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研究生(外文):Leon Lin
論文名稱(外文):Up-scaling with Edge Preservation Up-scaling with Edge Preservation Up-scaling with Edge Preservation
外文關鍵詞:image up-scalingarea pixel modelWinscalepixel-taggingstep-scaling
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影像放大(Image Up-scaling)為數位影像處理領域中的一個重要技術,當今已有許多各樣不同的影像放大演算法被提出。然而,這些演算法為了追求較高的影像放大品質,往往因運算量較高而限制了其即時處理的能力;而運算量較低的演算法,其影像放大的品質又經常不盡理想。Kim等人所提出的Winscale影像放大演算法,使用能直接在二維的影像座標上改變影像解析度的區域像素模型(Area Pixel Model),可以用簡單的運算方法達到不錯的影像縮放效果,然而此種創新之演算法其得到的影像品質仍然不如現今最常被使用的Bicubic演算法。
Image up-scaling is a significant technique in the area of image processing and a lot of image up-scaling algorithms have been proposed. However, in order to obtain a high quality scaled image, these algorithms often result in high operation cost and reduce the ability in real time process. On the other hand, algorithms with low operation cost are unable to make a high quality scaled image. The Winscale algorithm which proposed by Kim can adjust image resolution directly in its 2D pixel coordinates and obtain a not bad scaled image by a so-called “area pixel model”. But the quality of scaled image created by the new method is not better than that by the most commonly used Bicubic interpolation.
To improve the Winscale algorithm, we introduced a new method, called “pixel- tagging”, to create the relationship between source image and its scaled image. Applying the method, we proposed an algorithm which can make the scaled image smooth and preserve the edge distribution through the “step-scaling” process. By using the algorithm, we can obtain higher quality and less operation cost than that by Bicubic interpolation with some images.
摘要 2
英文摘要 3
目錄 4
圖目錄 6
表目錄 10
第一章 緒論 11
1.1 研究動機 11
1.2 研究目標 11
1.3 論文大綱 13
第二章 相關研究 14
2.1 函式內插法(Function Interpolation) 15
2.2 幾何內插法(Geometric Interpolation) 16
2.3 邊緣偵測內插法(Edge Detection Interpolation) 18
2.3.1 Sobel Filter 18
2.3.2 Laplacian Filter 18
2.3.3 型態學法 19
2.4 頻域內插法(Frequency Domain Interpolation) 21
2.5 次像素內插法(Subpixel Interpolation) 22
2.6 其他類型演算法 24
2.7 Winscale演算法 25
第三章 邊緣保留之影像放大演算法 31
3.1 基本概念 31
3.2 建立像素座標 33
3.3 像素標記 34
3.4 像素值計算 36
3.5 完整的影像放大流程 36
第四章 實驗結果 38
4.1 實驗方法 38
4.2 以本文方法用不同參數的比較 39
4.3 以Winscale與本文方法用相同參數的比較 42
4.4 以本文方法與其他演算法的比較 47
4.4.1 自然影像 48
4.4.2 人工影像 50
4.5 討論 53
第五章 結論 56
參考文獻 57
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