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研究生(外文):Jia-Fu Lin
論文名稱(外文):Motion Adaptive Deinterlacing Using Precise Interfield Information with Global/Local Scene Changes Detection
指導教授(外文):Ching-Tsorng Tsai
外文關鍵詞:interlaced scanprogressive scande-interlacing scanscene change
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近年來許多學者均提出相當良好的解交錯技術,不論是以像素為基礎(pixel based)或是以區塊為基礎(macro-block based)的插補方法,皆能有效提高影像品質。許多學者利用影片播放中大部份畫面都與前後影像有很大的相似度的特性,參考前後畫面的資訊作為插補的依據,通常都能獲得良好的插補效果,然而上述方法中大部份學者皆未考慮到影像畫面變動時的特性,由於影片播放中有時內容會呈現劇烈變化,或者產生所謂的場景轉換(scene change)現象,而此一現象的發生常會影響原本良好的插補效果,使消費者感受到不良的播放品質。
我們觀察影片場景轉換的特性,發現在發生場景轉換時,並非只有單純整個畫面內容的轉換,在許多影片中也存在著所謂區域場景轉換(local scene change)的特性,在區域場景轉換畫面中,只有部份區域有場景轉換的變動,而其他區域並未改變,仍然與前後影像保持一致的連貫性。我們建構一種動態像素與動態區塊的觀點,來偵測出影片中是否有區域場景轉換的發生,同時對於發生區域場景轉換的區域,我們亦觀察動態區塊的連通性(connected)來偵測出發生區域場景轉換的部份。在實驗模擬的結果中,我們能有效偵測出整場場景轉換與區域場景轉換的發生,並且同時使用適當的插補方法來插補各個區域,使畫面品質比其他學者更能提供良好的視覺效果。
The traditional NTSC system is broadcast in an interlaced scan technique. It reduces both the bandwidth required and large area flicker but it also creates undesirable visual artifacts and makes the lines flicker, twitter, and crawl. On the other hand, modern display devices like LCD displays, PC monitors, PDP displays and HDTVs require a progressive scan format. Thus, video de-interlacing techniques, which convert the format of interlaced images to progressive images, are important today to improve the quality of display.
All de-interlacing techniques are capable of improving the quality of the visual results; nevertheless, their performances are seriously affected by scene change. Global and local scene changes happen fairly often in film broadcasting and they tend to destabilize the quality of performance while de-interlacing technique is utilized. Jagged effect, blurred effect, or artifacts effect appears in most cases. Therefore, the issue of scene change needs to be addressed with the de-interlacing process. In the proposed method, de-interlacing begins with global and local scene changes detection, which is ensure that the inter-field information is used correctly. To improve the quality of de-interlacing, the factors of global and local scene changes are taken into account when de-interlacing techniques are applied. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm exhibits better performances than other interpolation algorithms.
英文摘要 ................................................III
目錄 …………………………………………………………………………..IV
圖目錄 .……………………………………………………………………….V
表目錄 ………………………………………………………………………VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目標 2
1.3 論文大綱 3
第二章 相關研究 5
2.1 考慮空間資訊之解交錯技術(INTRA-FIELD DE-INTERLACING) 5
2.2 考慮前後時間資訊之解交錯技術(INTER-FIELD DE-INTERLACING) 7
2.5 場景變化之偵測與判斷(SCENE CHANGE DETECTION) 12
第三章 場景變化偵測之移動適應性解交錯式演算法 15
3.1 區塊運動狀態之判別 16
3.2 整場場景轉換之判定 18
3.3 區域場景轉換之判斷與偵測 23
3.4 移動適應性解交錯演算法 28
第四章 實驗結果 33
第五章 結論 56
參考文獻 57
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