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研究生(外文):Tsung-Chih Chen
論文名稱(外文):Protection and Monitoring of Home and Clinical Ward Activities Using Computer Vision
指導教授(外文):Shih-Nung Chen
外文關鍵詞:Computer Visionfallsimage processing
  • 被引用被引用:4
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系統是利用Webcam拍攝的畫面做分析,首先將影片切割成一張張的畫面,再透過切割後之無人畫面建構出防護環境的背景為後景,將後景與前景相減後再做二值化,在此時會有許多雜訊產生,所以需要以中值濾波器(median filter)做去雜訊處理。之後再依水平及垂直各別做像素篩選統計,這個步驟可以篩選出要做人形分析的物體大小並獲得該物體的邊界座標,此時就可以進行人形偵測。最後再經已偵測到的人形邊界判斷行為狀態,在異常狀態下如有跌倒事件發生,就會啟動警報通知照護者協助。
This thesis presents a monitoring system of falls for homecare and ward care applications. This system integrated with alarming devices and SMS (or MMS) services is able to mitigate the burden of caregivers and avoid the possible loss of life caused by delaying the treatment.
The functions of this system is firstly to analyze the pictures divided from the video catched by webcam, then apply background subtraction method and binary threshold filter for protecting background constructions. As the image subtracting processes will generate noise, therefore, median filter is applied for noise elimination. After that, image projection filter is utilized to filter the size and shape of the object and its boundary coordinates for detection in human-shape. Finally, we will be able to judge the human behavior of falls, for example, by detection in human-shape and immediately trigger the alarm system.
The key point of the falls monitoring system is to find the numbers of non-zero pixel value as reference for filtering the unwanted objects. The pixel value is tunable following the changing environments. The smaller the value, the higher the sensitivity. This way of detection is able to filter out the desired objects and make a judgment on unusual behavior quickly. Simulations of different human behaviors have been done include standing, prostration, squatting and falling down with different angles. Our experimental results show no error of judgement and conform that this monitoring system of falls is effective for home and ward care for those people who are in need.
第一章 緒論....................................................1
第二章 相關研究................................................6
第三章 人形偵測及人形異常行為判定.............................18
3.1 系統架構................................................18
3.2 軟體環境................................................18
3.3 系統流程................................................19
3.4 影片切割................................................21
3.5 前後景相減..............................................21
3.6 二值化..................................................23
3.7 去雜訊處理..............................................25
3.8 像素統計篩選............................................27
3.9 人形偵測...............................................28
3.10 人形異常行為判定.......................................29
3.11 發出警報...............................................32
第四章 實驗結果...............................................34
4.1 實驗環境...............................................34
4.2 人形偵測實驗結果.......................................34
4.3 人形異常行為判定實驗結果...............................37
第五章 結果與未來研究方向.....................................44
5.1 結論......................................................44
5.2 未來研究方向..............................................45
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