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論文名稱(外文):A Study on the Stress among Caring Staff of Nursing Home in the Middle Area of Taiwan
指導教授:廖 宏 恩
外文關鍵詞:nursing staff、nurse aid、work stress
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本研究目的主要有三(一)探討護理之家照護人員對工作壓力、因應方式、工作壓力反應與結果的情況;(二)探討護理之家照護人員的個人基本屬性與工作壓力、因應方式、壓力反應與結果間之相關;(三)預測護理之家照護人員在個人基本屬性、工作壓力、因應方式對壓力反應與結果的影響因素。問卷參照「職業壓力指標精簡版(OSI-2)」的結構式問卷,進行橫斷性調查研究。收案的對象是選取中部四縣市(台中市、台中縣、南投縣、彰化縣)50床以上護理之家之照護人員(包括護理人員及照顧服務員)共294 位,共發出392 份,回收306 份,有效問卷294 份(有效回收率達96%)。所得的資料以 window spss12.0 統計軟體為分析工具,主要的統計方法為描述性分析、獨立樣本t 檢定、單變量變異數分析(One-way ANOVA Analysis)、皮爾遜積差相關分析(Pearson’s Correlation Analysis)、卡方檢定(Chi-square)及逐步迴歸分析(Stepwise Regression Analysis)。研究結果顯示:
1. 工作壓力與服務機構的型態、教育程度、婚姻狀況、子女等項有顯著的差異。因應方式
2. 壓力反應與結果之預測結果:
1. 工作壓力與教育程度、子女、人格特質等變項有顯著差異。因應方式與個人基本屬性、工作滿意度及離職傾向亦無顯著差異,但是與身心健康有顯著差異。工作壓力與工作滿意度呈現負相關,但與身心健康及離職傾向呈現正相關。
2. 壓力反應與結果之預測結果:
There are three major purposes in this research. The first one depicts the patternsof work related stresses, coping styles and outcomes among caring staffs who innursing homes. The second one discusses the binary between the person’scharacteristic of caring staffs, work related stresses, coping styles and theirresponse to work related stresses. The last one predicts influential factors of theresponses to work related stresses caring primary.
A cross-sectional survey of 306 questionnaires was conducted with 294(96%)valid one. The primary caring staff samples were collected from nursing homes of50 beds and more in three counties (Taichung County, Nanyou County, and Zhanghua County) and Taichung City of central Taiwan. The SPSS for window 12.0 was applied as the tool for the statistic analysis in this study. The statistic methods used in this research are descriptive statistic, T-Test, one-way ANOVA analysis, Pearson’s Correlation Analysis, Chi-square test and Regression Analysis.
The conclusions of this research are following:
一、 From nurse’s aspect:
1. The significant effects on the work related stresses are the type of nursinghome, education, marriage, and children. Person characteristic and reactions of the work related stresses have no significant effects on copying styles. The work related stress does not show the major changes on the job satisfaction but it does have positive effects on physical-mental health and turnover intention.
2. The prediction from the reactions on work related stresses:
(1) Marriage can be used to predict job satisfaction.
(2) Work related stresses, work load, the number of child and marriage can be used to predict physical-mental health.
(3) Work related stresses, work load and personality can be used to predict turnover intention.
二、 From nurse aid’s aspect:
1. Education, children and personality have significant effects on the work related stresses. Person characteristic, job satisfaction and turnover intention have no significant effect on coping styles but physical-mental health does show an important impact. The work related stress has significant negative effects on job satisfaction but it does have good effects on physical-mental health and turnover intention.
2. The prediction from the reactions on work related stresses:
(1)Work related stress, management, children and personality can be used to predict job satisfaction.
(2)The factors which can be used to predict physical-mental health are work related stress, work load, personal responsibility, personality,avoidable and emotional coping style.
(3)The factors which can be used to predict turnover intention are work related stress, management, the balance between work and family,
education and marriage.
The report makes the following recommendation:improve the professional knowledge and skills to solve nurses the family according to protect the staff to have the result most important attribute to the pressure,such as to sets up associates' support association and so on. Place extra emphasis on personality
when manage for nurse aids and increases their work degree of satisfaction with to reduce leaves job the tendency.
第一章 緒 論
第一節 研究背景與研究動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 名詞界定 6
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 護理之家照護人員的工作特性 8
第二節 壓力與工作壓力 10
第三節 照護人員的工作壓力源及影響之相關因素 24
第四節 壓力的因應 30
第五節 工作壓力反應與結果 35
第六節 人格特質 38
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構 41
第二節 研究變項的操作型定義 43
第三節 研究對象 45
第四節 研究假設 46
第五節 研究工具 47
第六節 研究步驟 53
第七節 統計分析方法 58
第四章 研究結果及分析
第一節 照護人員個人基本屬性 61
第二節 照護人員工作壓力源之感受程度 65
第三節 照護人員的因應方式 68
第四節 照護人員對於壓力反應與結果的程度 70
第五節 照護人員基本屬性與工作壓力的關係 74
第六節 照護人員個人基本屬性與因應方式的關係 87
第七節 照護人員基本屬性和壓力反應與結果的關係 89
第八節 照護人員工作壓力和壓力反應與結果的關係 96
第九節 照護人員因應方式和壓力反應與結果的關係 97
第十節 照護人員個人基本屬性、工作壓力、因應方式對壓力反應與結果的預測 99
第五章 討 論
第一節 照護人員個人基本屬性、工作壓力、因應方式、壓力反應與結果之現況分析105
第二節 照護人員個人基本屬性對工作壓力、因應方式、壓力反應與結果的差異關係分析 108
第三節 工作壓力對壓力反應與結果間相關性分析 113
第四節 照護人員因應方式和壓力反應與結果間相關分析 113
第五節 照護人員個人基本屬性、工作壓力、因應方式對
壓力反應與結果預測之分析 114
第六章 結 論 與 建 議
第一節 結 論 116
第二節 建 議 122
第三節 研究限制及未來研究之建議 124
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