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研究生(外文):Hsiung-Mao Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Exception Patterns for Exception Handling
指導教授(外文):Jung-Sing Jwo
外文關鍵詞:exception handlingexception patternsrobustnesssoftware frameworkdesigned patterns
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近年來由於全球資訊網的盛行,各種應用在網際網路上的系統軟體發展乃極為快速。而Java憑藉其跨平台特性,以及提供眾多建構與電子商務或企業電子化相關之技術,進而使得 Java 確立其在網際網路應用研究發展上的重量級地位。然而此類網際網路應用軟體,由於必須無時無刻不間斷地運行,因此軟體本身的強韌度必須更大於一般系統軟體。所幸Java技術本身即提供例外處理機制,對於用來發展強韌之網際網路應用軟體更是不二之選。
因此在本論文之中,我們預計使用「物件導向設計」(object-oriented design)中「設計樣式」(designed patterns)的精神,提出一個可以支援發展強韌Java系統軟體的「軟體架構」(framework)。在此架構下,例外處理邏輯和系統功能邏輯將被分開獨立撰寫,進而降低彼此間之耦合度。這樣不僅可增加原程式碼的可讀性,例外處理程式碼的寫作、修改及維護也變的更為容易。這對於需要發展強韌系統軟體的人員而言,將可大幅降低設計困難度。
同時透過本論文所提之軟體架構,我們可以進一步去找尋並定義出不同應用中所可能出現,並具備共通特性的例外及其對應處理。而這類例外及其對應處理方法,我們將之稱為「例外樣式」(exception patterns)。利用本論文所提之軟體架構並找尋建構常用例外樣式,將能夠幫助系統開發人員,更快速且有效地以Java技術設計出強韌的系統軟體。
In this paper, a software framework is proposed to help implementing robust Java applications. Based on the framework, the concept of exception patterns is introduced. With exception patterns, exception handling logic and application logic are decoupled and they can be implemented separately. Handling for new exception patterns can also be dynamically deployed without any further modification. By defining a strategical and global view of the exception patterns for an application in advance, application programmers redirect all the exceptions to the framework without knowing how to deal with them. It helps reduce the risk of delaying the exception handling design to the programming stage and therefore the effort of implementing a robust Java application is largely reduced while the capability of maintenance and reusability of the exception patterns are dramatically increased.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目次 iii
圖目錄 iv
第一章 、緒論 1
1.1 研究動機及目的 1
1.2 章節內容 2
第二章 、例外處理機制及 Java 例外處理機制 3
2.1 例外處理機制 3
2.2 Java 例外處理機制 4
第三章 、Robust Framework 的架構 15
第四章 、使用Robust Framework 開發系統的步驟及範例 25
4.1 開發階段 28
4.2 部署階段 33
第五章 、Robust Framework之特色及優、缺點 37
5.1 特色: 37
5.2 優點: 38
5.3 缺點: 39
第六章 、Robust Framework之討論 40
第七章 、結論 44
參考資料 45
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[5].Lemos, R., Romanovsky, A., “Exception Handling in a Cooperative Object-Oriented Approach,” Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC'99), Saint Malo, France, May 1999, pp 3-13.
[6].Romanovsky, A., “An Exception Handling Framework for N-Version Programming in Object-Oriented System,” Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing, Newport Beach, California, USA, March, 2000, pp 226-233.
[7].Xu, J., Romanovsky, A., and Randell, B., “Coordinated Exception Handling in Distributed Object System: From Model to System Implementation,” Proceedings of the The 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, pp 12-21.
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