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研究生(外文):Jui-Tao Hung
論文名稱(外文):XML-Based Reuse Component and Pattern Library System
指導教授(外文):William C. Chu
外文關鍵詞:software reusecomponent reuseComponent-based software development
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在軟體發展的過程中,軟體分析與設計階段除了直接對新軟體程式從頭做開發外,亦可以從現有的軟體元件找出適合的應用在新的軟體上,減少開發時程與花費的成本。在軟體元件的取得上,可以從軟體重整工程的逆向工程(Reverse Engineering)的分析與處理中取得有用的資訊,再從順向工程(Forward Engineering)中將這些分析取得的資訊進行解析處理以產生新的程式碼;或者,這些程式也可能是透過良好設計而實作出來的物件導向的軟體元件,因為物件導向的特性,透過良好設計可以使得所需要的功能可以被完整的被包含在一個元件裡,就算需要修改,也不會去影響到其他部分。

雖然軟體重用(software reuse)或稱為元件重用(component reuse)已經在過去展現了其優點,然而,在實際執行上還有很大的不足之處,在元件式軟體開發的過程中(Component-based software development process),系統開發人員經常會從先前開發過的系統中找尋符合目前系統需要的元件,取來使用減少開發成本,但最大的缺點就是缺乏能提供瞭解程式元件的資訊,需要人為逐一檢視程式碼。本文將提出一除了可以檢索元件外,並能根據舊有系統組成模式建議使用者採用某元件集合之架構,將可預期組合成特定的功能,減少開發人員思索如何將元件組成的時間,提高開發效率。
Most of software development is to build a new system from the beginning. The same components may be rebuilt in different systems. It is inefficient and time consuming to build same component again and again. Recently, the concept of software component construction and reuse is more and more adopted in software development. Component reuse can not only reduce time but also decrease cost. In order to acquire reused software component efficiently, more and more researches are to develop and improve the technique of reverse engineering and forward engineering. Reverse engineering can get useful information from data analysis and data process Forward engineering can generate new code from the analysis information. In addition, the code generation is based on well-designed and well-organized Object-Oriented software components. Due to the characteristics of Object-Oriented, a component can be designed to contain complete functions. It also can be modified according requirements without effecting component structure.
Many advantages on software reuse, also called component reuse, have been proven in previous researches. There are still, however, a lot of problem in component-based software development process. One of the problems is to search components in old system. System developers try to find out required components in old system to reduce development cost. It is not easy to retrieve required components when lacking enough information about component contents. This paper proposed a retrieve technique. It can not only retrieve component efficiently but also give some useful advices. The advices contain old experiences and related components. The old experiences can help to develop a well-deigned system and the related components may help to construct a complete structure. The technique of components retrieval and components advices can reduce development time and decrease system cost.
中文摘要 I
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………II
章節目錄 III
表格目錄 V
插圖目錄 VI
第一章 序論 1
第二章 背景知識與相關研究 6
2.1 重用導向軟體開發流程 6
2.2 相關研究 7
2.2.1資訊擷取(Information Retrieval) 7
2.2.2 以知識為基礎(knowledge-based)方式 8
2.2.3 Web Services 8
2.3 eXtensible Markup Language (XML) 10
2.3.1 XML文件的資料驗證 11
2.3.2 XML連結其他資源的方法 12
2.3.3 XML輸出和文件轉換 12
2.4 UML(Unified Modeling Language) 13
2.5 Design Patterns 14
2.6 小結 15
第三章 元件與系統模式描述 16
3.1 系統概念 16
3.2 XML標籤對應 22
3.2.1 Component Model與XML tag 對應 23
3.2.2 Sys. Pattern Model與XML tag 對應 26
3.3 以知識為基礎的引導式設計 28
3.4 計數法 29
第四章 研究範例 32
第五章 結論與未來工作 37
參考文獻 38
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