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Author (Eng.):Frank Lo
Advisor:吳歆嬫吳歆嬫 author reflink
advisor (eng):HSIN-RONG-WU
Narrow Field:人文學門
Detailed Field:外國語文學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2006
Graduated Academic Year:94
number of pages:85
keyword (eng):Basic Competence TestComprehensive High School StudentsLanguage learning strategyProficient and non-proficient students
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  • Cited Cited :18
  • HitsHits:307
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一、 綜合高中學生最常使用理解策略,而後依序是:認知策略、記憶策略、後設認知策略、情感策略,而最後則是社會策略。
二、 根據本研究發現,語言學習策略對預測學生之英語成就,具有獨特與統計上顯著的貢獻。在語言學習策略上之得分,應可做為預測學生英語成就之因素。
三、 精熟的學生較非經熟的學生,較常使用全部的學習策略(六組的策略種類與41項策略)。
四、 就本研究而言,在六組種類中,受試之52位男學生與203位女學生間並無顯著差異。而在六組種類中,女學生較男學生常使用語言學習策略。
一、 綜合高中學生最常使用理解策略,而後依序是認知策略、記憶策略、後設認知策略、情感策略,最後則是社會策略。但Graham(1997)指出,能使學生去計畫、控制與評估自己的學習的後設認知策略,在提升學習中,才是佔有最重要角色的策略。也因此,教師們應該在其課堂中更加著重於認知與後設認知策略之訓練,並且嘗試去將學生們較常使用理解策略之情形,轉換為使用更多的後設認知與認知策略。
二、 由於語言學習策略是可教的。根據Chamot(2004)的CALLA模式,教師應選擇明確的學習策略指導方式,並且盡可能將該指導方式融入日常教學工作之中。此外,教師也應把語言學習策略,教給在第二或外國語言課程上屬於L1的初學者,而不要等到在中級或是高級課程時才教授。如此,初學者才能把語言學習得更成功並且增加其後續學習的動機。
三、 根據本研究發現,語言學習策略對預測學生之英語成就,有著獨特且統計上顯著的貢獻。易言之,在語言學習策略上之得分,應可做為預測學生英語成就之一項因子。因此,教師可使用Oxford’s SILL 為工具來測量學生語言學習策略之使用,並試著將教師自己的語言學習策略轉換給學生。

The purpose of the study was to investigate comprehensive high school students’ use of language learning strategies. Since research paid little attention on Language strategy use in Comprehensive High School students, therefore, the current research tried to investigate EFL learning strategies used by the students of a Comprehensive High School in Kaohsiung City. There were 255 comprehensive high school students participating in the study. There are four research questions focusing on what are the most often used language learning strategies by comprehensive high school students, the relation between students’ English achievement and language learning strategy use, the differences of language learning strategies use between proficient and non-proficient students, as well as the differences of language learning strategies used between male and female students.
General data about the students’ language learning strategy use were obtained from a Likert 5-scale, composed of Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). Moreover, the students’ English scores of Basic Competence Test were collected as their English achievement. Data from the students’ responses were computed and analyzed by means of Reliability analysis, Descriptive and inferential statistics, Pearson Correlation, Multiple Regression, One way between-groups ANOVA with post-hoc tests and An Independent t-test.
The findings of the study are summarized as follows:
1. Comprehensive high school students used compensation strategies most often, then followed by cognitive strategies, memory strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies and the least, social strategies.
2. According to our finding language learning strategy made a unique and statistically significant contribution to the prediction of Students’ English Achievement. Scores on the language learning strategy use could be served as a predictor to predict success in students’ English achievement.
3. Proficient students reported higher frequency of usage of overall strategy use, all six groups of strategy categories, and 41 strategies than did non-proficient students ( Appendix C ).
4. In terms of the present study indicated that there was no significant difference in the six categories between 52 male and 203 female students.
However, female students reported to use language learnig strategies more often than did non-proficient students among the six categories.
Based on the results of the study, some recommendation and pedagogical implications are provided in the following section:
1. Comprehensive high school students used compensation strategies most often, then followed by cognitive strategies, memory strategies, metacognitive strategies, affective strategies and the least, social strategies. However, Graham (1997) stated that metacognitive strategies, that allowed students to plan, control, and evaluate their learning, had the most central role to play in improvement of learning. Therefore, the teachers should emphasize more training on cognitive and metacognitive strategies in their courses and tried to transfer their students’ use of strategies from more comprehensive strategies to more metacognitive and cognitive strategies.
2. According to our finding language learning strategy made a unique and statistically significant contribution to the prediction of Students’ English Achievement. Therefore, scores on the language learning strategy use could be served as a predictor to predict success in students’ English achievement. For this reason, teachers could use Oxford’s SILL as an instrument to measure their student’s use of language learning strategies and tried to transfer their experiences of LLS use to their students.
Motivation 1
Purpose of this Study 2
Research Questions 3
Significance of this Study 3
Limitations of this study 4
Terms 4
Overview of this study 5

Language learning strategies 7
The identification of language learning strategies 8
Definition and classification of language learning strategies 11
Correlation of strategies used and language proficiency 17
Research on sex differences and language learning strategy use 19
Summary 20

Participants 22
Instrument 22
The Students’ Proficiency Criteria 24
Pilot Study 25
Procedures 26
Data Analysis 28
Summary 30

Reliability Coefficients for the Six Strategy Categories 32
Pearson Correlation 36
Multiple Regression 38
One-way between- groups ANOVA with post-hoc tests 39
An Independent t-test 41
Memory Strategies 42
Cognitive Strategies 43
Compensation Strategies 45
Metacognitive Strategies 46
Affective strategies 48
Social Strategies 49
Summary 54

Summary of the Findings 55
Findings of the study 56
Conclusions 61
Pedagogical Implications of the Study 63
Suggestions for Further Research 65

APPENDIX A : Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) 75
APPENDIX B : 英語學習策略量表 79
APPENDIX C : Descriptive Analysis of Proficient and Non-Proficient Students 83
APPENDIX D : 問卷使用同意書 consent form 85
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1. A Study of Junior High School Students’ English Acquisitive Environment, English Acquisitive Motivation, English Acquisitive Strategy, and English Acquisitive Achievement in Miaoli
2. The study on the influence of multiple intelligence,learning style, learning motivation and learning strategy upon the vocational high school students’ learning effectiveness
3. The Relationships among Perceptual Learning Style, Vocabulary Learning Strategies, and Vocabulary Achievement of Junior HIgh School Students
4. A Study of English Learning Motivation and Strategies in Relation to the English Learning Achievement of Junior High School Students in Taiwan
5. A study on the Relations betwen English Learnin Strategies and English Learning Achievement of Junior High School Students
6. A Study of Technology University Applied Foreign Language Students’ English Learning Motivation and Learning Strategy:A Case of Central Taiwan
7. The Relations among English Learning Motivation, Learning Strategies and Learning Achievement
8. A study on the Relationship between English Learning Strategies and English Academic Achievement of the Students in a Junior High School in Kaohsiung
9. The Relations among Social Context, Learning Motivation, Learning Strategies, and Learning Achievement: The Construction and Verification of Senior High School Students’ English Learning Process Model
10. The Comparative Study on English Learning Strategies of Junior High School Students between Taiwan and China
11. Research on the Relation among Student Cognitive Style, Learning Strategy and Academic Achievement at Junior High School in Chia-Yi County and Chia-Yi City
12. A Study of English-Learning Strategy of Adult Learners- Jung He Community University as an Example
13. The Relationships among English Anxiety,English Learning Motivation and Strategy of Vocational High School Students
14. The Study on The Relationship Between EFL Learning Motivation and Learning Strategies of Taichung Junior High School Students
15. A Study of New Taipei City Fifth Graders’ English Learning Strategies and Related Factors
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8. Junior High School Students’ English Learning Strategy Use and Its Relationships with Their English Learning Achievements
9. A Study of Elementary School Students’ Attitudes towards English Learning in Tainan City
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13. EFL technological university students' use of language learning strategies and beliefs about language learning
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