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研究生(外文):Wei-Lin Wang
論文名稱(外文):A study on RFID authentication protocol and its application on the medical records
指導教授(外文):Min-Shiang HwangYong-Jin Chen
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無線射頻辨識(RFID, Radio Frequency Identification)系統是目前科技界熱門的主題之一,這是因為RFID能夠應用的範圍非常的廣,不論是供應鏈、圖書館、停車場、電子收費、醫療管理、門禁管理、居家看護等等,RFID的應用可以為我們的生活帶來非常大的便利性,但是當RFID充份融入我們的生活之後其安全性及隱私的問題就開始受到重視。有學者提到在一般的電子標籤(Tag)只要接收到讀取器(Reader)的訊號就會立刻回傳ID(TagID),因此就有學者提出一些Tag認證方式,目的在保護Tag不受到重送攻擊及竊聽威脅。

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is one of the most promising NFC (Near Field Communication) communication technologies for ubiquitous network societies in recent year as RFID tag not only features identification、renewable and reusable but also high security that has been increasing its applications in the markets, including supply chain、retail、transportation、security、electronic toll system、library management system and healthcare. Our daily life would therefore be more convenient due to such applications mentioned early on. However, security and privacy will be an issue while RFID has become part of our daily life. Researchers have put out a warning about it as RFID tag would instantly callback ID once RFID tag received a signal from any RFID Reader. They have therefore proposed some authentication protocols to protect RFID tags from being eavesdropped and replaying attacked. The most straight way of reading RFID tag ID for a general unprotected RFID system is to ask tags recall ID immediately. This kind of tags design would be simpler, the number of tags read per second would be larger and its costs would be lower. On the other hand, RFID tags with the protection of authentication protocol design would be more complex, smaller number tags read per second and higher costs as a result. In this thesis, we propose a new way of authentication protocol in comparison with the others related to the efficiency and security.

Keyword : RFID, authentication, protocol, security, private
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機 2
1.3 研究目的 3
1.4 醫療記錄之應用 4
1.4.1 醫療記錄醫護人員之應用 4
1.4.2 醫療記錄就診病患之應用 5
1.4.3 隱私安全的重要性 5
1.5 研究限制與範圍 6
1.6 研究架構及流程與步驟 6
1.6.1 研究主題 6
1.6.2 文獻探討 6
1.6.3 實作驗證 6
1.6.4 驗證與結論 8
1.7 論文結構 8
第二章 相關文獻探討 9
2.1.1 RFID歷史概述 9
2.1.2 RFID發展現況 9
2.1.3 RFID系統基本概念 10
2.2 使用加密演算法之認證協定 11
2.2.3 Mutual three-pass authentication protocol 12
2.2.4 Key diversification (金鑰多樣化) 13
2.3 使用雜湊函數加密方式之認證協定 16
第三章 論文主體 19
3.1 安全需求 19
3.2 本文認證協定 19
3.3 本文認證協定討論 21
3.4 本文認證協定的缺點及改進 21
第四章 驗證與分析 24
4.1 模擬器功能介紹 24
4.1.1 RFID認證協定模擬器_Reader端 24
4.1.2 RFID認證協定模擬器_Tag端 24
4.1.3 RFID認證協定模擬器_流程圖 25
4.1.4 RFID認證協定模擬器_監看端 25
4.2 RFID認證協定模擬器實際操作 25
4.2.1 RFID認證協定模擬器_監看端實際操作 26
4.2.2 RFID認證協定模擬器_Reader端實際操作 29
4.2.3 RFID認證協定模擬器_Tag端實際操作 31
4.2.4 RFID認證協定模擬器_流程圖實際操作 34
4.3 驗證 38
4.3.1 效率比較 38
4.3.2 成本比較 38
4.3.3 亂數r驗證 39
第五章 結論與未來展望 42
5.1 結論 42
5.2 未來展望 42
參考文獻 43
誌謝 45
簡歷 46
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