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研究生(外文):Wen -chi Su
論文名稱(外文):Molecular mechanism of baicalein-inhibited survivin expression in human bladder cancer cells
指導教授(外文):Jui-I Chao
外文關鍵詞:bladder cancerp38baicaleinsurvivinAkt
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黃芩素是萃取自中草藥黃芩的主要類黃酮素,已經顯示具有抗癌的活性。Survivin蛋白具有促使癌細胞增生及腫瘤形成的作用。然而,黃芩素誘發人類癌細胞凋亡時,survivin蛋白的調控及功能仍不清楚。我們發現在不同人類膀胱癌細胞株包括TSGH8301、BFTC905、RT4、T24及HT1376皆高度表現survivin蛋白,並會集中表現在有絲分裂及細胞質分裂時期。當細胞處理40-80 �嵱 黃芩素,經24小時後,隨著處理濃度的提高,會顯著的增加膀胱癌細胞毒性、誘發細胞凋亡、G2/M時期增加及抑制細胞生長。同時,黃芩素會抑制cyclin B1、磷酸化cdc2 (Threonine-161)及survivin蛋白的表達。若前處理cdc2激酶的抑制劑,則會增加黃芩素所造成的細胞毒性。當我們利用基因轉殖survivin siRNA到人類膀胱癌細胞後,會抑制survivin蛋白表達,並活化γ-H2AX的表現,同時增加黃芩素在人類膀胱癌細胞毒性。此外,黃芩素會增加磷酸化p38 MAP激酶及Akt蛋白的表現量。以p38 MAP激酶抑制劑SB203580前處理膀胱癌細胞後,會減少黃芩素所造成的細胞毒性,並恢復survivin蛋白的表達量。相反的,以Akt抑制劑wortmannin前處理細胞,則會增加黃芩素所誘發的細胞毒性,並會抑制survivin蛋白的表達。綜合以上的結果,我們推測黃芩素誘發人類膀胱癌細胞死亡及細胞生長抑制,與降低survivin蛋白表達有關,並且survivin的表達分別可透過Akt及p38 MAP激酶路徑所正反調控。
Baicalein, a major flavonoid extracted from Scutellaria baicalensis, has been shown to exert anticancer activity. Survivin proteins are expressed in various cancer cells that promote cell proliferation and tumorgenesis. However, the role and regulation of survivin on the baicalein-induced apoptosis in human cancer cells remain unclear. Survivin proteins can expressed in variety of bladder cancer cells including TSGH8301, BFTC905, RT4, T24, and HT1376, which concentrated on the mitotic phase and cytokinesis. Baicalein (40-80 �嵱, 24 h) concentration-dependently increased the cytotoxicity, apoptosis, G2/M fractions, and growth inhibition in bladder cancer cells. The cyclin B1, phospho-cdc2 (threonine-161), and survivin proteins were decreased by baicalein. Pre-treatment with cdc2 inhibitors increased the baicalein-induced cell death. Transfection with survivin siRNA decreased the survivin expression but increased the γ-H2AX and the baicalein-induced cytotoxicity in bladder cancer cells. Moreover, baicalein increased phosphorylation of p38 MAP kinase and Akt in BFTC905 cells. A specific p38 MAP kinase inhibitor, SB203580, decreased the cytotoxicity and increased the survivin levels in the baicalein-treated cells. In addition, an Akt inhibitor, wortmannin, increased the cytotoxicity and decreased the survivin levels in the baicalein-exposed cells. Together, our results indicate that blockade of survivin expression mediate baicalein-induced cytotoxicity and growth inhibition, which is oppositely regulated by p38 MAP kinase and Akt in human bladder cancer cells.
中英文對照表……………………………………………………........…. Ⅴ
五、p38 MAP kinase的功能及表達……………………………………….4

ㄧ、survivin 在不同人類膀胱癌細胞株的表達及分佈…………………15
三、黃芩素抑制cyclin B1及磷酸化cdc2蛋白的表達…………………16
七、p38 MAP激酶參與調控黃芩素抑制survivin蛋白的表達…………...18
二、Cyclin B1及磷酸化cdc2蛋白參與黃芩素誘發細胞週期停止及細胞
三、黃芩素誘發p38 MAP激酶的活化參與抑制survivin蛋白的表達..21
圖五、黃芩素對膀胱癌細胞中cyclin B1及cdc2蛋白表達的影響…………..34
圖十一、轉殖survivin siRNA抑制膀胱癌細胞中survivin蛋白表達並誘發
圖十二、survivin siRNA增加黃芩素所抑制的膀胱癌細胞存活率…………41
圖十三、黃芩素對膀胱癌細胞中p38 MAP激酶之表現…………………….42
圖十四、抑制p38 MAP激酶對黃芩素抑制膀胱癌細胞生長的影響………43
圖十五、抑制p38 MAP激酶對黃芩素在膀胱癌細胞中survivin、Bcl-2及
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