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研究生(外文):Hung-Wen Chen
論文名稱(外文):Effect for 2-mercaptobenzothiazole and Potassium iodide on Electroless Copper Deposition
外文關鍵詞:Electroless Copper platingadditivesUltrasound agitationElectrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
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化學鍍銅過程中,甲醛的氧化反應會釋出氫氣,其會影響鍍浴的穩定性。因此良好的攪拌方式,可以快速去除氫氣,進而改善膜厚分佈以及鍍浴穩定性等多項優點。一般常見的攪拌方法:( 1 ) 空氣攪拌( 2 ) 超音波震盪( 3 ) 工件移動(陰極擺動)。
交流阻抗技術在電化學的應用相當廣泛,例如腐蝕工程、半導體、電池工業,電鍍程序和電化合成等方面,最主要它可提供一些反應動力學和反應機構上的訊息。本文利用電化學阻抗光譜(electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS)來研討添加劑2-mercaptobenzothiazole影響化學鍍銅析鍍之機制,並模擬求出以銅為工作電極之電化學電解之等效電子電路圖。研究發現在含有添加劑之化學鍍銅鍍液中,以銅為工作電極之電雙層電荷轉移阻抗值 與電容值 都有增加。
Copper is replacing aluminum as the advanced ULSI interconnect material because
of its lower resistivity and better electromigration performance. Currently in the ULSI
industry, copper is deposited by electroplating. But an adhesion/barrier layer and
high-quality seed layer is required. Electroless copper plating offers the advantages of
lower cost relative to other techniques such as CVD and PVD.
In this thesis, Electroless copper deposition effects on electroless plating with two
additives, 2-mercaptobenzothiazole and Potassium iodide, were studied and reported.
Electroless copper deposition is used widely in pratice. The properties of deposits and
the stability of plating solution depend most on the effect of the additives. When
additives have been added, they not only increase charge transfer resistance and
apparent activation energy but also produce a smooth coating that has a finer and
smaller grain structure than that without grain refiners. The element analyses of
deposition were explored via X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron
spectroscope (XPS), respectively.
AC impedance measurement, when applied to the study of electrochemical systems,
can provide a wealth of kinetic and mechani- stic information. The technique is
becoming popular for the study of corrosion engineering, semiconductors, battery
industries, electroplating process and electro-organic synthesis.
These results show that with addition of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole as additive
the borate buffered electroless copper plating solutions was stabilized and the plating
rate was decreased from 14.68 μm hr to 5.860 μm hr with addition of 20
mg L 2,2’-Dipyridine, surface morphology of copper deposition was smoothed, the
texture coefficient remained the same within experimental error, the size of the
crystal was decreased, the oxygen content of copper deposition was decreased, the
resistivity was decreased from 51.49μΩ − cm to 6.83μΩ − cm with addition of 20
mg L 2-mercaptobenzothiazole in plating solution.The charge transfer resistance
and double layer capacitance of the working electrode were increased.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與本文大綱 5
第二章 原理與文獻回顧 7
2.1化學鍍原理 7
2.2化學鍍銅之反應式及反應機制 9
2.2.1 化學鍍銅之反應式 9
2.2.2 反應機制 10
2.3鍍浴組成及特性 12
2.4鍍浴之攪拌方式 15
2.4.1 空氣攪拌 15
2.4.2 陰極擺動 16
2.4.3 超音波震盪器 16
2.4鍍浴之攪拌方式 15
2.4.1 空氣攪拌 15
2.4.2 陰極擺動 16
2.5化學鍍銅之活化處理 18
2.4.1 空氣攪拌 15
2.4.2 陰極擺動 16
2.6添加劑的效應 20
2.7交流阻抗分析 21
2.7.1 交流阻抗光譜原理 21
2.7.2 交流阻抗光譜的基本解析圖 25
第三章 實驗方法 29
3.1實驗藥品 29
3.2基材 30
3.3基材之前處理 31
3.3.1 前處理配方 31
3.3.2 前處理之作用及目的 31
3.4鍍浴之配方 33
3.5化學銅析鍍攪拌方式 34
3.6化學銅析鍍實驗步驟 35
3.6.1 基材前處理流程 35
3.3.2 化學銅析鍍之流程圖 36
3.7銅層性質分析 37
3.7.1 分析儀器及其量測原理 37 掃描式電子顯微鏡 37 四點探針電阻率量測儀 38 X-ray螢光測厚儀 39
3.8交流阻抗光譜儀之實驗方法 40
3.8.1 鍍浴之配方 40
3.8.2 實驗步驟 41 交流阻抗光譜之各項操作條件 41 交流阻抗光譜操作程序 42
第四章 結果與討論 43
4.1不同添加劑對析鍍速率及鍍層厚度之影響 43
4.1.1 重量分析法 43
4.1.2 儀器量測法 48
4.2鍍層之電阻分析 55
4.3鍍層表面形態之分析 59
4.3.1 不同攪拌方式之表面形態 59
4.3.2 不同添加劑對化學銅鍍層之表面形態 60
4.4交流阻抗光譜之探討 73
4.4.1 奈奎斯特圖 (Nyquist plot) 73
4.4.2 波特圖 (Bode plot) 74
4.4.3 等效電路模擬圖 75
第五章 結論 78
第六章 參考文獻 80
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