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研究生(外文):Lai Yu-Ming
論文名稱(外文):The Research of Environmental Behavior in Residential Cooking From the Users' Perspective
指導教授(外文):Chen Ming-Shih
外文關鍵詞:cooking behaviorkitchenpopulation
  • 被引用被引用:25
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本研究透過「觀察紀錄(non-participant observation)」從觀察中掌握烹飪行為之步驟、使用相關廚具和烹飪行為停留空間等實際情況,並從中探討可能產生之行為困擾即為本階段調查主要目的;再以「訪談紀錄(nonstructured interview)」了解受訪者的習慣、行為與使用空間的現狀困擾,以掌握烹飪行為之心理層面感受。最後以「問卷調查(closed questionnaire)」方式將民眾意見進行有效的量化,確切了解影響民眾烹飪行為的因素與評價以後,對於使用者行為的困擾及廚房設備的設置提出相關建議與意見。
“Kitchen space” has the household function of providing warmth and feeding and is also a place that uses the electricity, fire and water at the same time. This research approaches from “behavior” to discuss the relationship between cooking behavior, kitchen space and kitchen appliances in order to make the opportunity equal for more cooking populations. The purpose of this research is by creating a more comfortable cooking environment to make the process of cooking become smoother and easier.
This research, through non-participant observation, looks into environmental behaviors such as steps, usage of the relevant kitchenware and cooking spaces passed through in cooking process etc… and the purpose of this investigation at this stage is to discuss the possible problems that may occur; then is to look into the interview attendants’ habits, behavior and problems encountered in the cooking environment through nonstructured interview to understand the psychological feelings of the cooking behavior. In the final state, after making effective quantification of the people’s suggestions with closed questionnaire, with understanding of reasons and evaluations of people’s cooking behavior, suggestions and comments in the problems of the user’s behavior and the kitchen appliance configuration are made.
This research emphasizes on the proceedings of cooking behavior. By comparing the Behavioral Mapping Method we can find that cooking behavior is mostly at the basin (with sink), gas stove and refrigerator. Moreover, the distance between the dinning table and the basin has obvious influence on serving food. “Usual practice of experience” is the main personal factor affecting cooking behavior. Different cooking habits might affect time and frequency of cooking, arrangement of flavorings and appliances etc… Kitchens and appliances focus on the functions and standardization and are seldom designed for usability. This causes problems in cooking and many of those point to kitchenware or environment.
Speaking thoroughly, in respect of all cooking population, the planning of space and appliances should be placed importance in cooking behavior. Besides the practicability, the relationship between products and environment should be considered as well to avoid accidents or problems. Safety of cooking behavior must not be neglected, too; danger and problems should be avoided by product design and the space planning. Therefore, a good kitchen space should satisfy both physical and psychological needs of making user comfortable with the assistance of kitchenware and the planning of kitchen space, to fulfill more cooking needs.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機 3
1-3 研究目的 4
1-4 研究流程 5
1-5 用語定義 7

第二章 相關文獻回顧 10
2-1 通用設計Universal Design 10
2-2 環境與行為 13
2-3 廚房相關文獻分析 15
2-3-1 廚房空間 15
2-3-2 廚房設備 18
2-4 既有文獻對本研究之意義與定位 25

第三章 研究調查 28
3-1 烹飪行為觀察紀錄 29
3-1-1 調查目的 29
3-1-2 調查方法 29
3-1-3 調查對象 29
3-1-4 調查設計與項目 30
3-2 烹飪行為訪談紀錄 31
3-2-1 調查目的 31
3-2-2 調查方法 31
3-2-3 調查對象 31
3-2-4 調查設計與項目 32
3-3 烹飪行為意識問卷調查 33
3-3-1 調查目的 33
3-3-2 調查方法 33
3-3-3 調查對象 33
3-3-4 調查設計與項目 33

第四章 烹飪行為觀察紀錄 36
4-1 基本資料 37
4-2 烹飪行為紀錄 38
4-2-1 烹飪時間紀錄 38
4-2-2 烹飪行為動線紀錄 40
4-2-3 觀察對象行為之困擾點 52
4-3 觀察紀錄分析整理 54

第五章 烹飪行為訪談紀錄 56
5-1 自我滿意度評估 57
5-2 烹飪經驗彙整 60
5-2-1 備餐困擾經驗 60
5-2-2 烹調困擾經驗 62
5-2-3 收膳困擾經驗 64
5-2-4 綜合比較 66
5-2-5 受訪者期待與建議 68
5-3 訪談紀錄分析 69

第六章 烹飪行為意識問卷調查與結果分析 70
6-1 問卷目的 70
6-2 問卷進行方式 70
6-3 問卷結果與分析 70
6-3-1 受測者基本資料 71
6-3-2 廚房空間使用調查 73
6-3-3 烹飪行為時間 75
6-3-4 備餐行為困擾 78
6-3-5 烹調行為困擾 79
6-3-6 收膳行為困擾 82
6-3-7 其他身心感受困擾 84
6-4 調查結果分析 86

第七章 結論與建議 89
7-1 綜合考察 89
7-2 烹飪行為之影響因素 92
7-3 課題展開 96
參考文獻 97
<附錄一> 問卷範本 100
<附錄二> 卡方檢定值 104
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