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研究生(外文):Chih-chieh Yin
論文名稱(外文):Knowledge and Reasons for Non-attendance for Pap smears: A study of women in Hualien count
外文關鍵詞:Pap smearreason for non-attendanceCervical cancer
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研究方法:本研究資料來源為慈濟大學公共衛生學系尤素娟老師所提供之問卷調查資料結果。問卷調查根據花蓮縣至93年9月30日止抹片檢查三年以上未受檢婦女名單做抽樣調查,預定訪視1000人,實際完成之有效問卷計813份,完成率達81.3%。問卷針對婦女之個人基本資料、抹片檢查認知、婦科疾病與就醫情形、對子宮的看法、未定期受檢原因、曾受檢者上次受檢原因、對於抹片檢查希望能提供的服務等部份為研究基礎。本研究結果分析採用SPSS10.0統計軟體,運用描述性統計、T test、單因子變異數分析、相關及多變量分析來了解影響未定期受檢婦女未受檢原因的因素。
研究結果:本研究發現,抹片檢查三年以上未受檢婦女 1.54歲以下佔半數。2.抹片檢查知識的平均認知率為54.18+29.91%。3.七成以上知道健保提供免費服務。4.「抹片結果異常就是罹患子宮頸癌」及「罹患子宮頸癌就要切除子宮」的答對率僅三成。5.未受檢原因前四項依序為太忙沒時間、身體健康不需要、不好意思及年紀大了不需要,太忙沒時間者近七成為職業婦女。6.電視與衛生所是抹片資訊的主要來源。7.認知率低者多為不願參與,認知率高者多為不能參與。8.年齡、是否曾受檢與是否有工作是影響未受檢原因的重要因素。
結論:為促進抹片檢查三年以上未受檢婦女受檢 1.對不能參與者,應提供方便、可近性佳的篩檢服務。2.對不願參與者,透過人際提供正向經驗分享,動之以情提醒勸誘。3.教育宣導重點不能再僅是「六分鐘護一生」的口號,誰該受檢、受檢注意事項、檢查結果與處置、HPV的介紹等都是未來應強化的知識,並以全民為宣導對象。4.造成不願參與受檢的心理障礙需要再深入研究。
Background: Pap smear has been proven as an effective tool for early detection of cervical cancer. Authority has been including the prevention of cervical cancer as one of the key items in its five-year plan for cancer prevention as well as providing active Pap smear screening and related educational promotions. Yet, the percentage of women in Taiwan who had taken it is still low. Previous researches on why women in Taiwan did not take Pap smears had concluded this could be the result of insufficient knowledge or incorrect cognition of Pap smear. There were also different opinions that do not think knowledge or cognition is the crucial determinant. Most of these studies compared the groups of women who had taken regular Pap smear against those who did not.
Objectives: This study focuses on women who had not taken Pap smear for at least three years to understand their (1) the background and characteristics, (2) attitude re Pap smear, (3) reasons for not having it, (4) factors affecting their decision of not having it, and (5) reasons of last Pap smear test, if any.
Methods: This study uses indirect data from face-to-face interviews of women in Hualien county who had not taken a Pap smear during a 3-year period ended September 30, 2004. A total of 1,000 interviews were conducted and 813 samples were collected. The questionnaire covers the personal social economic data of the interviewees, their knowledge and cognition regarding Pap smear, reasons for not having Pap smear, reasons for having the last Pa p smear, and comments or suggestions to Pap smear, if any.
Results: (1) Majority of women who had not taken Pap smear for over 3 years are below 54 years old; (2) The average cognition rate over Pap smear is 54.18+29.91%; (3) Over 70% are aware that government provides free Pap smear test; (4) Knowledge about Pap smear and cervical cancer is insufficient; (5) Main reasons for not having Pap smear test are: too busy, being healthy so that no need for the test, too shy to have it, and too old to have the need of having it; (6) TV and the local health agencies are the main sources of related information; (7) Those who did not want to have the test have low cognition rate re Pap smear, while those who could not have the test have higher rate; (8) Age, previous experience of having the test as well as if having a job are the main factor affecting future Pap smear test.
Conclusions: To improve the rate of Pap smear screening, efforts should be focused on removing barriers for those who have high cognition but cannot take it. On the other hand, efforts for those who do not want to take it due to low cognition should be concentrated on providing required knowledge. More in-depth studies regarding the psychological barriers of those who do not want to take the test are recommended.
............................................ I
中文摘要.................................... II
英文摘要.................................... IV
目錄........................................ VI
圖目錄...................................... VII
表目錄...................................... VIII

第一章 緒論......................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機............................1
第二節 研究目的..................................6
第二章 文獻探討..................................7
第一節 子宮頸癌與抹片篩檢........................7
第二節 未受檢婦女的特性..........................9
第三節 知識、教育與篩檢參與......................15
第四節 未受檢原因與影響因素......................17
第三章 材料與方法................................21
第一節 研究設計..................................21
第二節 研究架構..................................21
第三節 樣本與資料來源............................25
第四節 問卷設計..................................25
第四章 研究結果..................................27
第一節 研究樣本特性..............................27
第二節 未受檢主因與可能影響因素之關係............33
第三節 不同知識層級、不同未受檢主因的婦女之特性..44
第五章 討論......................................56
第一節 研究發現..................................56
第二節 研究限制..................................61
第三節 結論與建議................................61

參考文獻 ..........................................69
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1. 簡大任、季瑋珠(民84)。臺北市有偶婦女接受子宮頸抹片檢查影響因素之探討。中華公共衛生雜誌,14(2),111-128。
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