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研究生(外文):Fan-chin Kung
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Smoking Cessation on Cardiac Neural Regulation in Patients with Schizophrenia
外文關鍵詞:spectral analysisschizophreniasmoking cessationcardiogenic sudden deathcardiac neural regulationnicotine dependenceheart rate variability
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徵集了35 位成年精神分裂症患者(全為男性,17 位習慣吸菸,18
曾服用clozapine、olanzapine、ziprasidone 等抗精神病藥物或其
Schizophrenia has been described as a “life shortening
illness”, which reduces patients’ life expectancy by ten to fifteen
years. Besides having the higher suicide rate and accident rate,
patients with schizophrenia are with attenuated function of
cardiac neural regulation and higher sudden cardiogenic death
rate. The reason could be the pathological mechanism of the
illness itself, the side effects of the medications, or the other
comorbid conditions such as anxiety disorder, depressive
disorder, metabolic syndrome, or nicotine dependence. Most of
the schizophrenic patients are habitual cigarette smokers, and
the smoking rate of schizophrenic patients is as high as seventy
to eighty percents, comparing the rate twenty-five percents in
general population. Sudden death rate of schizophrenic patients
is three times higher and cardiovascular death rate is two-times
higher than general population. Since the smokers are at even
higher risk for sudden cardiogenic death, it is reasonable to firstly
investigate the effects of the factor of cigarette smoking on
cardiac neural regulation in patients with schizophrenia.
The mainly common pathway of sudden cardiogenic death is
cardiac neural dysregulation, which could be conveniently
screened and monitored by heart rate variability spectral analysis.
The objective of this study was to examine the effects of cigarette
smoking and smoking cessation on cardiac neural regulation in a
group of male adult schizophrenic patients. We recruited 35 adult
schizophrenic patients (all are male, 17 habitual cigarette
smokers and 18 non-smokers) who were clinically diagnosed
without history of diabetic neuropathy, cardiac arrhythmia, or
other cardiovascular diseases, without anxiety disorder,
depressive disorder, or metabolic syndrome, without prescription
of antipsychotics such as clozapine, olanzapine, or ziprasidone or
other cardiovascular drugs, and showed equivalent symptom
severity. The experiments were performed on Day 0 (before
smoking cessation, as the baseline), Day 1 (the first day of
smoking cessation), Day 3, Day 7, Day 14, Day 21, and Day 28.
In the daytime of the experimental day, after lying for at least five
minutes, each patient received a 5-minute lead I ECG recording
in the quiet supine position, with his eyes open and breathes
normal. The heart rate variability (HRV) power spectrum analyses
were performed using an automatic HRV analyzer (SSIC, Enjoy
Research Inc., Taiwan).
The results suggested that the habitually-smoking
schizophrenic patients, as compared to the nonsmoking patients,
manifested further cardiac neural dysregulation, including
decreased total autonomic function activity, slightly increased
sympathetic outflow and impaired parasympathetic function
activity which could be somewhat reversed by smoking cessation.
The results supported the hypothesis that cardiac neural
patients, and smoking cessation could reverse part of the noxious
effects. Derived from this hypothesis is that an even stronger
advise for schizophrenic patients to quit smoking may be clinically
中文摘要................................................. I
英文摘要............................................... III
研究背景................................................. 1
一、 精神分裂症之生理議題
1. 精神分裂症患者之預期壽命.............................. 1
2. 精神分裂症患者之心臟疾病致病因子...................... 1
3. 精神分裂症患者之吸菸問題.............................. 2
二、 吸菸之生理議題
1. 吸菸之生理與病理作用.................................. 3
2. 吸菸對人體心臟功能之影響.............................. 4
3. 吸菸與心率變異性...................................... 4
三、 心率變異性之生理議題
1. 心率變異性與自主神經功能活性.......................... 5
2. 心率變異性頻譜分析測量值之相對生理意義................ 9
3. 心率變異性頻譜分析與心臟疾病之關係................... 10
1. 精神分裂症患者應享有同等之醫療照護與衛教新知......... 12
2. 打破「對精神病患無法推展菸害防制」的迷思............. 12
二、研究目的............................................... 13
1.「菸草戰爭」永無止息.................................. 14
2. 本實驗所能提供的重大訊息............................. 15
一、研究對象............................................... 15
二、實驗儀器............................................... 15
三、實驗步驟............................................... 17
四、心電圖記錄............................................. 18
1.心電圖訊號之處理..................................... 19
2.心率變異性頻譜分析................................... 20
六、統計分析............................................... 20
一、各組基本資料分析....................................... 21
二、原始實驗資料........................................... 22
三、統計結果............................................... 23
異..................................................... 25
調控之影響............................................. 26
三、本論文之限制與檢討..................................... 27
結論......................................................... 30
建議......................................................... 30
附表......................................................... 31
附圖......................................................... 33
參考文獻..................................................... 35
附錄......................................................... 39
附件......................................................... 45
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