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研究生(外文):LIU HSIN MEI
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Nursing Staff Perceptions of Reformed Hospital Accreditation in Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Nursing staffReformed Hospital Accreditation
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The Reformed Hospital Accreditation scheme (RHA), by way of external assessment, aims to urge hospitals to seek improvements in aspects such as patient rights, medical instruction, quality of treatment and patient safety, thus allowing the best possible treatment and care to be offered. Nursing operations are an important element in hospital accreditation, because nursing staff are at the core of patient care. When the quality of nursing care can be raised via the process of accreditation, this is undoubtedly of benefit to patient health. In recent years, following a number of major patient safety incidents in hospitals as well as the SARS crisis, the medical community has strongly felt the need for substantial reform of the accreditation system and its assessment criteria. Consequently, the Department of Health entrusted a team of experts from the Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation (TJCHA) to draw up a new accreditation system, which was formally brought into effect in the latter half of 2005. Nurse managers play an important role in setting up the systems, procedures and frameworks of nursing care in hospitals, whereas assistant nurses, as the frontline workers interacting with patients, are responsible for its practical implementation. Therefore, the objective of this study is to understand and compare the perceptions nurse managers and assistant nurses have of the assessment criteria and operation of the RHA Nursing Section, along with any discrepancies that may exist with the content suggested by the TJCHA. The study takes the form of a descriptive cross-sectional analysis, with samples taken from three regional/district hospitals participating in the RHA scheme from each of the northern, central and southern regions, a total of nine hospitals; the objects of the study were nurse managers and assistant nurses, and research was carried out by structured questionnaire.

The findings of the questionnaire were as follows:
(1) Perceptions of the accreditation criteria used by the RHA Nursing Section: the five criteria judged most important correlated exactly with the five placed top for relevance, of which “accuracy of drug delivery” and “sound administration of ward drugs and controlled drugs” (the two placed top for importance) were also judged to be easy in terms of preparation. In addition, the criteria placed sixth to tenth in terms of importance by both nurse managers and assistant nurses were largely consistent with those placed sixth to tenth for relevance. However, there appears to be no correspondence between perception of preparation difficulty, importance and relevance. Discrepancies in perception between nurse managers and assistant nurses largely arise from differences in work scope and level of familiarity with work tasks, which resulted in nursing managers placing greater emphasis on administrative aspects, and assistant nurses stressing clinical practice.

(2) The operation of the RHA Nursing Section: when it came to the appropriateness of the accreditation period, the accreditation period for hospitals with more than 250 beds was relatively controversial. Nursing staff strongly support and need evaluation, believe night time accreditation to be important, and support interviews during the accreditation period. However, regarding the consistency of assessment of carried out by accreditation officers, over one quarter of those surveyed believed this to be inconsistent. With regard to the proportion of total hospital accreditation criteria that the 155 items assessed by the Nursing Section make up, nurse managers hoped that this proportion can be reduced. With respect to the period of notification given prior to commencement of accreditation, many felt the present period of 14 days notice to be insufficient, on average suggesting that 24.79±17.76 days notice be given.

Some discrepancies exist between the assessment criteria laid out by the RHA Nursing Section, and nursing staff perceptions of such. Therefore, more consultation, communication and education should take place between accreditation officers, hospitals, nurse managers, and assistant nurses. It is hoped that the results and discussions presented in this study will be of useful reference to the TJCHA and nursing departments, and serve as a basis from which assessment standards can be amended and the next round of accreditation prepared for.
目 錄

第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與重要性
第二節 研究目的 2
第二章 文獻探討 3
第一節 醫院評鑑之相關概念
一、 醫院評鑑的定義與目的
二、 各主要國家醫院評鑑之發展與沿革 5
(二)澳洲醫院評鑑之發展與沿革 6
(三)日本醫院評鑑之發展與沿革 7
(四)台灣醫院評鑑之發展與沿革 8
三、各主要國家醫院評鑑之現況與異同 11
四、醫院評鑑對醫療環境之影響 13
五、醫院評鑑制度國際發展趨勢 15
第二節 新制醫院評鑑之相關概念 17
二、新制醫院評鑑醫療體系之重建 18
三、新制醫院評鑑之內容 21
四、新制醫院評鑑改善之方向 22
五、新制醫院評鑑與舊制之差異 25
第三節 護理評鑑之評量重點 27
二、台灣護理評鑑的沿革 29
三、護理評鑑在舊制醫院評鑑內容之項目及配分 32
四、護理評鑑在新制醫院評鑑之內容 35
五、護理評鑑在新制與舊制醫院評鑑之評量重點比較 37
第三章 研究方法 38
第一節 概念架構
第二節 研究問題
第三節 研究假設 39
第四節 研究設計
第五節 研究對象 40
第六節 研究工具 41
第七節 研究步驟 44
第八節 資料統計方法 45
第九節 倫理考量
第四章 研究結果 46
第一節 人口學特性分佈情形
第二節 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容之認知及其差異 48
二、相關性的認知及認知差異 53
三、準備上難易度的認知及認知差異 57
第三節 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑作業面之認知及其差異 64
第五章 討論 67
第一節 人口學特性分佈情形
第二節 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容之認知及其差異 68
二、相關性的認知及認知差異 71
三、準備上難易度的認知及認知差異 72
四、重要性、相關性與準備上難易度彼此間的關係 74
第三節 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑作業面之認知及其差異 75
第四節 研究限制 77
第六章 結論與建議 78
第一節 結論
第二節 建議 80
參考資料 84
附件一:問卷 87
附件二:專家效度名單 100
附件三:附表 101

表 目 錄

表 2-1 各主要國家現行醫院評鑑制度 11
表 2-2 各主要國家醫院評鑑辦理概況 11
表 2-3 各主要國家醫院評鑑委員資格 11
表 2-4 各主要國家醫療評鑑對醫院收取的評鑑費用 12
表 2-5 基準內容比較 25
表 2-6 基準項目比較 26
表 2-7 作業面比較 26
表 2-8 評鑑結果比較 26
表 2-9 民國八十年護理評鑑項目之指標項目、建議配分及建議
配分與原始配分之差異量 31
表 2-10 民國七十一年護理評鑑項目及配分 32
表 2-11 民國七十七年護理評鑑項目及配分 32
表 2-12 民國八十年護理評鑑項目及配分 32
表 2-13 民國八十八年「醫院評鑑暨教學醫院評鑑」護理作業
評量表之區域非教學醫院部分 33
表 2-14 評鑑基準類別 36
表 3-1 研究取樣醫院之ㄧ覽表 39
表 3-2 信度前測與正式施測結果 42
表 3-3 專家表面效度 43
表 3-4 統計分析方法 45

附表 1 人口學特性分佈情形 101
附表 2 身份別*地區、學歷、工作總年資與參與評鑑次數 102
附表 3 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容重要性的認知及
其差異 103
附表 4 各分類之題目及其總平均值    106
附表 5 對於新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容護理人員們
員認為題目重要性之排序   107
附表 6 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容護理主管認為題
目重要性之排序     108
附表 7 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容護理員認為題
目重要性之排序     108
附表 8 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容護理人員認為題目較
不重要之排序   108
附表 9 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容護理主管認為題
目較不重要之排序   109
附表10 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容護理員認為題目
較不重要之排序   109
附表11 新制醫院評鑑基準項目中護理組之必要項目 109
附表12 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容相關性的認知及
及其差異 110
附表13 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容中選擇相關與非
常相關加總人數之百分比及其題數 120
附表14 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容準備難易度的認
知及其差異 121
附表15 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容中護理主管與護
理員選擇困難、普通與容易的人數    131

附表16 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容準備難易度的說明 133
附表17 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑基準內容重要性、相關性
、準備上難易度總表 139
附表18 在各分類中重要性、相關性與準備困難度有差異性
之一覽表 141
附表19 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑作業面的認知 142
附表20 新制醫院評鑑護理組評鑑作業面的認知差異  144

圖 目 錄

圖2-1 以社區為基礎之醫療體系架構圖 18
圖2-2 S-P-O結構 19
圖2-3 新制醫院評鑑的基本思維 20
圖2-4 各種項目之範圍 24
圖3-1 研究架構圖 38
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