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研究生(外文):Chu, Ching-Liang
論文名稱(外文):Automatic Retinal Verification System
外文關鍵詞:Biological characteristicretina image of fundus of eyesclassical joint transform correlator
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Information development has brought convenient life, relatively crime tactics emerge in an endless stream too, in addition, people begin to pay attention to one's own personal secrets and security, the identity is distinguished and the crime one is mastered, it is gradually more important, the entrance guard controls is part of the ring, little to each family, big to government bodies.
The materials of the personal identity can be divided into two big classes, the first kind is nonbiological characteristic beyond the body, such as ID card, passport, driving license, signet, ATM card, password, etc., these are all easy to be usurped or lost and the security is low; the second kind is the Various kinds of innate biological characteristics, such as fingerprint, palm line, palm shape, people's face, voice, eyes iris, etc..
This thesis is based on retina image of fundus of eyes, adopting the relevant device principle of classical joint transform correlator of optics, the research that is discerned and proving as the personal identity, can apply to other fields, include entrance guard's controlling, appearance examining, criminal offender reconnoitering, the computer or mechanical utensil one uses legally etc., is to pick through eyeball blood vessel characteristic correctly, can confirm legitimacy, user identity, management purpose by reaching various kinds of things safely.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機及目的 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
2.1 影像處理的編碼原理 3
2.2 影像檔案壓縮種類 4
2.3 聯合轉換相關器 6
第三章 系統架構規劃與設計 9
3.1 系統架構 10
3.1.1 手動輸入辨識 11
3.1.2 圖形進階辨識 13
3.1.3 圖形自動辨識 15
3.2 程式設計需用的指令與說明 16
3.3 撰寫程式需注意事項和原則 20
3.4 DEBUGGER的運用 22
3.5 符號與運算子 25
3.6 圖形化使用者界面之概述 28
3.7 圖形使用者介面的介紹 29
3.7.1導引工具 31 屬性編輯器 31 叫回程式編輯器 35 排列工具 35 表單編輯器 36
3.7.2 導引控制清單 37
3.7.3 新物件盤 39
3.7.4 基本控制元件的製作及指令 41 pushbutton的製作 41 Listbox的製作 43 Checkbox的製作 46
3.7.5 物件處理指令說明 46
第四章 研究結果 49
第五章 結論與建議 57
5.1 結論 57
5.2 未來方向 57
參考文獻 58
附錄一 相關程式碼 62
附錄二 相關圖檔 64
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