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研究生(外文):Yu-Huang Ni
論文名稱(外文):Application of Business Intelligence Framework to Activity-Based Management-A Case study for Precision Forging and Casting Industry
指導教授(外文):Jan-Shin Hon
外文關鍵詞:Activity-based Cost SystemActivity-Based ManagementBusiness Intelligence
  • 被引用被引用:21
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Because of information science and technology progress, the product change from the few diversifications to the abundant few types the production method, and it creates Overhead proportion large increase, and it causes the tradition cost system allocating overhead to create the distortion. Then, the Activity-Based cost system is in accordance to arise. The activity-based cost system starts with operation flow, and with the manner of two stage allocation. In order to allocate overhead to each products more accurately, At the same time, it according to the Activity value and product cost took the long-enduring improvement, improved the tradition cost allocation distortion situation.
When enterprises executing the Activity-Based cost system, due to the activities amount too much and work flow need to cross department, cause the data of collecting, gather and assort are not easily. It need to consumes massive manpower and time, thus can’t update in time. Maintain the cost system is difficult. Furthermore, the type of closing cost by a month or a season, therefore the manager can't handle the status of cost construction, can't make the most appropriate decision, causing the management by the Activity-based Cost System can’t administer easy. Now the financial affairs module of ERP system isn’t customizing for the ABC system and contiguously improvement of the ABM.
This research is a case study for Precision Forging and Casting Industry, and it uses the Business Intelligence framework building a set of more instant feedback system for the Activity-based Cost System. On the one hand, it uses the Data Warehousing from Business Intelligence to solve the problems of the data collection, compiles and the reorganization uncomfortably in the Activity-Based cost system, to reduce the waste of the personnel and time, and may obtain the date immediately which needs; on the other hand, it uses the data of the color management and graph function of the penetration vision system to achieve durative improvement of the Activity-Based Management.
According to the result above the Business Intelligence and the Activity-Based cost system、the Activity-Based Management Conformity. It expects other similar industries like Vehicle Parts Manufacturing Industry, also may do this for the reference. It still can use in the industry for various product and the product change rapid, to take as the reference introducing the ABC and ABM.
表 目 錄
圖 目 錄
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究問題與目的
1.3 研究流程
1.4 研究範圍與限制
第二章 文獻探討
2.1.1 傳統成本會計制度介紹
2.1.2 ABC之沿革與定義
2.2 ABC內容介紹
2.2.1 ABC之基本架構
2.2.2 ABC制度之適用時機與考量
2.3 商業智慧(Business Intelligence)
2.3.1 商業智慧的時代意義
2.3.2 商業智慧的新價值
2.3.3 企業策略管理
2.4.1 作業基礎管理的定義
2.4.2 ABM 績效管理的步驟
2.5 ABC與商業智慧相關研究整理
第三章 研究方法介紹
3.1 ABC與個案公司介紹
3.3 導入商業智慧(Business Intelligence)
3.3.1 商業智慧(Business Intelligence)的基本架構
3.3.2 商業智慧流程建置
第四章 作業基礎管理應用
4.1 作業基礎管理實施步驟
4.2 系統應用
4.2.1 系統介面說明
4.2.2 顏色管理與圖表
4.3 作業基礎管理
第五章 結論與建議
5.1 結論
5.2 對未來研究之建議
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