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研究生(外文):Kuan-Kai Huang
論文名稱(外文):A System Framework of Automating Request for Proposal
指導教授(外文):Hsien-Jung WU
外文關鍵詞:project managementrequest for proposalautomatic RFP system
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專案管理是企業執行產品開發和產品生命週期期間流程控制一個重要的功能。在全球化競爭之下,好的 “專案管理環境”是指在有限資源、時間與預算下完成整個專案執行。目前中小企業利用專案管理,透過專案委外策略交付供應商執行,使中小企業能與其他廠商合作,可以降低成本並具有更好競爭力。整個策略性委外專案作業起動,需要透過專案需求建議書(RFP)來說明業主需求,進而給潛在承包商討論與提案的機會。通常,一份RFP資料具有下列功能:指定業主需求、說明整個工程內容、提案內容具體描述及限制條件。因此,整個專案需求建議書有四個構面的主要功能:法律方面、合作方面,限制條件方面和評估方面。傳統業主憑自身的經驗及知識,掌握整個專案管理運作流程,但有時業主判斷錯誤,會造成公司莫大損失。本研究是針對傳統RFP流程的問題,提出一套自動化專案管理RFP系統。本研究實際開發一個網頁化RFP系統,其主要功能在於提供一個專案管理前置規劃的溝通平台。經由系統實際測試,結果顯示中小企業可因此自動化RFP系統,提昇專案執行效益。
Project management is an important function for the enterprise to carry out product development and flow control during the product life cycle. To meet the global competition, a good “project management environment” is required to complete the project under the limitation of resource, time and budget. The issue of project management is particularly received attention for the small and medium enterprise (SME). Through the strategy of outsourcing project to outside providers, SMEs can cooperate with others and obtain benefit of cost saving and better competitiveness. To initiate an outsourcing project, a request for proposal (RFP) is used to publish the project specification by the buyer, and then the potential suppliers submit their offers. Usually, a RFP document has the function of to specify the buyer’s needs, to officially announce the project intention, and to describe specific constraints regarding the contents of the proposal. Therefore, four aspects can be expected in a RFP: legal aspect, collaborative aspect, constraint aspect, and evaluation aspect. This paper addresses the problem of traditional RFP process, and proposes an automatic project management RFP system. A web-based RFP system is developed in this paper. The basic role of this system provides the function of preparing official RFP and managing the exchange of messages. Result shows that the proposed automatic system speed the procedure of RFP process and reach project specification more effectively.
第一章緒論------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1研究動機--------------------------------------------- 1
1.2研究目的----------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3研究流程----------------------------------------------------- 3
第二章文獻探討--------------------------------------------------- 5
2.1中小企業定義與現況-------------------------------------------- 5
2.2 委外策略--------------------------------------------------- 7
2.3 企業流程再造------------------------------------------------- 10
2.4 專案管理--------------------------------------------------- 12
2.4.1專案需求建議書-------------------------------------- 16
2.4.2專案需求建議書建置步驟---------------------------------- 17
2.4.3專案需求建議書功能-------------------------------------- 18
2.4.4專案需求建議書內容-------------------------------------- 18
2.4.5專案供應商管理------------------------------------------ 19
2.5 自動化資訊技術------------------------------------------- 23
2.6 小結----------------------------------------------------------26
第三章 自動化RFP系統方法論---------------------------------------- 27
3.1 方法論----------------------------------------------------- 27
3.2 系統導入方法及步驟------------------------------------------- 29
3.2.1 起始程序----------------------------------------------- 30
3.2.2 規劃程序----------------------------------------------- 32
3.2.3 執行程序----------------------------------------------- 34
3.2.4 控制程序----------------------------------------------- 37
3.2.5 結案程序----------------------------------------------- 40
3.3 小結-------------------------------------------------------- 42

第四章 自動化RFP系統分析------------------------------------------ 43
4.1 專案需求建議書系統模組建立----------------------------------- 44
4.1.1 專案需求建議書週期------------------------------------- 45
4.1.2 專案需求建議書結構------------------------------------- 46
4.1.3 專案需求建議書權限------------------------------------- 46
4.2 系統情境塑模------------------------------------------------- 47
4.2.1 企業流程塑模------------------------------------------- 47
4.2.2使用案例塑模-------------------------------------------- 49
4.2.3使用案例具體描述---------------------------------------- 50
4.2.4 找出候選服務------------------------------------------- 54
4.2.5 物件類別塑模------------------------------------------- 56
4.2.6 物件互動塑模------------------------------------------- 58
4.2.7 企業元件塑模------------------------------------------- 61
4.2.8 元件部署塑模------------------------------------------- 61
4.3 小結-------------------------------------------------------- 61
第五章 自動化RFP系統建立實例--------------------------------------- 63
5.1系統實作----------------------------------------------------- 63
5.1.1 系統主畫面說明----------------------------------------- 64
5.1.2 系統身份代碼維護--------------------------------------- 64
5.1.3 系統功能維護------------------------------------------- 65
5.1.4 使用者名單--------------------------------------------- 66
5.1.5 密碼變更作業------------------------------------------- 66
5.1.6 廠商資料內容作業--------------------------------------- 67
5.1.7 專案維護----------------------------------------------- 68
5.1.8 專案篩選----------------------------------------------- 68
5.1.9 專案通知----------------------------------------------- 69
5.1.10 專案查詢---------------------------------------------- 70
5.1.11 條件維護---------------------------------------------- 70
5.1.12 條件項目維護-------------------------------------------71
5.1.13 專案決策---------------------------------------------- 72
5.1.14 專案進度維護作業---------------------------------------72
5.1.15 專案文件上傳作業---------------------------------------73
5.1.16 意見反應---------------------------------------------- 74
5.2 小結-------------------------------------------------------- 75
第六章 自動化RFP系統效益評估--------------------------------------- 76
6.1 個案公司簡介------------------------------------------------- 76
6.1.1 公司行銷策略------------------------------------------- 77
6.2 自動化RFP系統導入效益分析----------------------------------- 78
6.2.1 改善效果確認------------------------------------------- 79
6.3 系統規劃及導入心得------------------------------------------- 82
第七章 結論------------------------------------------------------ 83
7.1 建議------------------------------------------------------- 83
參考文獻-------------------------------------------------------- 85
簡歷------------------------------------------------------------ 89
已發表論文------------------------------------------------------- 90
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