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研究生(外文):Fu-Sheng Ko
論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Health Risk Behaviors on Perceived Disease Status and Medical Utilization among Adults 40 and Older in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Ming-Cheng Chang
外文關鍵詞:health risk behaviorperceived disease statusmedical utilization
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The focus of this study was on people among adults 40 and older in Taiwan and the effects of the perceived disease status and the rates of medical utilization, if they smoked cigarettes, chewed betel nuts, or drank alcoholic drinks. Besides these three kinds of factors, there were others that may affect the result such as the demographics and the social economy. For this reason, this study looked further into the net effects of the above three factors by controlling the other factors.

The data resources of this study came from the National Health Interview Survey (2001), and selected people over the age of 40 for the samples. This study was analyzed by statistical ways in Chi-square Test and Multiple Regression Analysis.

Results showed the following: (1) The rate is 29.6 percent for smoking, 25.8 percent for drinking and 10.3 percent for chewing in Taiwan 2001. And the rate for only one of the three factors is 22.4 percent, both of the three is 13.6 percent, and all of the three is 5.3 percent. (2) In the perceived disease status, the prevalence rates of one disease is 27.3 percent, two diseases is 14.2 percent, and over and above three diseases is 12.1 percent. In other words, the prevalence rates of people who were over the age of 40 had over and above one disease is very high, 53.6 percent, and the average is 0.98 diseases per person. (3) In the medical utilization, during the past year, the average of the hospitalization was 0.17 times per person, and the emergency treatment was 0.17 times. And during the past month, the average of outpatient services was 1.38 times per person. (4) The health risk behavior had a significant difference with the change of the demographics and the social economy. The severe group in health risk behavior is as follows: younger, male, less-educated, unmarried, countryside, and Taipei area. (5) By controlling the other factors, the health risk behavior didn’t have any significant affects about the number of diseases and the frequencies of emergency, but it had a significant negative affection in the frequencies of hospitalizations and outpatient treatments.

For the 5th point given above, the result didn’t match our expectation. It was probably related to the cross-section data which this study used to analyze. In more concrete speaking, people who had health risk behavior might have died already, if their illnesses were more serious. Thus the cross-section data just showed the people who were either truly healthy, or believed to be healthy, or had minor illnesses. And this reason led into the less medical utilization.

In this conclusion addressed above, this study advised the other researchers who will do the same kind of study in the future that they should analyze with a long-term traceable methods, and should add more factors into the study to show the effects clearly. This study also advised the health organizations that they should improve the physical examination for the people who had health risk behavior to understand their physical status explicitly.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與重要性 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 健康行為的定義 5
第二節 影響健康行為的因素 8
第三節 健康行為之間的群聚關係 12
第四節 國內外檳榔嚼食盛行情形和對健康影響 14
第五節 國內外吸菸、喝酒盛行情形和對健康影響 17
第六節 醫療服務利用行為模式 19
第七節 影響醫療服務利用之實證研究 35
第三章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究架構 39
第二節 研究假設 41
第三節 研究對象 43
第四節 研究材料 43
第五節 研究變項分類的界定 45
第六節 資料分析 49
第四章 研究結果 50
第一節 研究對象基本資料描述 50
第二節 影響健康危害行為情況之因素探討 62
第三節 影響自覺疾病狀況之因素探討 70
第四節 影響醫療利用率之因素探討 76
第五章 討論 100
第一節 研究結果之討論 100
第二節 研究限制 105
第六章 結論與建議 106
第一節 研究發現 106
第二節 結論 108
第三節 建議 109
參考文獻 111
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