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研究生(外文):Chia-na Chang
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Motivation of Medical Students to Be Doctors and Its Influential Factors
指導教授(外文):Su-chuan Yu
外文關鍵詞:medical studentsmotivationcareer choicemedical education
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研究方法:本研究之資料來源是由慈濟大學尤素娟助理教授提供的問卷調查資料與開放式問卷結果。問卷調查以2002年東部某醫學系學生為對象,針對醫學生之個人基本資料、習醫動機、對醫學系的感受、對醫師職業的認知與期待、將來執業選擇等部分為研究基礎,並以尤素娟助理教授兩個年度醫學生習醫動機開放式問卷為輔,俾以對研究問題更深入的瞭解。本研究調查結果分析採用SPSS 10.0統計軟體,並參考林生傳教授修訂Hollingshead 所提出之「兩因素社會地位指數」,作為社經地位的分級標準,同時運用描述性統計、T test、單因子變異數分析、相關及線性迴歸等方法來了解影響醫學生習動機強弱的因素,以及因不同原因入學的醫學生間的差異。
研究結果:1.醫學生來自高社經地位家庭的比例將近六成。2.醫學生選擇醫學系的前三個原因是父母的期望、興趣以及考試分數落點。3.超過六成的醫學生入學前不了解醫學系,半數以上的醫學生入學後不識任何醫學典範。4.將近九成的醫學生認為醫師理應高收入,而七成以上認為自己被醫師的高收入所吸引,但是也有九成的醫學生認為醫師具有特殊的社會責任。 5.影響醫學生習醫動機強弱的正向因素依次為:醫師的高收入吸引力、因興趣選醫學系、認知醫師有特殊之社會責任、入學之前就了解醫學系;負向因素則是醫學生就讀之年級。6.因興趣入學的醫學生,入學前就明顯較了解醫學系,也比較有景仰的醫師前輩,對醫師特殊社會責任的認知較高。
Background & Objective : In Taiwan, doctor is deemed as a highly respected profession with renowned academic association and financial security as well recognized all over the world. Unlike the US system, high school graduates here need to pass the university entrance test for college eligibility. While medical school has traditionally ranked the number one or the only choice among the list of college majors, medical students are acknowledged top performers at high schools or colleges, and most of them coming from a high socioeconomic family. However, do we select the right person to become doctors is the question long been raised by educational reformers?

Methods : A questionnaire is designed for quantitative analysis in this study. And the database is provided by Dr. Suchuan Yu , an assistant professor in the Department of Public Health at Tzu chi University , which a questionnaire is designed for quantitative analysis . She interviewed 209 medical students in 2002 which indicates 77.4 % of response rate. The purposes are (1) to understand the backgrounds of Taiwan medical students under the recent development of medical educational reform and economy recession, (2) to find out what motivate them to finish the training and become a doctor , (3) to explore the future career choice of medical students, and (4) to know the diversity of the students with different choosing reason. There also are two surveys for 90 students conducted by Dr. Yu in 2002, 2004. Which are designed for understanding the choosing reasons of medical students.

Results: Results from a total of 209 medical students composing of freshmen and inters are :
1. The proportion of medical students coming from a high socioeconomic background is even higher than before: 58 % versus 47%.
2. 70% medical students choose doctors as their professional career not to fulfill wishes of their own but to satisfy expectations from parents and teachers. High socioeconomic status of a medical career is indicated as the reason of expectations.
3. High income of doctors is the most important factor that motivates medical students to become doctors. Self-interest ranks second, followed by willingness to resume special social responsibilities as doctors, and knowing more about medical training before entrance. However, motivation becomes less as medical students approaching their year of higher grade.
4. Those students entering medical school because of self-interest know more about medical school before entrance and are more willing to hold the special social responsibilities of doctors. They also can identify more role models around them.

Conclusions :The percentage of medical students from a high socioeconomic family is higher than twenty years ago . And in Taiwan, most medical students choosing medical profession are not for self-interest as before. High income of doctors , Self-interest , willingness to resume special social responsibilities as doctors, and knowing more about medical training before entrance can motivate medical students to become a doctor. But as more the years they live through medical school life, less motivation they have. So It is much more important to choose medical students with self-interest to medical profession instead of high achievement in high school.
第一章、緒論-------------------------------------------- 1
第一節、研究背景與動機--------------------------------- 1
第二節、研究目的--------------------------------------- 3
第二章、文獻探討---------------------------------------- 4
第一節、醫學生的人口統計學特徵------------------------- 4
第二節、習醫動機--------------------------------------- 11
第三節、生涯規劃--------------------------------------- 15
第三章、研究方法---------------------------------------- 23
第一節、研究架構--------------------------------------- 23
第二節、樣本及資料來源--------------------------------- 24
第三節、問卷設計--------------------------------------- 24
第四章、研究結果---------------------------------------- 26
第一節、描述性分析------------------------------------- 26
第二節、雙變項分析------------------------------------- 38
第三節、相關性分析------------------------------------- 61
第四節、迴歸分析--------------------------------------- 62
第五節、開放式問卷結果--------------------------------- 66
第五章、討論------------------------------------------- 67
第一節、描述性統計------------------------------------- 67
第二節、變項間的關係----------------------------------- 71
第六章、結論與建議------------------------------------- 76
第一節、結論------------------------------------------- 76
第二節、建議與研究限制--------------------------------- 80
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