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研究生(外文):Yi-Lun Lo
論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Consumers' Knowledge ,Attitude and Situational nfluence on Consumer Behavior at Chain Pharmacies
指導教授(外文):Dr.Shuo-Tsang Tsai
外文關鍵詞:chain pharmaciesconsumers’ knowledgeconsumers’ attitudesituational influencestructural equation modeling
  • 被引用被引用:7
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As the independence of consumers in consumption enhances, traditional pharmacies are facing transformation, and become chain stores. The traditional pharmacies have closed shelf display, but chain pharmacies have open shelf and able to meet all of consumers’ needs. Therefore, this research studied the relationships among the consumers’ knowledge, attitude, situational influence, and consumer behavior in chain pharmacies, and examined the variables of lifestyle, demographic statistics, and consumption behaviors, in order to find out the effects of the consumers’ knowledge, attitude, and situational influence on the consumer behaviors.
The “structural equation modeling” was used to validate the cause and effect relationship of the model. The results showed that:
1) The situational influence can directly affect the consumer behaviors.
2) The situational influence can directly affect the consumers’ attitude.
3) The situational influence can indirectly affect the consumer behaviors through the attitude.
4) The consumers’ behaviors can have significant effect on the consumer behaviors.
5) The consumers’ knowledge has insignificant effect on the consumer behaviors, as well as the indirect effect through attitude.
Based on the above results, the consumption behaviors of chain pharmacies have less rational consumption knowledge, but do not affect the consumer behaviors. The perceptual situational influence has significant effect on the consumer behavior, indicating that the operation of chain pharmacies should focus on perception instead of rationality.
目 錄
第一章 緒論 ..................................................................................... 1
第一節 研究動機及目的 ................................................................. 1
第二節 研究範圍與資料來源 .......................................................... 4
第三節 研究流程 ............................................................................ 4
第二章 連鎖藥局產業背景分析 ........................................................ 7
第一節 連鎖藥局歷史沿革 ............................................................. 7
第二節 連鎖體系之定義與類型 .......................................................10
第三節 連鎖藥局的經營型態 ...........................................................16
第三章 文獻探討 ...............................................................................23
第一節 消費者知識 ..........................................................................23
第二節 消費者態度 ..........................................................................27
第三節 情境理論 ..............................................................................33
第四節 生活型 ..................................................................................41
第四章 研究設計 ................................................................................47
第一節 變數說明 ..............................................................................47
第二節 研究架構 ..............................................................................54
第三節 研究假說 ..............................................................................56
第四節 抽樣方法 ..............................................................................58
第五節 結構方程模式 .......................................................................59
第五章 實證分析 ................................................................................65
第一節 樣本資料描述與信度分析 .....................................................65
第二節 生活型態集群與各構面之差異分析 ......................................69
第三節 人口統計變數、消費行為變數與各構面之差異分析 .............78
第四節 結構方程模式分析 ................................................................91
第六章 結論與建議 ............................................................................102
第一節 結論 .................................................................................102
第二節 建議 ..................................................................................105
表 目 次

表 2-1 連鎖店家數定義...................................................................11
表 2-2 連鎖經營型態分類表............................................................13
表 2-3 藥局依其位置、大小、商品組合及服務分類藥局類型..........21
表 2-4 不同藥局分類方式及其特色................................................ 22
表 3-1 生活型態構面...................................................................... 45
表 4-1 結構方程模式潛在變項與觀察變項表...................................47
表 4-2 消費者知識衡量問項............................................................48
表 4-3 消費情境衡量問項................................................................49
表 4-4 購買行為衡量問項............................................................... 50
表 4-5 態度態衡量問項................................................................... 50
表 4-6 生活型態衡量問項............................................................... 51
表 4-7 消費行為變數問項................................................................ 53
表 4-8 人口統計變數問項............................................................... 54
表 4-9 問卷發放概況.......................................................................58
表 4-10 SEM模式之符號表示法......................................................60
表 4-11 SEM適配指標的判斷準則..................................................64
表 5-1 抽樣樣本數分配及回收數目.................................................65
表 5-2 受訪者基本資料統計............................................................66
表 5-3 連鎖藥局的消費概況之敘述性統計...................................... 67
表 5-4 衡量構面之Cronbach’sα值.................................................. 68
表 5-5 生活型態量表之因素分析.................................................... 73
表 5-6 各集群在生活型態因素構面之變異數分析........................... 74
表 5-7 生活型態集群與各構面之變異數分析.................................. 75
表 5-8 生活型態集群與人口統計變數之卡方檢定........................... 75
表 5-9 各生活型態集群與人口統計變數之列聯表卡方分析..............76
表 5-10 生活型態集群與消費行為變數之卡方檢定..........................77
表 5-11 各生活型態集群與消費行為之列聯表卡方分析.................. 78
表 5-12 人口統計變數與各構面之變異數分析................................ 79

表 5-13 人口統計變數與各構面之變異數分析................................ 80
表 5-14 消費行為與各構面之變異數分析....................................... 81
表 5-15 消費行為與各構面之變異數分析....................................... 82
表 5-16 人口統計變數與消費行為之卡方檢定................................ 83
表 5-17 人口統計變數與消費頻率之列聯表卡方分析..................... 84
表 5-18 人口統計變數與消費時段之列聯表卡方分析..................... 85
表 5-19 人口統計變數與消費品項之列聯表卡方分析..................... 86
表 5-20 人口統計變數與消費使用者之列聯表卡方分析.................. 87
表 5-21 人口統計變數與消費金額之列聯表卡方分析..................... 88
表 5-22 人口統計變數與停留時間之列聯表卡方分析..................... 89
表 5-23 人口統計變數與消費動機之列聯表卡方分析..................... 90
表 5-24 人口統計變數與資訊來源之列聯表卡方分析..................... 91
表 5-25 整體模式配適度指標衡量結果彙總表.................................93
表 5-26 整體模式變項參數估計表(修飾後).....................................95
表 5-27 各構面對購買行為的效果分析...........................................101
表 5-28 研究假說結果彙整表..........................................................101

圖 目 次

圖 1-1 研究流程.............................................................................. 6
圖 3-1 Malhotra 消費者知識分類.................................................. 24
圖 3-2 Ajzan and Fishbein 的理性行動理論架構.......................... 30
圖 3-3 Ajzan and Fishbein 的計劃性行為理論架構.......................31
圖 3-4 修正的S-O-R 模式..............................................................34
圖 3-5 主觀情境行為模式...............................................................35
圖 3-6 Assael 的情境模型.............................................................35
圖 3-7 生活型態與購買過程.......................................................... 43
圖 3-8 生活型態對消費行為的影響............................................... 44
圖 4-1 研究架構............................................................................ 55
圖 4-2 結構方程模式的分析步驟................................................... 61
圖 5-1 整體模式.............................................................................. 98






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