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研究生(外文):Hsiao-wei Liu
論文名稱(外文):Implementation of Exercise Behavior Promoting System with RFID
指導教授(外文):Jen-Liang Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Transtheoretical ModelExercise BehaviorRadio Frequency Identification (RFID)
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Sedentary lifestyle has become main living style for human being. Unfortunately it is an unapparent threat to the mankind’s health. More than sixty percent of the Taiwanese people do not take exercise regularly even they understand the benefits from the exercise. This phenomenon implies that it is still a big challenge in shifting personal exercise behavior. According to some behavior change theories, a series of motives and processes are required to change a people’s behavior. Furthermore, it may take a long period of assistance to maintain the target behavior. Many studies reported that most people will cut off the exercise behavior after finishing the exercise program. Here comes another challenge: how to assist participants in keeping their exercise behavior? On the other hand, no significant efficacy on behavior change can be obtained for any web-based systems even though Internet has been deployed and used widely. This may conclude that behavior change can not be achieved without the feedback or monitoring of user’s relevant behavior, which are the most cases for current web systems that just provide one-way information.
To resolve above problems in behavior change with technology, a pervasive computing system that use RFID (radio frequency identification) technology has been implemented and presented in this thesis. With this system, the participants’ real exercise processes can be recorded and feed-backed to the web pages. Participants can acquire information of exercise (running time, speed, frequency, calories etc.) and fitness change with Internet or E-mail. Besides, fundamental statistics are provided to assist the processes for behavior change.
摘 要
第一章、 緒論
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究目的
第二章、 相關理論及系統原理說明
2.1 運動的重要性
2.2 健康體適能
2.3 行為改變介入
2.3.1 行為改變動機/障礙
2.3.2 跨理論模式
2.3.3 網際網路的運用
2.4 無線射頻辨識(RFID)系統
2.4.1 讀取器(Reader)
2.4.2 電子標籤(Tag)
2.4.3 天線(Antenna)
第三章、 運動行為促進系統架構
3.1 硬體
3.2 軟體
3.3 系統對於行為改變之影響
第四章、 運動行為促進系統測試與結果
4.1 無線射頻辨識(RFID)測試
4.2 串列伺服器之測試
4.3 資料處理之測試
4.4 系統之整體測試
第五章、 結論
5.1 研究成果
5.2 後續工作
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