of independent director number has significant negative relationship with the amount of assets impairment. This result indicates that independent director number can improve operating performance and avoid resulting in huge mount assets impairment losses. But the other corporate governance characteristics have not significant correlations. And this can be proved by big bath and smooth variables which have positive correlation with the amount of assets impairment recognized.
目  次
摘要 ⅱ
目次 ⅳ
圖目錄 ⅵ
表目錄 ⅶ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
2.1美國資產減損相關準則規定 6
2.2我國35號公報 7
2.3相關準則比較 9
2.3.1 與國際準則比較 9
2.3.2 與美國準則比較 10
2.4公司治理相關文獻探討 14
2.4.1董監事持股比例 16
2.4.2外部獨立董監事席次比例 18
2.4.3董監事質押比例 21
2.4.4董事長兼任總經理 23
2.4.5管理者持股比例 24
2.4.6法人機構持股比例 25
2.4.7關係人交易 27
2.5資產減損相關文獻探討 29
2.5.1與資產減損影響因素相關之研究 30
2.5.2與資產減損市場反應相關之研究 32
第三章 研究方法 34
3.1研究假說 34
3.2研究設計 41
3.3研究樣本 45
第四章 實證結果 47
4.1敘述性統計 47
4.2實證結果 51
第五章 結論與建議 68
5.1研究結論 68
5.2研究限制 71
5.3研究建議 71
參考文獻 72
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