1. Our proposed M4 metric behaves better than the colorimeter reviewed in the past journal. The result of top five matches will greatly increase the matching rate and help in clinical application. 2. The concept of multi-expert system that may lead to better result if we can select the proper shade through more than one metrics or classifiers. The priorities of these metrics or classifiers have to be learnt through professional knowledge. These kinds of methods may need further investigation based on our final conclusions. 3. Customers’ level digital camera can be use in professional dental shade selection. The outcome matched by mega-pixels camera will not inferior to those performed by high costed colorimetric or spectrophotometric devices if correct metric is employed. 4. △E value has long been use in dental color similarity measurement. It seems that we have another better metric to take the job, but still need further investigation. 5. The sample of shade guides captured at different time intervals cannot be averaged for statistic mean. It seems that there exist certain degree of spatial relationships between shade samples that they should be counted individually. 75 References [1]. Alma Ðozica, Cornelis J. Kleverlaana, Irene H.A. Aartmanb, Albert J. Feilzera Relation in color of three regions of vital human incisors, Dental Materials (2004) 20, 832–838 [2]. Alvin G. Wee, Delwin T. Lindsey, Shanglun Kuo, William M. Johnston Color accuracy of commercial digital cameras for use in dentistry, Dental Materials (2005) xx, 1–7 [3]. Andrew Joiner Tooth colour: a review of the literature. Journal of Dentistry (2004) 32, 3–12. [4]. Aranda R, Barghi N, Smith N. Comparasion of four tecniques for condensation of three opaques. J Dent Res 1986; 65: 230. [5]. Aubry D. Systematische Farbanalyse-Grundvoraussetzung fur den asthetischen Erfolg. Qiuntessenz Zahntech 1989; 15: 1433-1440. [6]. Barghi N, Richardson JT. 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